Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (2025)

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (1)[...]S-La-31

Legacy Hardcopy Records Container S-La-31 08/3649
Reserve Bank of Austr[...]II II II 11 II II
Secretary's Department - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - Ju[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (2)[...]S-La-31[...]YuAitr 1;4e.S I :3


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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (3)[...]S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (4)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (5)[...]S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (6)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (7)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (8)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (9)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (10) S-La-31


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (11)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (12)[...]S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (13)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (14)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (15)[...]S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (16)[...]S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (17)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (18)[...]S-La-31


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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (19)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (20)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (21)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (22)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (23)[...]S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (24)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (25)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (26)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (27)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (28) S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (29)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (30) S-La-31

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Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (31)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (32)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (33)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (34)[...]S-La-31[...]r of the 29th i4 tliptember
(4144,41,4. be glad 4,7 you muld let 'AL haie the usual. particular*
49 relAii. to 41, the temporary bemwho were[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (35)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (36)[...]S-La-31[...]the Anglo Rgyptian Bank Ltd.,
in reference to tne Laperial Ottoman '1.nk Ltd., although Perth
has not the facility of issuing direct Telef'raphic Transfers on the
Ierussl[...]the Anglo -!',Icrptian Bank Ltd.
In this 'connexion we shall be, glad if -ou wo;ld advise
us how the position stands, sis we understood froL your letter No.
480 of tl'!e 17th January last that you w/ore then in communication
with Clia Agent wtth tl&e ob j ec o extending to all of our metropol-
itan offices the facllity of direct transf[...]ad Office.

4e enclose herewit a translation of n letter received
by us from the above named Agent dated 4th September, to wIlicu we[...]e of
the Bank Athens in regard to a Draft, payment of whIch W;(13 refus-
ed on the grounds tivat i[...]-Ne nal, re-
ceived a reply intimating that under Law No.1338 of the 16/28th
April a cheque dr-lein abroad on Greece must be presented. for payment

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (37)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]ntd.
within onehundred days after the date of issue.
On the other hand in accordance with article 15 of the
same Law, the Drawee has the right to effect pay-ent even though
ti uheque mar be presented too late, provided saMe has not been
In away this is confl ictin g and
cancelled by the issuing party.
apparently the Belli( f Athens are not exercising their right under
Article 15 of the Law referred to.
As you are aware A is most undesirable for our Drafts to[...]occasions Greeks have purchased Draft s at this offic e and have
sae for various periods before presenting them for payment as nec-
e s sary.
In view of[...]urther advice in connexion with the matter and advise us in order
that we may take the necessary s[...]selves.
NATIO AL P*OTI OT' GLA 0/iicre Zealand coil-[...]e in regard to
various transactions on New Zealand on behalf of our English Agents
we would like t draw their attentio[...]of the
;tales Stamp Duties Act provides that all Bills drawn outotherwise,count
try, irrespective of Whether they are[...]with local Stamp Duty before presentation for payme

Our object of bringing this matter under notice is, of
course, in the interest of their clients, for .under the presen t sys-
tem all Bills on New Zealand which are sent through us requis re to be
stanneW both here and in New Zealand, thereas if arranrreaent are
made for e[...]o n in Stamp
Duty would be avoided.
The above named Bani: has written to our tielbourne Offic[...]under date of '6th Oltober i acitnowledging lists of autho rised
tures which they at!vis(? have been distributed amon g, the Branc
mentioned in the covering conv,unication.
No correspondence can be traced at this end and we think
it possible tee matter may[...]have received a oommunication from this Agent request.
ing that we send them a booklet of specimen signatures of officers

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (38)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]INGTON. D.C. C )ntd.
authorised to sign on our behalf, but we anticipate by t1;.i
the necessary booklet will laave been sent direct fro , your s time
and have advised. them accordingly. office[...]FOREIGN AGENTS. 1//

shall be glad if you will be good,enoull to ,btain
fro our Foreign Agents 40 specimens of their vario
facsimile siJmatures for'distribution among a numbeus forms and[...]r of new branch-
es, which it is anticipated will be opened in the near[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (39)[...]S-La-31


("The Peopl.. elts 13te)[...]In
this connexion we take this opport[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (40)[...]S-La-31


No.[...]Degr S
wrote last on r -e hic

date[...]f:s -A 318t 0-Uo3

tne resent time we have ,detioA-ly iiii3O,03 on t-

market, whils- 4-,.fere is atr, date soilit,Li! over[...]from iEw. Connection.wL

the Queensland Lon.

Some of ther 1348 :: e t[...]cred1 or tne. Whet 'oard and he various StL Governla6,

• as well the briaane

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (41)[...]S-La-31

,$) ebal ce.'1'[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (42)[...]S-La-31

Witn -re .rd[...].

No doulJ you hv tis . Lt uliy ifl viw,

•[...].„,,,, ,..6 01' ,11 ,p',..,071-1_,-Lisis anythin-,:::: further w4iic ::-..t.c1 r)e doc,-,e , -0-y, - -
this class of ec lo to d[...]your coaauni-
caAon o".' 22nd S-,ptemL,e7. 1/ist 72[...]ver tipear to be quite imaccordance with 0u. requirements
but we 'fresume th you will, in due couIse„ forward -s
further coy of the Cover Note, .slain:: incse in the[...]ip d by any one yeas oula Li
ci Aka,- C.
We thank you for your advices .1.!4 to t,his
Gen,iern'n's s.)„2 ed clatTi on -Funds in Ctia,e1',[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (43)[...]S-La-31

0[...]thatevery,hi. -os ibl, h?, oeen one -nd

the claim und ess.
130K. OF- 0' NSLAP
e are'p[...]nd Lt

tha, Queensla,d Govtrnmcnt Ins43„ S' F k 3% 1.22/4, th

extent f £25,000 is ld 3y you n ,) les o. this

cone, and 'Gen rs[...]- amount te
r red his- e sad u will

ot ,o hii wisi[...]flic De :r4-u-
merit for the quarter e:ded 30th Jun 1,1st.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (44)[...]S-La-31


lalagilia, 28th October, 1921.

The Governor,[...]a good deal of ignorance
regarding the facilities we can oiler to intending
emigrants fr4m ngland to Australia in the matter of their
cash requirments. If it were widely known
ir a position t[...]on
office, mu save ourselves expense of transmission and
the maigrents a good deal of worry and also expense.
lvve r epee before me of a man who not Allowing he
could possibly obtain Australian totes in gland brought
out 21400 in British TrePsury .hotes, being scoured by
Orient Com[...]eet he travelled) he

would receive n premium of 3Arom us. This calculation
Dears to have been based on the fret that the negotitting
rite London on Austrlia is at the moment fladthnt a.
like rate would prevail her**
ibis Immigrant had to way to the Orient Compnny li% on[...]ly,
(80.).olan Scott.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (45)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (46)[...]S-La-31

75/1021. No.798. Credited Quens1and Government £151000 received from
Utibank[...]kly Figures. -
28/10/21. SOO. Credited Queensland Government furth er £125,000 received
fro[...]" 4.30
Paris T/T Vt tt[...]380.
Lisbon Vt tt Vt Vt[...]tt ft tt 2/8.

Copra market firmer to-day due to npecul-tive buying South Sea[...]and after
111 let November. No ,T.iscount to he alIow. e.d on transactions under[...]ll be vr. Eb,stern
African and American T/T on Austrnlia V- discount if covered
in London by te[...]stern African
rate will be par American I% di s count. If payment aFainst
shipping documents involved rate % less in all cases. May we[...]Confidential. Commonalth Lcn ubscriptions to this
evening number 3,017 for total £1,779,120 list will close to-
morrow evening,[...]bably
amount to £2,000,000. Nivison and self strongly recommend that
after allotment Trirket be support e d if necessary to extent o[...]ai , ould take
£200,000 and Nivison £1000000 as in the case of the South Aug..
trlia,, nd Tas7anian lo a n in -1-lich 1t was succesfury done.[...]803. Agent-GenE-ral C,Ijecnslpnd hls instructed me to withdraw
£1,000,000 °'rom the money market to-morrow and pl-ce to his
drawing account to be available for withdr,Iwnl by cheque
His reason not mentioned hut we know he is working in 2lose , ccord
with Bank of Ennland holdin7 us at arms length. Owing to tem-[...]Governent borrowing
on way -nd mean9 flo9ting balance consisting nel, moneys are
ofrered at low rte hence for the moment Que=ns11,Ind balance not
as productive as In ordi[...]the rate earned to-day on
Queensland funds beirw 9s follows:- 025,000 f!% £250,0[...],000 4%.
27/10/21 804. Credited Quei-nsland covernrnent EV-)5,000 received from[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (47)[...]S-La-31

cALLEL.Eill[...]. 805. Commonwealth Loan £E,000,000 closed this evening 40%
applied for by public, 8[...]number 5,302 for £1,993,150 chilled feature of this
issue being the exceptionally large proportion of small appli-
. cation[...]the kingdom and the
small number of large individual applications. One rEnson for
latter is thHt-, recent New South "ales .1d Nigerian IcY-Jv[...]were over-subscribed by stag aprlicants are at a discount this
discouraging speculators.

27/10/21. 808. Referring to our telegra[...]from market as instructed by Agent-General C7aeensland
and paid his cheque in favor of Bank of England for £944,000.
I informed Agent-General purport of your cables of 2[...]acting under the Instructions of the
Premland Government £125,000
received from National CityWk., 1.anlomened to-day
on Stock Exchange at 5/18t[...]ales Wheat crop
arranged through English Banks I learn confidentially that the
money will be raised by floating N.S.W.Govt. Treasury Bills on the
market in the ordinary way without any relation to Wheat.

28/10/21. 808. referring to yo[...]1,000,000 from market Loan
Account to his Drawing Account on 27th October and then intimated
he was issuing cheque for the amount. I twice strongly urge[...]read to him
your two cables but he insisted that his cheque must be paid and
we had no alternative but to meet it on presentation by the Bank
of Ent7land. He definitely stated he was acting under Premier's
instructIons. We propose to credit all further remittances
1111) from America to Queensland Govt. No.2 Account and lend to market[...]Agent-General. Regarding Press
announcement Australian Press Association tell us confidentially
information was given them direct by Agent-Genral Queensland.

29/10/21. 809. Credited Queensland Government £125,000 received from
National C[...]FipAires.

1/11/21. 812. Credited Quensland Government £125,000 received from
Citibank. Credited Colonial Combin71 Spinning & Weaving Co. £5,000
received from Merchants' National Bank.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (48)[...]S-La-31

4. CPLFf[...],op,n tivA the
sank should come in later to supprt ar,rket end prefer to
keep clear of it. Queensland funds our arranen„ant with
3ovrnment is, funds will rem*in with us in London till oth,Jr
wise re- uired Rnd all withdrils will be uthoried from this
end. Will communicate with Government Aid dvioo you further.
Am informing them utmost care necci317y to .void disturbing
r ni avAter sh[...]i
this ll ply to whole ComonweAAh. Other ,5rrfulgementE
PTpe!Jr to be rritte:r for 9: oh Bank to settle wiLh its o'rn
Agents. At close buc[...]e
estimte Profit and Loss advising by cble.

27/10/2, No. 70F3[...]iegr1,. of to ,th:y followin
message now received from uen I r1frrearz:urer-[...]legrhm_ re Lonlon a-.,;zer's ndvicet e,urpri-e me. The
present loan ePtirely in your h,g-nidF, will consult Premier
this afternoon -nd ascert&in whether kgent-Gc4ner61 is •ct1n-
under instruction s[...]hould nst 11;,ve been allo,ed especilly artor our meFc.-:c of

yocterd7y.[...].r,tf.te .,:overn-
ment h trAnferred ;.merican LcLn to London nt
premium proba ble to thirdE of plmount 4c.111 be employed to
meet London commitments: nd balance ramitted to :ueenclend.
C[...]sfld py Royal Bank of
Australis. Tti.

29/1 L 4,1• No. 70.9. ov,rnor will bd in ,uoltourne from onIsy to
Thursdy e lusive.

31/10/21. No. 710. then instalme nt £3001 000 BriFibne Ipsvich[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (49)[...]S-La-31

3LETQ LONDO[...]2. Debit LeA. Office £ 50,000 f p En.-71ish Scol
Austr:Llian Bank Ltd.

2 l'/[...]1,3tter 20th June. Shipping document or store warrant
mwt b held covc4i[...]rent and'averdraft.— Shippin!.
documents unsold cargoes avAy be handed Hassan for purp6Fe
of affectin storage pending lodzmentore warrants.
.r, t(7'Jod croo[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (50)[...]S-La-31

No. 174[...]ures for cablinc in the orier shoune
laittrn10 ,.-10 :Alan be glad if you will haw:, the
raturns defroat[...]fprt their Aurrung.
3trateentn of Liabilities and Ae,. (0-.B and[...]ottn:nding Item

a you ,.to truarr, it is most larnortrtnt to have the
returno ,nnuneyn forwa[...]re
receive then we are unable to close off tit, balance sheet *
uaunl Jil[...]the Auflitorenbrall by first ',lost after
the brilance date in t7 -,e it nay be tiec,..ntriry[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (51)[...]S-La-31

Total L: abiliLie or Assets
£ishand Colonial Bran-h, Balane Cr, Before Transfer of Profit[...]r. General Account,
4, Bills Payable (include Colonia ulr L/C Outstanding and[...]Australian Not ea
ey at ghort Call
411Balanees due from Other Banks and No tes of nks lading
ircasury 1:r0tett (Show one tOta..),
. B[...]Gov Accounts
12 Current Accounts Cr. State Government Accounts

13 ff -[...]d
Government Account •
14 • ommoresealth $oirernment Shipping Ac unt,[...]Credit A/c Show one amountonly)

411117ixed Deposits
1.6 Deposit In te x-,, f , t e -it-1,-rved
17 Pos[...]20 Other Bank Cheques Held
21 Savings Bank Denartment Ace unt
12 Savings Bank Depositors' balances.

0-aavings ,flank Department Deposit Inter rat Accrued

4,Inter Branch Transfer A c (net balance)
25 Profit and Loss General Banking Dept,[...]Hon.! Office
30 credited by Baxclays.Bank
31 Lond[...]National: Provincial & Thlion Ba I: of :lag and Ltd,

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (52)[...]S-La-31

33. Tcti „1, r by Bar lays Bank for Half Year
if London County Leltminster & Parris Bank
34[...]onalip Provthial & Union In11: of :-;ngland
for Half Year
36, 4'4 n credited by Barclays Bank
37. Lond[...]National Provincial & Union Thank of England
Olt ion cATeditted by Barclays Bank for Half Year[...]Itaksicnalb Provincial Union of
England for Half Year,

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (53)[...]S-La-31[...]4'500 blit 11.1 the f3,1re entry is eltown, in your[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (54) S-La-31

LONDO R_NO._1[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (55)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (56)[...]S-La-31

ZWJ:WMR.[...]ear Sir,
We have comaunicated with Melbourne Branch in regard to
the remarks contained in your letter, No. 727 of the 29th September
last, and now enclose herewith copy of their reply,[...], credit in view of
the fact that it was 'unconfirmed'. In his letter Melbourne Managez
states that he has heard of other Banks having lost large sums of
money by negotiating drafts under similar unconfirmed credits, and
in vier of this knowledge he was naturally not prepared to 1,ct w[...]u.

As you are, of course, aware, there is a c nsiderable
divergence of oeinion even in Banking circles as to the exact mean-
ing of an tunconfrme4 credit.' On some sides it is held that the
issuing Banker merely has the right to cancel it at any time, and
that such cancellation c nnot be made retrospective, and only relat-
es to transactions initiated after the date of cancellation. (in
the other hand the view is held in well informed quarters that the
Banker issuing under the credit is not under any le -1 obligation
to accept the drafts even if negotiated before cancellation.
We have referrd-to a book entitled 'Bankers Credits',
recently issued by Wm. F.Spalding, on pafee 45 of which. ie contained
a reference to this subject. This, however, leaves the question
practically indefin[...]io4s through our Agents in respect of fully confirmed
credits, we naturally hesitate *hen the credits are udconfirmed.
Perhaps you wial nut this view of the matter before our friends the
London[...]er Parr? s Bank in order that they may
understand Melbourne's action in declining to act under[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (57)[...]S-La-31

The Manager[...]g WESTMINSTER & PARR'S BA1K #11)1 .\/
Special Account.

Statements received from this Agent dated 26th September
and 3rd October last indicate our balance in their books 'as debits
amounting to Z6,503.16.6. and £8,702. - 11. respectively, which you
will readily understand is quite outside the arrangements made for
the conduct of our Special Account with them. In this regard we
1 er last, and wc
wrote you in our letter No.132 of the 23rd Septe ::
take Viis opportunity of advising you further herein in order to
keep you well informed on the matter.
*Je observe that the debit balance comprises a considerabl(

number of collections on New Zealand, D'articularly theire Nos.70817A
totaling nearly £6,000. In view of collections on New Zdaland re-
quiring local stwn duty we wrote you fu[...]he interest of
their clients we thought it advisable that they should arrange for
such bills to be sent direct to New Zealand.
IRVING NATIOkiAL BMX. NEW YORK. V[...]letter No. 727 of the 29th Septe Aber we
assume from the copy of the comnunicltion sent to you by this Agent
on 14th September last that it is more or less of a general nature,
and has been sent, by them to their various Agents throughout the
World.[...]ount with all collections sent
to us under special arrangements between our respective institutions


For your information we may advise that we are writing to
the Irving National Bank to this effect.
A draft drawn by this Agent dated 19th September last
N. 41593, fa7oring the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Aust-
ralia, Board of Foreign missions, for J1325.18.8. bs been presented
to an[...]Office.
As you are aware the arrangements existing with this In-
,titution provide only for the encashment of direct Drafts drawn on
them by our Branches, ,and the negotiation of drawings under our cir-
cular Letters of Credit. In view of their action in drawing this
Draft we think it may be possible that they have misunderstood the

arrangements made in the first instance, therefore, we shall be
pleased if you will communicate with the-- advising us of the result
in due course.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (58)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]4
The remarks contained in your letter No.727 h ve been[...]approached on the matter. While we
quite appreciate that, As you state, it nay be someWhet difficult
to induce these Institutions to alter the forms they have adopted,
we wish to formally establish the fact that they have not an accoun
with us, it being purely our account with them in London, and we
consider it most importarN-[...]orm of advice adopted by the Nat-
ional Provincial & Union Bank of England Ltd., in connexion with

their Mail Transfers issued on us, which is merely et out in
letter form, and we resume there should be no difficulty in hav-
ina the required alteration made thereon.

We thank you for the coy of the letter received from
the foreign office of this Ngent, intimating they nos nave two
branches at Oxford, and as desired we have recorded the name of
the additional Branch for inclusion in our lists of Agents and
Correspondents when same is reprinted.

143-0YDS rOVTW1 iAT BANK iG L"

The Branches which this Agent has recently opened at

Geneva and Roubaix: have been recorded to undertake tie encashment
of direct Drafts nd the neotiation of drawings under our Circular
Letters of Credit.

'!e have a[...]regard to the import-
ance of Roubaix, -which is the centre of the French Woollen trade.
Prov ncial & Union end. Lt4,
Attv ione,1:Rn4 of South
Credit Suisse.
4pclito It rino../7

We thank you for the information contained in your letter[...]er
the lOrcadest a small case containing specemen signature booklets
issued by the Nati:)nal Provincial &eUni n Bank of 71'!.17.and
Nation- I Bank of South Africa Ltd., and the Credit Saisse'.

We have also noted that[...]ourse. We wrote you a mail or
two ago intimatime that this gent had sent e fen direct to a* siaall

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (59)[...]S-La-31

The litanagr,[...]e in o (der.
We wish to thank you for the inf ,)rmation concerniw-7 the
alliolmhce to Arnerienn Banks of premiums on Telegraphic Transfers
despatched to Australis.
Yours fai lly,[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (60)[...]S-La-31


MELBOURNE. 15th Novr. 1921.

The Governor,[...]dated 14th

instant, and in reply have to advise that it was not thought ad-

visabl_ to act under such a cablegram where payment of drafts was

not guaranteed in the usual way. I have heard that other Banks
here lost large sums of money negotiating drafte under similar

credits, In my view it is essential they should be guaranteed


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (61)[...]S-La-31[...]17th £OVeIAbI, 121.

The iilana7cr,
Dra Sir/

•[...]C3 000 00:. on ccount of variou2
State Governments,

As egrds. the Met Boardilioneysi 1.1 C — t

er[...]Governal€11% •
the Baiiks foir pyment cf further 1/- 'crthel*to Fartars[...]nks, of account t this; end. This ill ir ..o
th t i'aximc[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (62)[...]S-La-31

The various Stte Governments will be grd.&Aly

trancferrimj further fun[...]'month
of Decomber on 77.ccount of the Queensland Government.
Owing no doubt, to the Avi[...]vices

still shoy that the rate between Banks is bet en 50/- an.1 35/-
per cent.
Our oyn Jut-riluo at your send is 3t esent arox-

imately £1,5000 000„ 7.4rid this. All be added to as moneys belongin,
to the Thileat thoFrd nd vrious State Governments ,,tre trnsferra

to Australia. It is, therefore, quite ithin the oounas 01
possibi[...]from YielbournE: to Lcion on _ccount of

the laove Compan- hve in the icst inc.,Luded.
17,21 000„00 per an-um tr.arsfared from Ne-Zeland. At the

Coadanyls reqth, twe lave no '.-frand that these New i,eind
transfers[...]e xk of

New Zeand. The arrnment is that the nk of Nev. Zeaind there

cable remIttancesto its London Office once or tUce
may be desired[...]nd being thereafter - eAA itn in the isailiw
ey h7,d been remitted from

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (63)[...]S-La-31

3.[...]-)%tion m,4 say th::t our
arrngement yitil the 3ank of Eew Zeniand vi[...]rPmittnces the London cov±r ratb ru1i-17 from time

time :)F.- een Austr A.[...]6

The result of .this arrnement iLLtbt

a cumult -[...]finne(,
our trnnsp.ctions vAth the various Governments, or ;:A.terntive.i.y,

to aell London covr- to[...]SouthAustrlian

Loans'in London ere h4ewith confirmed s..nd 77ndwledged. As in-
timeted to you in our•raot recent mess, e have requested the
South Australin Government, through our A4elAde 31nch, to cuie

,,he Agent G,,, ner-y1 full - a[...]" C3

so th-t vh the time i ri:re-the only mtAters left to is: :rr

ilI be the rete cf interest ed ter[...]The GoVernor, you kno„ is t± -eL.:Ent in
Melbourne, ylli 12,c5 sk the Common. ve[...]m?1 bc.? in yed-ne6s•dso flea
thf,i- turn come,„ in this connection ths[...].1‘ iii
probably be in London .;_n time for Xt Lo 0 a[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (64)[...]S-La-31


We are the .11,1th,is f L246,030 in iNer
Govrhment Det -n,re, -hich mure on 1st *,,J,ratry next. Ph
f •

Zealn:, Lloverment some little tim o,_,croc!ied us ri,i[...]deenturs bat ve inforwed
them thtt this ould not suit he- oubseque[...]end,

Thouh thin i11' is booked to ive in London. on[...]be neiee r,&1, Qri
YOU in time Sn in coil'ng you as i'llentiOned
At the time t(Iled you 15th - instnti the
New Zcaland,Governmert hd ntri od the question of v,,,etaer
vvould ?,..11oT them ;,, ny cremium on London money l nor fl
4_[...]m-ttcr beon touched uon

Government, cWoled us
11 .. 1.1ow them remium of 15/.4, which is th'e uot-•[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (65)[...]S-La-31

a reduction of 1.5/ -we shll [- LA if ycu A.11 char.„?;
,o your on Exch[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (66)[...]S-La-31

CA3LES TO[...]714. Debit klead Office £1000 000 and pay English Scottish
ci Australian)Buk[...]o _
3/11/21. *rom Melbourne.)
Confilantiia Brisbane Water Board heferrin to your cable
No. 813 Queensland Premier advises no Mortae was ever
executed by the board in favour of Government for the loans
advanced by the Tre[...]and 85 C 3 of Act 12 George Fifth No. 2 it is provided that
Debenture and Stock s[...]and
revenues of Board howsoever arising subject to any prior •
inscribed Stock or cl .oentures issued under the Act No Stock
or debentures had previously been issued so that the recent
£1,000,000 loan is the first charge upon rEwenues of the Board

4/[...];31 000
account Gold Producers' Association and credit Head Office plus
premium at £i/2/6 per cent debiting latter your xchange A/c.

04)11/21. No. 716. D[...]ice £1.50,000 and pay Ban., of
Austviasia £1900 000 Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris
£50,000. On 7th Novemjer th:oit[...]er £100,000
and pay 3an'K of Australasia.

5/11/21. No. 717. Referring to your t[...]t present to enter into
such arranzement.

5/11/21. No. 718. Referring to your te[...]require minimum of seven millions but full requirements ten
millions during current financial year to 30th June. if you
couidarr[...]uitable to Commonwealth. Consult
Nivison and advise us what he sugzests.

/11/21. No. 71g. Queensland AgentGeneral
- has cabled advisin Inland
Revenue Autnorities have ruled certain local undertakin:zs such.[...]ebentures against 1% for
Municipalities. Agent-General requested co-operate with
representatives of other Governments endeavour to have Brisbane
Water i)oard's Loan reconised as a Municipal security and Board[...]elegram of 31st October, No.
710, Brisbane Water Joard, please advise whether transaction
completed.[...]ep in close touch

with R. Nivison & Co., and advise us fully immediately time is
opportune for issue of either South Austrlian or Commonweal[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (67)[...]S-La-31

44 •

No. 722. Please advise us forecast immediate future
tendency Copra MarK[...]th instant,,.

No. 723. Treasury advise foiiowin message bin,spatched
to Acting i'4igh Commissioner London piesa renew bills
L10967,005 for six months also pay similar amount to Treasury
out of the proceeds of new loan. atter actiorl is to be
conditional on Treasury pin you[...]I-ot :cilolv why
necessary to rcnow bl'is if amount is Oi n?; repaid srinish

rc,1 No. 724. Delo t South,2iin State clovernment. £200,300
fld credit Ued Office plus 4A/2/6 per cent premium ribitin6
latter your lx.,171nge Account. Agent-Generb, has been
advised as necessary. A:vise us when completed.
Treasury advise
No. 725. Referrir to. your teie. r[...]ecember will be retired
and no further issue made for time being. Governor
for :1..bourne[...]th ComLonweith
,d South Austre:ilia advise neessrf authori8ing Acts in
order.[...]of i20. Accept /246,000 from New Zeala nd Government 1st
January next paymnt debentures h[...]Gold Producers
Assent less 3ank's commission of per cent advise
amounts received and invested.[...]are communicating
with Queensland Treasury rid • Fist _tw cb W.S.
410 requesting them to set,J,s su7gested and will advise you 1:Aer
Referring to your telegram[...]carry out 't_iandin,77 instruotions Angli3 advising tii inager.
carry out 2anks

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (68)[...]S-La-31[...]our telegram of 14th instant Queens
lan3 Premier h.s despatched following telegram t, A:nt-[...]your telegrm of 15th instnt
under Clause C of Agrer:,mert with Commonwealth Fdank v must
Aa[...]lt you with re feree amounts for
payment intere st and other commitments so tht money will be
availble to[...]m-
ber £500,000 and you will be advised of any furthr transCers
t.etwen London State or London and America which may be
arranged from time to ttma. Will advice as 77,:r1y as pos,7ible[...]do not anticiNAe will require more
than further £500,000 to 30th. June next in Stte" cuo[...]t accordingly. Debtt Queens-
land Government in account and credit H(4(4 Office following
41[...]us nreri,11 debAln7 Eyc,lange

17/11/21. N0.731. Fgrom the lst December remittnces from Nev. e6land
ount Vacuum 011 Coy. will be cebid direct to London ,d
landed over to you by Lank of New Zealand. On receipt of
ch &nounts please treat STO in Fame manner as if remitted
from Melbourne.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (69)[...]S-La-31[...].111.0.0V

1/11/21. 813. Confidential - Brisbane rater Board - referrin.w to your
t€1e7r9m of 28th July 621 advising Government has 'co3,ived its rioht
as first mortgagee in favor of[...]ere a mortgage on other char7e in favor :of Government
end in what form was It vaived in favor of present debenture
holders Nivison doubtful as to effectiveness of firs char7e[...]ted and points out that
if Governm,7ntis earlier rights as first mortgaoeo not expressly
waived at time of issue loan here aprlicants would be entitled
to return of their $ubscriptions clause of oropectus roads -
"The present[...]to the above obli7ation
to the Government and is constituted a first charoe on and secured[...]If no mortgage or charge ot any
time to Government for their indebtedness oill you kindly send
separate cable so specifically advising.

2111f/21; 814. Cre(3ited Queensland Government £125,000 received from
Citibank.[...]York sight rate on London 3,91 :iontroal 4,24, Paris TIT
53.52, Italy 96.82, Prague 422, Lisbon 51, Caloutta 1/4 9/16ths
to-day overdraft £23,600 documents surrendered against bill
current E111000 moking liability to Bank 04,600 agoAnst documents
lodged £21,000 reducing uncovered[...]no c.i.f. transa ction now undert aken all meat being for
on consignment to London for sale. The result s are
therefore more or less speculative. Total meat held value
£32,000. We have cons[...]impossible to comply as he mu,, Tot hold me8t avil-
able for sale in lot from day to day as buyer comes forward.
Please instruct what. limit[...]- e. shall allow for surrender of meat
for sale.

S/11/21. 816. Credi[...]3.93 Canada 4.28.

3/11/21. 817. Bank of England rate of discount reduced to-day from[...]5% to fli%. Confidential following is the probab le order in
which next loans likely to be issued by Nivion & Co. Victor ia[...]chevor you prefer. South Australia should realise

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (70)[...]S-La-31[...]better price after 3rd February Tlin their last loan viii te
ex dividends. In view moreover of lat, amount or loan
require:3 by ComTonw[...]lth
to corle in as early as possible elar late recembcT' of early
ih January leaving South Australia for early in February.
Existirc Commonwealth Loan now risen to par. Besids foregoing
loan Bank o England will also be making issue but order of •
above dates likel[...]Ith £90,000 recelved.
Credited Queensland Government £125,000 received from National
Ci[...]s of arranging
for ne7ot5atton of documentry bills Ne=., York on Alrtr,Ilta and
410 ask would you he disposed to purchase same in London end to -hat

5/11/2[...]ftco 5710,000 for transfer to
your dollar account with the M9tIonal Bank of South Africa Ltd.,
New York. Credited Queensland Government £125,000 received
from National Pi[...]ai 773anking 7orporation, 7ombay, and E10,000 Batavia.
Sugar price Java Mite 17/6 Brown 13/3 Cuba B. 96 per cent pol
American granulated 21/43 November/Decr hipmcnt
..Belgian granulated 19/6 December shipment all per cwt. f.o.b.

/6/21. 822. Confident[...]Nivh9on who states he quite expects to be able to Issue ten
millions before 30th June say[...]ompleted
as instructed. Credited Queensland Government £125,000 received.
from National Ct[...]te on
London 3.93, ',iontreal 4.27, Paris T. T. 54. 5, Italy 941 20,
1).crue 360[...]VP, Chefoo (0hin9.)
2/9 4/8th. Copra ilarket dull, ",outh Sea E25. Leading Brokers[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (71)[...]S-La-31

9/11/21. 626. Huh Commissioner for Australia is cabliao Treasury to-day
as follo[...]£490 177/7/10 paid 26th October arran7ement for renewal of Ellis
held until flotation of Loan now[...]m
Oth Septem'oer and to pay similar amount to Treasury. If
howevei it suits your convnience Treasury will accpt[...]I024/17/9 on account of A.I.F.
balance. Interest, to be adjusted. Please cable instructions
End of quottion. Proposed payment of i1 t967,09 should- be
conditional on payment simultaneously by Treasury of £918,04.[...]n due
date 8th December or fresh issue made?

10/11 21. 827. Credited Oueenaland (7overnment . C111,566/5/11 receive.d.
410 from[...]Z1,000,000 Western Australian Government will be uneTaritten
tomorrow Interest 6% issue price E9F/10/- currency.197,0 to
1940. Victorian Loan deferred for present. Nivison now
thinks it quite possible that South Australian loan may he
issued about middle of December and Commonwealth Loa[...]cannot definitely say yet as many other loans, meanwhile.
awaltinp7 issue.

11/11/21 829. Credited Head Office[...]00,000 six months
Treasury Bills issued on iiirket due 8th December.

4101/11/21.[...]of 10th cae
we can arrange for issue of South Australian Loan about mid.01e[...]1,!3 Atithoriinv, Act complete. If all preliminaries
ready we could then advise you and Government four or rive days
before actual issue. i)esire nolo to let Brokers know derinit[...]of •e,
currency 1930 to 1940. Is Authorieln7 Act also complete "or
Commonwealth Loan in say JanuaryI. E. Nivison & Co.say that
N.S.W. are placed to corre before us but I am still urginF thnt
Commonwealth should have priority especially as fifteen millions
required[...]erm orfered stating they should get higher prices than

any other Australian St9[...]wealth therefore their
right to issue lapsed for present although they may come on
again in December.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (72)[...]S-La-31

1V11/21.[...]nt o draft drawn on us by he Canadian Bank 0'7 Commer3e,
San Francisco to replenish your acc..ount
1 /4 with them

14/11/21. e2. Credited ColoniL71 Combin7 at[...]nform ArchttAlop of "ydry dau7hter
specially commended c5re CaptrAn Ormuz and friende. All[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (73)[...]S-La-31


SEC LM[...]or your inf'ormaAon, -ould mention th- t in con


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (74)[...]S-La-31

th 18th 1,
4, we[...]- th , norET-In Is actally
distribution o 7bol '


If this amount has nof 7.1ry een claimd,
hand ov r tn h- Lon[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (75)[...]S-La-31[...]-11-11 1),, -I I you
t11 jr-lwon this OPfic!, by Chre ot, r.ty[...]o. of 0.7,urses re, Mr.J-stl.ce is 17
one of the High C)urt -Eranoh, and it is in accorl ioc ith our

genc,ral p‘.7)licy,t[...]•
'rhich he will no doubt ore sent on his nTrival In 1.4:)ndon, snd

h711.1 flly reoIste any- E3thltanc,1 or 1n, orm,7 4-Aon[...]att ',7 41c4o
It has come under nur notice thy,t th-_ invoices
coverin[...]?.t hRve had in some o'qses to pay demurr%--- e[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (76) S-La-31

thi9 m7-hin,,z, or t arty r9A,z, by the same. mail.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (77)[...]S-La-31[...]roportcg the £51 250,000 to he remitted from
Lo ndon ,[...]3 ,000
Bk. of Australasia 107,000[...]91,000 191,000 502.000
Bk. of Queensland 16,000[...],000 117,000 307,000
Aus. Bk. of Commerce 45,000 72,000 72,000 1PP,000
Ban'ic of Adelaide 30,000[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (78)[...]S-La-31

C O P Y.,[...]r letter of th , 14th InettA'nt„ 6.nd am
fAvising our London Mana.frer to cash your choqua on Sy[...]tO ,i1)00„ rre of exchange. If tits sum i not
sufficient, li, let me licriciA Ald it wi 1 Lte n,re'4,scd.
Ail be glAd t 1low tn -verdrft on your account
ttt Sydney :2rpnc., , nd if you will kindly give us 5ome id of
yo requirements, your account *ill be marked .7, 6cord[...],

(Sgd) James Kell.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (79)[...]S-La-31[...]zscleivd
your c-blc mes'spge of 14th instht, Avi31nL tnat tnt ueensind
A: Eflt Uneral W-P17 agin interferin7 in the inva,Ament
of the
London :Funds, 7hich by arrangement the Queensland Govrnmnt
placed uncle', our control.

We immediately- telegraphed the :- Iemier„ air.[...]n the avitter„ nd he *eceiv-/.4 nis rely, ';-hich Ia
being rateLd on to you in fu[...]rded to the e. ;71t-Clen(1. This
meFse.7e you will see indieLes•cle,[...]:irly'to the A nt Generl tht
the Jan is to control funds TATailst in London, the ,ti[...]icient be ilva'it:ple to sieet.
Queensland Govcrnmcnt commitments in London from time to time as

In discusiw4 the mattor
the OueensInd Tre-dcret who laa.-1,,,encd to he in Sidne
y to-dy, he
mentioned confideptiA.1y tht tne A::ent Gener[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (80)[...]S-La-31[...]of fully occupylnr hi L'—‘,„ on
Go vernmental mat,,,rs„ anu as no doubt :[...]he was unnecessarily Int-rferin :with t're Government's
in7,1 cial arrangements. Thouh ir. Fihelly could not, of courst;„

ay so , irectly, e gathered from his coilverstion that he t ny
rate hac„ no grea[...]ce in the „tkntGener s finncial

experince ani h inticatd quite clearly tht[...]PU

As advised you in our cable message of yesterdy,
communicatA the Queensland. Tresury

vith tft
Sewerage Boa[...]n put forard by
otrt n as adiised in :Tour cable messag,& of 14th. te hill

cable you further immediately ye receive any definite mivLcs, but
in the meantime m say uhat e have ot the slightest dcubt that[...]o

anyt4n7 necessary t - 11,t the alAter on tile b o ot ible f

There sh[...]y the Bacrd utAoria1n7, the
k t„,..„, issue Stock in jaae•of Bonds, and the

as Age.nts for this purose. ieither should there[...]hving an. Order- in-Council out Lshrouh to the same efT€4..t.

When it COMQS aoveve2[...]'took or. fonda in ,he noule

of the 2risban" or ,rd„ neto.d of unde

he Le gislatiqe tit l e of "Lebroolitan &- I 6wich" we tLinkthi.,
b. •dJficuitis rnmy of - c„as caen ri Jter tlon could

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (81)[...]S-La-31

. 5.
probab[...] tarlinent.ry sanction, -riicn i At,

at this juncture, o rather difficult to obtin.[...]e cJied

you recently, a:Avis:in that we 1flfOrubd -L. at th ScPaielE t

HauFe Authorities 'ivAd stnd that Governmental ..bomis

who controlled 1eotric L' t o VC. ter and Se,i,:ee ni other such'

activities . c•-u.A not bF) roniarly ran.lcd as i*ailnicial
ore tharef3_,,
.: subject[...]the fact tAP L they

oar: out. duties of 5,-131 n.,:Aure to juI ici_

such a distinction oceia to W.7) to equite, n[...]to Jo what you could to in. n.vir.the

Somerset House ruli on a more[...]vices to you ir

I. we now have to advise 4° - the

iJou thre-;: out the Pill a roVidin7 for a further comulsory

in this State, T.,11d.. since that date nego A.Ltions hev[...]rantee of 3,4*. "",r bushel to the .51,:rme7. Tie GovEriol'

. . L1ros-,,, of
has this Week gone to elboune- specilly ro7 the )

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (82)[...]S-La-31
•• 71VP,[...]hioh brirl,' surta....7.7.1 .-. . .F:., s ,,lits Ii. .,..::',.1.i. (..,r1[...]1: 4 --t;:a

adViSing ,Lot tba nhove Lrik[...]k,1

en rrn!ement :ou1d not

LOT erdin tnis reiy i tlit thE
' :s,"s".•[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (83)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (84)[...]S-La-31

their bow, in t171,, 6,elt becolliz tight. ith
this in view we feel that it on.4 .4ght to[...]wb-t funds
e for this urpoe to meet the rfiquilc,,,a5nY:o
other Banks doin busi[...]4,ic to the Stndai-d 3fink
and in course of time, if thc5 con tine to sho

disposition towns U7) we shall probably b3
enter into r-oirooal re"Ttion with them.

Yours fai[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (85)[...]S-La-31

rmwrvists....46.1.0410004110***[...]r advioes.
We also note thzal Mies 'U. Milner and Use I. Davie
will net be admitted. to the kormanent Staff and your action
is approved.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (86)[...]S-La-31


SECAM[...]:1FS' GIBS2a...

The Bove 1Fdy, v,ho isies' -r!Athout obt9inin7 the
letter.[...]ite to you
requesting you to extend to Mis3 Gibson your usual courtesy

• nd attention when she calls.
may mention that Miss Gibson h!ad a brother Alo as
a Doctor[...]matters to •att 6d to whilst in England, rgardin
tlich she will seek your advice ad as-istance.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (87)S-La-31
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (88)[...]S-La-31[...]s 'er. 1921.


• The Mallzger

ear Lair,
LONDON[...]uthent :ficr tho ditforonce
of 3d appars to hnme been mde i riiturne up to 10/10/21.


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (89)[...]S-La-31

/40 1\44


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (90)[...]S-La-31[...]t, not u from the yr ,,ticularr!, given seat this
debit itom rertr,:izi:?nts by t„# ;Looki[...]ice it arm to 'Ir . t the rziov.,1 t is znade
of the foliovirt,' tram:met:tor •
Tirt 8f g in flo e i[...]Ath 17:',1:',rclic to i*Li Tirot mentionad item of
0 000, it willzbe rimambered that vs-me confusion on the
ox the, National B[...]with thin transaction, thay in the firlt 'lace hrwin c liebit ed
ou:[...]and thdr drmiint; ori you fcr the . amount, is we ansume, rn,rt
of the debit of j:5067/17/-[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (91)[...]S-La-31

4 th araounts to d[...]ug t about by t Nat:tenni Bank o. s` t fries li..tivinu,
twine a juuto - n on in coln,::'ction vilt,t1 this item.
e rarer, vr4 ten them in the matter and th,), will
probably have ("funded the amount of the El econd , rtvilne
The thi:rd item i h[...]) koeount rn,n und r i; lath[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (92)[...]S-La-31

ist December. 1921.

Ler.[...]he' Irv, Nutiorol•
Mankfd lo ter from vtlAch nu will see that statmeat:, Gf thk
Stering Account Whidh main[...]your Office. It seems to us thaL, their
statement that reconoilinctionu were regul.irly so[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (93)[...]S-La-31

...4; 0[...]S.

IRV ':1W'r flATIONAL 1.11kK
NW[...]Your favor of Aw,:u t 25ttr74,tir \fised, to our '"ice President
:-.Intitrom[...]t our i(Atc,r of Ally 7th, repuc)sting a r000ncililAtlon (*.Pt your
account on our books VMS writt[...]Account, pl no tart WO a2E.: carrying this account
in the name of your London Office, and our reconcili:tion for[...]to you.
This 4.:11 possibly account for the ft.I.Gt that you h[...]ntinue•ca‘,-ryine`t111.3 accoimt
in the name or the London Cfril.ce, rcrwaxading the s!.;atements pnd
reconoili',:*tion forms to you. or you wish it to be c-rried 1,-21 the rime
of your. Office, in .Joh case 'we dual be glad to make the .ne(r rmary
We thank you for brincinc to o notice once more your[...]wed by us on a collection itcm forwarded to your Fremantle
Branch. ';',70 were in constant touch with our c1ient:3 in this respect,
and are claiming front them roimbursement of this amount, We have
not as yet received their che[...]hfure c. edited you on 0 c tober
14th with this amount. Permit us to state that the error W1.15 due
to the .fact thnt ,-,rour *Fremantle Brancb.,definitelyvi ied lin of the
payment of this item in full. You may roly upon u to make every[...]nner satinfaotory to you, nnet
we fully (11prociam your cordial cooperation*[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (94)[...]S-La-31[...]been no. ott :rJ.Hoot. A M'Al

howev is* tuJ", via
anti we are th6T-,f3re[...]dvio i.,vment, of
£250,000 nd £1I[...]reel-; te -
it is most d_cir...,ole to, you notice ci coo _
merits, in
in order to cvoid inconve[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (95)[...]S-La-31

meet your vie\i,s in every
LiODON EXCV,C!'. I-[...]ourriE ks h-ve
recent?' ot, en discussIn the- mueltion[...]ultin7 the

• Governor by telec7m, we informed the other k3anks,
tht we tnou L it would be wiser Et, the .„..:res,,,nt tine to
reduce th[...]thought desirole.
At the time of , riting the ittter Las not
reached a definite conclusin, but iMmetely any .1t,e.r
tions are actually decided[...]TY COUlia_
We received your message yesterday, enIuiring
if the City of Sydney was now ready to gn come on the
London itiarket, ni advisis morning discused the matter with
i. Solomon, the cit[...]ut in vier of the f'ct tut

trie Civic •ElPctior
41, e being[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (96)[...]S-La-31


rAion o[...]Furtncrulore, r. Solos.Loil
ws not quite sure Of his present -ciition,[...]n from you by to-dy the- oTLance of thir
Funds 11 reining in London.[...]s vefall rt.1cu1 r before them, the
mtter will receive•further considerticrl.

gLitsLA6p ST AT

For -y--.)u-r; Inform-tin
list, sho'in. tLe amoun+, Of interest r!.yble e*cn. month
London, on cccunt of 7,ecrities issued by the St:Ae of

Queenslnd.[...],n the 1st Jtriw.Ary
1st July in e;7.11ch yew is lible to a sli::ht vriAion„

the interest on Ch[...]ie o U c' tis
being ?:radUslly transferred[...]1

;he h ve obt7Ined this -

br- of v,.:J[...]ed u_,on ,).y - tn(f

s Government.


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (97)[...]S-La-31[...]ents in tLe L. -—
Economist", "Times" to., the io
the Governments of the Commonitri - „ ud the
Aleenl,ind„ South Austrdia %nd Tasil..:nia. The f%ot I,
re Bankers to tne St-ate of Thestrn iinot
shown. Tnis matter bro7ht under riotIce[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (98)[...]S-La-31

p[...]11 you kindly obtain tile undermentined
blicstionz from Geore houtld e[...]„ 77-nd forlird to thio Office:-
1 Momey Investmnts.
2. Nunicii Cor[...]ir Lx Ifrlues Tablse )
Laws •Le7u:Lntin7 the .1111,c43tlent of il;anK )[...]ly Statcrnent 4/10b1 -nd
St0,ement dated 1/11/21
S. Commonth Sttertnt of h€)ceits
Expilditure: for yer endin7[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (99)[...]S-La-31


18/11/21. 732. South Australian Government Ilve forwarded following tele
Australts was made 20th August last for £2,000,000 additional to
E1,000,000arranged urge Nivison that delay until January will
cause reat incon[...]For prospectus purposes the author-
ising Act and purpose of loan and other conditions similar prev-
ious is . ue terms must submitted for avrovall. Fnd o qu[...]before South
Austral. a and think Nivison should put South Australia first.

22/11/21. 734. Please obtain quote one lac rupees for reply to-morrow.
Governor leaving for Tasmania to-day hut continue Fending 911
messages to Head Office.

T2/11/21. 735. Referrin[...]410 written and floated and consider that is underriters' duty.

23/11/21' 736. Meat funds anticipate Evroximateiy £2,500,000 .ill[...]ember. e 'All cable you
definitely later giving particulars of distribution. Referring
to your telegr[...]Australian rheat Committee £2,400,000 end distribute as follows:-
Credit Head Offic[...]Bank of Australasia £184,000

•[...]WA.Bank of Alasia £322,000
Egg. Scottish & A'itan[...]Bank of Adelaide c226,000[...]Testorn Milan Bank £ 46,000.
On same date debit your cchange Account £2,220 and credit Head
Office rep-y'esenting 15/4 premium on our proportion of £296,000.

24 -1 21. 738. Transfer £5,000 for credit our dollar account Irving Nat-
ional Bank, NeA[...]Ee:errin7 to your telegram of 25th intantl heat distri-
bution £2,400,000 you may[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (100)[...]S-La-31


14/11/21. 833. Confidential. B.Nivison & Co. 2 &ink Euildinrs, Princes
Street, L,7,ndon recommend that as nam,F., would be much better
stook mor.,, popular ne7- order In Council be obtained &Author-
ising issue of Brisbane 'rater 7unn1v Tnd Seiere Inscribe d[...]ct in lieu of (ietentures ?aso
that clause he inserted in order in Cr)uncil con(:sirmin- statement
in prospectus that loan ranks in priority to Government's oblig-
ation etc.. Date of[...]€:r. Eesolution of Board
niso suggested cre.-ting stock aprointin7 3ank 7e71.7,trar %nd
authorising an to wive holders o Fcrip option of convertin[...]ould be very desirCole to
adopt recommendation a s above.

14/11/21. 834. Agent-Genern1 ueonsland sent r,7-presentat1vos to enquire
to-[...]arge 44 If he invested £590,000 in
Eritish Treasury ,941d said that Bank of En7land would .rlt charr7e
fommis7ion. I r,cplied that moneys; were lent by us f[...]ich rrony
he locked up for three months is only 3?$ but that in any event
investment in Tresury 73111scould not be made without 3un[...]our telegram 27th TMpt. 1-rn
nroT E.Nivison & Co. 2 Bank Euildln7a, Princes St. London, 7.C[...].End o ciuot,Alon.
Conference with P.Nlvison & Co. c! rank 7undings„ Pri.nces ti et,[...]ur telegrar- of 57th Oc t ober estimated Thos En-lish
Frf7nches 31st Deccmber, £95,0 00.[...]th Austr a lia i cabling
Treasury Adelaide Campion and Nivison say just pos sible ur three
millions loan may come next month, but i not they expect in[...]ressing next betn7 South Africa £6,000,000 to be issued
Tuesdy. Desirable cole purp[...]-
ealth Lo a ns fully for insertion later in prospectuses, so th a t

ir the conditions erv:ble us to come quickly only trms of isrlie to

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (101)[...]S-La-31

16/1 1/21. 839. Credited Colonial Combinql ninning& sevinv Co.Ltd.
EE,234 Mes-rs.CocAlln & Cook overc'rr,ft £855 and i., ast-[...]a 4.35
P9ris EA.90
I[...]e 362
Lisbon 4
C5[...]h after
conference to-day Agent-Cenerel is cbling Adelaide Nivison
do utmost to bring out December hut largely depends on Crown
Colonies and othr Loans hooked before August. ''.:stern Australia
underrIters get 68% uoted1% discount. Fad quottion. ntern
Australia price now 5/8ths% discount n I learn London County[...]Fund rrite 6%
price £96/10/-. Government of Victori he Fl.ven option of[...]-gain refu7e price mi7ht he -1?1' to come
ithin fortnight for South Autralia. Though Port of London issue
over-subscribed by 31.,F! ITIrket ro,r ne,, Issue not -:-J,ron,7, at ths
moment. We hope ,o cable further rsarding South. Austr[...]Bills 1:::nce taken for Finking Fund. Nlvison says ti something
done to arrest fall in Commontlth sar i nov. (luoted 7/8ths dis-
count would facilitate earlier isue and bEAtcr t.9.rms neuth Us
tr-lia. Think C20 0 000 would sufrtce rob9bly lees he is sorry

c- nnct do this alone :7-t11in7 take one-third If ink fcAc[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (102)[...]S-La-31[...]d,
always ready to suort their new issue when he dvises.
After careful con8ideration am[...]th
1019, No. 1132, understand Dutton issey & Co. may fail ,,,-,[...]1

time liabilities estimated t7301 000 to £1,000,000.
.i/oZ2,252/6/- account Queensland Butter. New York sigt
rate on London 3.99, Montreal 4.381 Pvis T/T 56,38, itA:y
97.301 Prague 3751 Lisbon CalcuttO4ShanghaiChefoo
VT[...]tion 3rd December, £2,400,000 in view of short time avtilabl
on Saturday morning to o:et in[...]i/0 £10,000 for trTnsfcr LC
your Dollar Vc -,„,it h the Natiorc,1 Bank of Soutt Africa[...]. & W. CO. Ltd. i9000
received from Fisher K'n.
2S/11/21 No. 853. Eeforrin7 to our telegram of 2ists South Africa Lonn
£61 0001[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (103)[...]S-La-31

2[...]85g. Confidential. Conferred again to-du . v,ith lavison
regardin7 Sydney City Council flo[...]1ad to
know if Sydney are reAy to come aglin if we secure opening
In Decem[...]..d
inforaliation following is general i:,osition of the Loan l'arket
at moment. The he7vy issue of ominions ,:rid Colonies aggregati
38 millibns since Setembe[...]quently unless osition irciroves only few Issues likely before
New Year, Crown Colony issue of £5, 3,000 amnged for next
we[...]7vorrile Victori under an old urre-
ment will agein be p:iven otion of comilw and if the[...]South- Austrclia may have next turn though Nivison 1A.11 not

omise definitely as he Ltates N.S.W. in urgent need ha[...]0 03,000 and
their :rein generl requirements besides yrovision for
loan mAuring next year £7,000 0 000. Trire is no doubt but
that N.S.W. pressing stronly for erly issue su L orted by
London & Westminster Bank Ltd. Nivison's aim now is to
harden amrket as recent issue even including accrued interest.
are Commontiealth 7/8 diccunt, ?1.A/e. 13/16 discount, S.W. 7/3
discount. London County & Westminster i-3 .nk suort of eir
own issue is having effect while 1, ..;ith regrd to South Af[...]00 000 t:aken u by Public,Lon to-day
is at a discount only 5/8% due to the three issuing inks
London County & W. Bank (A[...]total of i:600,000 in c.,11.7,1e of need Nivison expects Lon to
soon reach or tiaou[...]so

far the three E'Ink,,! 'ilavE not been left with , rly stocks on tiieir[...]an wtich
can be reAily bought at 5% discount and the adverse influ e nce
quietly Exercised by inthrests led m,iinly by the Governor of[...]crestige of the Commonweitl
Bank 5nd its success as an issuing Dank re now h&vinQ: .; rejudic-
ip.1 effect on our issue as compared with those of Emglish
Institutions. This is the general conclusion I have formed
without reference to any oth[...]m of 30th, debited VO
L66g2/14/2 for lac ru;:ees. New York sight r:te on London 3.9
Montreal 4.36„ Paris TiT 56.65, iteay 03.120 iraeie 377,
Lisbon 4.15-16, Calcutta 1/3, 15-16, Shnghai 3[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (104)[...]S-La-31[...]Cr

osepn Coos. is ievin of the l/Mantua,“
l[...]will orc froG; time to

time , • durin,. his term o' office. hENe- told hith h[...]ci4'. o the inc. ie
that you exteacia to him && I have while he[...]of

Yours. Laithfully,[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (105) S-La-31[...]Yourz


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (106)[...]S-La-31[...]sed*
'Idiot the Bank le desiMie of aolang it as easy
poisible for Sating Bank d positers to get their tnoney. ie
thintr. t4e indernity by the ,earlen'ti 8aviak;s kiosk is too track
to stpeet the Bank to gile. They ra[...]d.
nteficient di colutre and in the OirattlAtlitialle.0 1w bide: nity
hu/d be uttod*
etting the a/tolItt *nvoivd in sully Orithane nraAch
hirAl belt?), udviped to 1- the mount[...]man. but 'before ivin furtaor indonnitiec o if derlandtd by
the ewen' avin Bank, I[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (107)[...]S-La-31


On payment of Deposits from the I'leamen's 3avings Bank.

malLALA In consideration of the Board of Trade allowing payment
to the Commonwealth Bank of Austral:LI whose Registered Office is
situate at 36-41 New - Broad Street, London,[...]ceived by the Board of Trade, under the pro.
visions of the '-erchant shipping Act, 1894, from Hug[...]alth Bank of ustralia t hereby agrees
with H. Mead Taylor. Esq.* the Assistant .iecretarr for Finance*
Board of Trade, or other the Assistant oeoretary for Finances Board
of Trade, for the time being, that if any claim to the whole or any
part of the said sum is hereafter made and substantiated to the sat.
isfaction of the ;,11.41 Board, by any person or persons who in tilt
opinion of the said Board is or are lawfully entitled thereto (of
which a certificate signed by the said Assistant 3ecretary for the
time being alai be conclusive oviriden00), they the mid Commonwealth
Bank of Ailtstrella, will, within one week after being required so to
do, repay to the said Assistant Secretary, or otherwise, as the
Board of Trademay direct, the sum so claimed.
Dated this 15th day of June, 1921.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (108) S-La-31

No. 190.[...]he 3rd ultimo, No. 759,
we regret to hear of the discrepancy of 4. 14. 4d. in Teller's
Cash at your branch on the 25th October last, and trust that
with further search the error w[...]Surplus
Cash" Account.
Ws should be glad if you would state tlit Teller's
name when reporting discl. epancies in Teller's Cash.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (109)[...]S-La-31


SAVINGS 3ANK INVESTMENTS - NEW SOUTH kALES.[...]According to Head Office records the undermentioned
funds were invested at London on accou[...]ber, 121, and for audi t
purposes 1 shall be glad if you forward confirming certificates.


Assistant inspector.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (110)[...]S-La-31

EC .>114,1,i1[...].ged for

Queen :3.nd Govelmment to put througti .fl[...]nnd eere, rd

to issue. Stock as eI1 os oon•Js, .111::kc them i iter-

changeable.[...]o 01 to

into %norrsnement th trie ommoneitli[...]il oonfirmtn trie ht: tomerit + ?rcsectuh. ts.t trie.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (111)[...]S-La-31[...]?tOetJI€ Is inclined f,J3 aC-t

Vrtiq suggesti[...]Their re . son for doin is triA tLir[...]•
deci ded by çuLnsisnd GOverninent) out

you of th osition in tile: mentime.

Anct,[...],o i ho ,fl IL esment itt the 1-1 ,

U, der-3E3-ct[...]7 LA L'c - vi - U.

if hOis S -[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (112)[...]S-La-31

At the Executive Buildings, Brisbane, the twenty-fifth day of.[...]Present :
His Excellency the Governor in Council.

W HEREAS by " The Metropolitan Water Supply and
Sewerage Acts, 1909 to 1921," it is amongst. other things
provided that the Metropolitan Water Supply arid Sewerage Board
may make application to the Governor in Council for permission
to borrow money for the purposes of those Acts by the sale of
debentures or the issue of inscribed stock, and that the Governor
in Council may grant such permission, and that every such permis-
sion shall be signified by an Order in Council published in the
Gazette, and that such Order in Council shall declare the amount
that may be so borrowed, the purposes for which the same shall be
borrowed, the currency of the debent[...]f interest payable thereon, and that any such permission
may be granted subject to the condition o[...]seventeenth day of September, 1921, grant
permission to the said Board, subject to the conditions[...]er application to the Governor in Council for permission
to borrow the. said sum of One million po[...]of the said Acts by the sale of debentures or the issue of
inscribed stock : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor,
by and with the advice of the Executive Council, and by virtue
of the provisidns of the said recited Acts-, doth hereby order[...]ditions hereinafter appearing,
permission is hereby granted to the Metropolitan Water
Supply and Sewerag[...]e million pounds by the sale of debentures or the issue
of inscribed stock ;[...]n of
sewerage works and the improvement and extension of
the water suppl[...]annum ;
(5) That the permission hereinbefore mentioned is granted
subject to the conditions[...]e in London;
Any such debentures issued pursuant to this Order in
Council shall at the option of the holder for the
time being be convertible into inscribed stock of
the same nominal value as such debentures.
And the Honourable the Treasurer is to give the necessary
directions herei[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (113)[...]S-La-31

ft. so P. or poi IMMO*[...]Brisbane, 1-,A December, 1221.

h. T. A[...]Under separate cover I am forwarding you copies cf
the Order in Council ,authorising StocK to be issued fc.r the recent
LI,000,000 loan of the Wa[...]The apprcvsJ. of the Governor in Council is bia6
obtained this week 'or the Board to enter into a]:reement with ycur
Bank for the manaJement of the StocK (see Section 85C (5).).[...]hat we confirm, by Order in Council,
the statement in the prospectus tht, the loan ran'61J in pricrity to the
obligation to the Government is not looked upon with favour. In the
first place cur i.rliamentry, who 16 one of our ablest
b&rrie6ters„ s s,utisfied tht the Act securezi the Debenture .ind Stock[...]oted tha t
under the pr1ncipi31 Let no charge is crated in f6Ncur of the Government
but if default is made in payments to the Treasury a fieciver tIL J - be
put[...]thing which
would, in any way eaten the sta tement 6iready made that it has waived
its rights in favour of the Debenture and Stock• holders. You will

remember ti-lt„ when the) Jill was before P&riiament, it was sta ted thA
it was intended to give[...]there c‘:.In be no question as tc wht the Govrnment
intended doin g.

Ta[...]for any further
action to be taken, and I may mention th,!A our Crown Solicitor :civises
that it is impossible to extend the Act by Order in Council.

howsver, the matter is still under consideration
arid I ar writin- y[...]ll understa nd the angle
from which the -overnment a viewing the question.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (114)[...]S-La-31

,, r[...]y,
BRIS3AN .i._ . 5tn

The ,,ecretary„[...],
inform you that his Excelie.,cy the Governor, viiith the Avice
of[...]has been , - leased, in pursunce of
the :-ovisiDns of "The Letro-;;olitan Water Sui)ly and Sewer[...]Sunnly ,and Sewe-re SoArA to enter into on Agreement witn
the Cmmonwe-)Ith r± of Au3tr_lia Y!elative to AL,e cOnduct
generally of all busines[...]ribed Sto ck
Thich the Board hns been :','thorised to issue.

As regards the desigtion of the inscribed Stock
issued by the Board, 7,1-lich is mentioned in your lEAter of
the leth ultimo, I culd refer you to S6ction 2 (65) of
ttrN- Metroolitan and lidswich ',ter SulyriSewec A°
Amendment Act of 1921" which -rovides that the Sto[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (115)[...]S-La-31[...]14th Deemer, 1921.

Tia,J Mun,:er,
LONDON.[...]Witn Uurtier refereAce to my No. 1020 His Lx..lency„ the[...]tock, which the _;oard has e-1 authorised to isu'y nd at the
.,,suest *of t oretary[...]ouf- t trn on whi&L th.i6 business is to ;:)1nndlec by

• U3, &,nd a opy o:[...]no±O3G -1,

Areement e pprcioly ltcr, • in it trms[...]th. k...othent to cov e r possible
,issu'of Loa:1s in Austrii on bc, nif of t1.1.e
is, of ccu..,se, no present intic,-1 of rw,in[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (116)[...]S-La-31

illatORANDUM OF AGRIMUINT made tiki day of[...]and nine hundred and 13'271.11Eil the Metropolitan v1r3,ter

Supply and Sewerage Board of Brisbane in the State of Queensland
(herein-tfter referred to as 'the 13o-ierd.) of the one pan and the
Coratomealth Bank of Australia (herein-Ster referred to a 'the
BfInkt) of tl,f , other part. 'ITERBY IT IS AGRFIM AS FOLLOWS:..
The Bank shall[...]ans;
The inscription and issue of loans and sale of[...]ures into Stock and regulati347 the transfer of
sto[...]ion requires reinscribiV: and reissuing cuc cert.

( Receivin all m neya raised by the issue of loans
from ti-Ae t[...]rd with the Bank;

(g) Issuine*, Scrip for de :Quits on Loans raised by the
sale of Stock;[...]- ,rd to t for

its services in London in this connection at 11 be
) On the Issue within the United of u-id[...]redemption of outstaudin securities Which have

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (117) S-La-31

matured or are about to mature a commission at the
rate of five shillings (5s.) o[...]red
pounds (4100) nominal amount of Stock issud,
elusive of and ill addition to any Ayments made by
the Bank for Brokerage and .....ther incidental expenses.
(b) On the issue within the United Kin dn of ay stock
o[...]nd on convers-
ion of outstanding riecurities (other than securit-

ies which have rafAured or are about to, mature pro-
vided for by paragraph (a) of this clause) a comn,.
ission of two shill ins and six pence (2s.6d.) for[...]'ands (Z100) nominal amount of the St()ck
issued, exclusive of and in addition to all payments
made by the Bank for Brokerage and oth[...]expenses.
For the gene -al management of the Loans within the

United itingdo a payme'flt at the rate of one hundred
pounds (A[...]ich fees shall be retaind by the
Bank for its own use, such annual amount to include
the provision by the Bank of stamps on all Dividend
Warrants and all diUmrsemenl,s by the Bank for books,
stationery,and other incidental expenses.
On repayment in cash of stock maturin a commission
at the rate of two shillings and six[...]for every one hundred pounds (t100) naminalamount
of stock.
POU AGE. . All poundage received from the Imperial
Government in connection.with payment of Income Tax
'Alan be retained by the Bank.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (118) S-La-31

4. The remuneration to be ,aid by thu Board to the Bank
for its service. in Xustralia in this connection
shall be as follows:-
On the issue in AulAralia f any loan a comm-
ission at the rate of five shillins O. on[...]pplications received by the

For issuing official receipts recording in-
stalments, issuirg Bonds or Debentures, and
cond[...]all connected
with issue in Australia of any Loan, a
commission at the rat_ of two (215.)[...]t received.

(e) For the genera/ management of Loans within the
Commonwealth[...]the con-
duct of an Inscription Registry, the inscript-
ion of tOc[...]or Bonds or Debentures, and the payme-t half-
yearly of interest on Loans, a payment t the
rate of one hundred pounds[...]nal a.:,ount
of such loans.
lV3TMENT OF SURPLUS FUNDS lic LONDON. - The Bank shall[...]which the Board may have
in London from time to time, obtaining the b at mar-
ket rates available , ant charging commission at the
rate of one quarter (I) per centum per annum.
1,04Doli TRANSIS. TranEV'ers to and from London on be-[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (119)[...]S-La-31

the beet rates available frint time to ti.e
. INTERSTATE EXCHAlivE0 I[...]sfers in connection
with the retirement, of !;toc.,:, Bonds or Debentures[...]per centum.
8. ':heres the word 'Lora' is used In ith,1- 4' agree 'nt It :shall
b deemed t include lebentures, Bonds and !-'1,ock.

The Common Seal of the
Metropolitan Water Su-, ly
and 3ewerage Bo-rd wa[...]ooal of the
Aunt rftl in wae iSfi ed
hereto by the Governor
of the[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (120)[...]S-La-31




We note that you hav[...]ll of our Foreign
Agents, including those in America, booklets; facsimile
signatures of officers . uthorised to sign on our be, alf.

Late_y we ITTIve had a number -f l_tters frolA various
Agents nointinr: out that they had ei[...]tures
were unknown to then, and in order to obviate 7cecurrence of tais
we are arranging for supplies ,f - ech revisme,its Nos. 1 and 2 have already
one for7Tard and -[...]1 );11,1 ITONTtiEUX. I

We are informed by Perth Office that a Draft for
£45.10.11., has been drawn on them b the hove navied - Institution
in favour of Jo". W. V lentine. In the advice covering the issue
of this Draft it is intiated th-A reimbursement be obtai d
by drawing on them through the Lo-d.n Count,/ 4estminster & Parrs[...]82 Cornhill London, who they state are bein r,J,Ivised
by the same mail.

We shall be glad if you will be -ood enough to tae the
rater it as :ay necessary, advisitir- us fully in due course.[...]ANE

For your information 7e Wish to infQrld you that this
Ban - has drawn a Draft on our Uelbourne Office, iithou o arrane
meats exist ro- such facilities. In view of the fact th t they are

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (121)[...]S-La-31
mew "NW[...]ational City Banes of New
York, we instructed Melbourne Office to pay the Draft and are now
wr[...]equired cover be forwarded thr,ugh your office to Menquene Branch


We have been informed by Mr. G. Merton Richards, the
holder of oar Circuler Letter of Credit No.391 for £500, which was
issued to him on the 31st Hay last, that when he called at the

Hongkonr! Office of the ab,ve named Agent on August 25th 1' st, to
ne!eotiate a drawing for £14, he was irformed that they did not hold
the specimen signatures of officers authoris.d to sign our Letters
of Credit, and in consequence there was a considerable delay before
the transaction was cempleted.[...]ed if you wo , ld obtain our Agent's version of this
matter. We might say, however, that there appears to. be a certain
amount of misunderstanding a number of Branches of the Chartere[...]lia & China, in regard to our Agency Arrange-
merits with the., and we think it erould be advisable fre you to re-
quest their London Office to circularise their Branches fully on
the metter, in order to minimise the possibility of any recurrence
in this c nnexion.


For your information we wish to state that we are comun-,
icatine with the Head Office of the above named A .ent in regard to
the matter of replenishment of our accounts at San , rancisco and

Under the present arranreements you are -ware, of course,
as funds in eith[...]ir-
ed un,er advice to us, but we find that this method does n t result
as setisfactorily as we would wish for during the lest helf year we
have shown[...]on the tran6actions passed throilgh'
San Pranciscp account, which, in all probability, is due to the

fact that replenishment not ben 'immediately under our control we
have not be[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (122)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]No. 194.

In Our letter to the General :„anager we have requested
th,t both San 7raecisco •eme Vancouver be advised that we have
decided in future to arranee the required transfer of funds from
Vlis end, instead of theN drawing on your office by ee[...]coieiug deplet-
ed at any tine thej are to advise us by cable direct, so that we
can take the[...]we have recorded that

the business of Messi*s. Pury & Coy has been taken over by the
Societe de Banque Suisse.
In accordance with the.e,dvice con[...]letter
No 764, we are pleased ,to note that teis Agent has accepted the
offer of our services for the encashment at all ,of our Branches of
their Direct Dra[...]ers Uf Credit. Our Branches are beine suitably advised and the
specimens sent to them for record eurposts.
v;e have also[...]n Australian Firms, which beer their endorse-
ment, for reasogiable amounts.
We wish t advise hevinr: received the booklet of speci-
men signatures dated Octeber 1921, issued by the above named
A-ents as edvised in your letter o.739.
The copies of the Statutory Rules and Orders, E0.2,
(1919) as a{ vis-d in your letter 1o.754 have been received end[...]1

Further to our 1-tter No.110[...]lest
we have no been '(Ivieed by the above named Banee that they are
prepared to undertake the negotiation oT drawings under our Cir-
cula*r Letters of Credit, as well es the encashment of. (hafts
drawn n thee direct by our Branches in Australasia. you,
therefore, please be[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (123)[...]S-La-31

-4-[...]No. 194.

TEA' cRS NAT[...]Por your inforoTrti, n enclose herewlot copios of the
corres ,ondenc,-; In regard thereto.


The para[...]see thot you are in corn ,unication with regular Banks with a view
to i --geoc, Arrangements at Kansas City, Milwaukee and Neward (14..7.)

Although we note that Dallas ("Tex) is not a point of
first rate importance ore think that arraw- ements shold he J,1- 4e

wit some purely Banking Institutio,n which would „lake us quite
independent of ¶he facilities afford d by the American Express Coy.


We note that arrangements have now been finalised for
the encashment of, Australian Notes by Travellers at the Chart[...]alil & Clint, Yokohama.

We have advised Capital Branchos to this effect and the
necessary addition will be made in the next reprint of our Austral-
ian Notes Circular.


For the completion of your records we wish to inform
you that this Agent, orici r dote f er 9, hos a ck nova odged to
us 'a booOlot of .specimen.signotures of our authorised officers,
which o-oo s probably /sent to them rorn your office.

Some little timo ago we wrote to you iooi ting out that
this Agent forwarded direct to. our Branches, Circular eobodying'
facsimilo sigrthtures of 7entlemen authorised to sign on their be-
half. The onjorit5'r of our Branches have •again a:..vised us of the
receipt of their 34.- test Circular direct. We shall. .eJad if' ou
will toke, the m tt r ic wit o the si_in7, that ally future Circulars
be sent to us through your office, when we . shall be only too happy
to make the required distribut ion.


This Agent, who already undertake- the negotiation of[...]at Nice, writes
- requesti.ngThat're forward them a specimen of our Circular Letter

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (124)[...]S-La-31[...]of Credit and facsimile sintures of ou auth,risea officers, for
use a new Branch which they are openint', in the near future at
Place assena.
We have replied intimating that specie s w 11 be sent
to them from your office and shall be l.d therefore if you 'will be
good enou to forward same in due course.[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (125)[...]S-La-31

COPY[...]ALO. U.S.A.

Dear Sir,
We wish to acknowledge receipt of your comunication
of the 10th October, wherein you acknowledged specimen formsnd
facsimile s'7natures of officers authorised to siFn on behalf of
our Institution, which[...]under cover of our letter of
the 30th August last.
Ve greatly. appreciate your acceptance of our - roposal
th-t you undertake the neoti'Ati -n of drawings under our Circular

Letters .of Credit in addition to the encashment of direct Drafts
drawn by any of our Brarches in Australasia, all of whom have now
been informed in this regard.
Thanking you for your prompt reply and courtesy[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (126)[...]S-La-31[...].

H.T.Armitage, Secretary,
The ComLAonwealtil Bank,
Sydney, Australia.[...]President, Mr. H.T.Ramsdell,
containing specimens of your Circular Letter of Credit and
Draft form, together wi[...]ures
uf th(,se of your officers who are authorised to sign on your
behalf and Balr,nce Sheet as of December 31st last.
Please be advised that we shall be very happy to under-
take negotiation of Drawings under your Circular Letters of Credit,
issued by your Capitl Offices and in addition to pay[...]which nay b drawn on us by any of your Australasian Branches. Te
note that all drafts and Letters of Credit will be issued in ster-
lini,7 and that we will reimburse ourselves by drawin7 on your London
office immediately for fac amount of the draft with th[...]to handle any collect-
ions you may have in this vicinity at our best rates.
Assuring you of ,Jul- cooperation at 11 times, we beg
to remain.


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (127)[...]S-La-31

, r. James Kell, who recently return.
Our Dep[...]London, informs us that tie hnfd the pleasure of meeting
during his sojourn in your country, and we take this favou rable
opportunity of requesting the co[...]ertake the negotiation of Drawings under Circu lar
pay Dir-
Credit, issued by our Capi_al Offices, and in addition t, Br[...]Austra lasian es,
ect Drafts ethich may be draw[...]on your goodselves.
These facilities should be most helpful in essisting[...]ess
those of our clients who may be Visiting your country on busin[...]of our
or pleasu:e, and in this regard we hand you herewith a copy[...]you will
Balance Sheet as at 31st December lest, on Page 3 of which ated
find a list of our Branches, the Capital Offices being indic[...]fts and Letters of Credit will, of course, be
issued in sterling and upon pay t would be converted[...]for -odhasin' emand Drafts on London. Reimby
ment to be effected byAdraeing on cur Londu n Offic e immed iatel

for the face amount of[...]cher attached.
We ha1l great?: appreciate anything you may do in furth-
erance of this suggestion and anticipating your acceptan,A9ens[...]f eeclos en7 herewi th epectm of
our Circular Letter of Creui t and Draft form, toget her w[...]etures of those of our officers who
are authorised to sign on our behelf.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (128)[...]S-La-31

copy[...]mber, 1921.

The President,
Bank of Niagara,
Dear Sir,

're wish to ac nowird,re receipt of your communication
of the 28t October, JCM:F., and thank you for your advices
intimatifig that the cimens sent you under cover of our letter
of the 30th August last have been placed T.,th your file for
future guidance.
In viww of these circum tances we have no informed
our Branches th-t you have agreed to[...]Lett?rs of Credit, in. addition
to the encashment of direct draft.
Thanking you for y-Jr prompt reply and courtesy[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (129)[...]S-La-31


Niagara Fails, W.Y.[...]etter of August
:50th, 1921, encloeing your balance sheet as of December 31st,
19W, together with .1-2-cimen of your Circular Letter of Credit
anJ speci4len of your Draft Form, together with booklet contain-
inn, the specimen signatures and list o officers a;Ithorise d to
sign Drafts, Letters of Credit and Money Tebegrams on behalf of
your good Bank. 71e h -,ve placed your letter together witn speci-
mc, z in[...]•
Sgd. James C. Roakler,[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (130)[...]S-La-31

COPY[...]ugust, 1921.

The President,
Bank of Niagara,

Dear Si

Here[...]much plesure in handing you a
co ,y of our Balance Sheet, as at 31st December last.

In view of the return to nor al conditions and in an
endeavour to , lz-,sist those of our clients who iay be visiting your
country on business or pleasure, e avail ourselves of this favor

able opportunity of requesting t[...]ertake, the negotiation of drawin'7s under Circ-:Alar Letters of
Credit, issued by our Capital Offis2es and in addition to pay Direct
Daft, wAic' ,-1 may be drawn by any of our Australasian B .anches on
your goodselves. A list of our Branches dill be found on Page 3 of
our Balance Sheet thm. Cw)ita.i. Offices bein7 indicted wi[...]of course, by
,)el. ..11 sterling and upon payment would he converted by you at the
current rate for purdhsing Demand Drafts on London. Reimbursement
to be effected by your drwinr on our London Office tmediately for
the face amount of the Dra[...]er attached.

A, shall greatj appreciate authin you inay do in 'fiurth
eranc of thia[...]s take the liberty ot :azo enclosing hereith specimens of
our fl,irculaT Letter of Credit :116 Draft for , together with[...]atures of those of our officers who
are auriorised to sign c,,11 our behalf.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (131)[...]S-La-31[...]SYDWI CITY COUNCIL.t//We are confirming flerewith mest&es which
have piis6edin rord to flotation of furttr:)r LoL[...]ity Counoil.

Waen ,he new Lord ii.E, yor 6ssumes-pfrice in January next the

matter will Lj2[...]e

brought forwrd.

In mentime the City Council fnc thA it will[...]£250,000 Vter

provioin for J.l plmtT,rits tAuLticrisn at your .,re to-

c'ty in reciApt o. you. vii tri6t the ntt , Jriount is
Z248,5rifi/i6/4*, , av- duly informed the City CounAl

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (132)[...]S-La-31[...]_I duly rt3cived
"IC 1.* Me 6 - avisin on 8-6n instE.nt, you 4ould meet £2,000,000
In Tresury 31118 which were piL[...]Ac the 1/.4 ..ommonwef_lth
had 40% of their last £5,000,000 Lon, or in ottr words £2,000,000[...]funds would suffred very .little drain in mectin the Traury.
Ails mentioned. from your cable advices,,[...]12th instant was approximately £1,4002000 less. than
the •prvious woek, and from this we ,...ssum.,e tiat por[...]r, :Ind the Comthonw ith
n clla upon to provic:e £4,7000000 in Lhis .!o•nction.
In orr to do 3,o it[...]oradon t:Linst the proceeds of which LuO cover coula
old in oraer to provide funds at this end. We informed them)how-
ever, th,A, it would not be necessry for us to take . (ivnte of this
proposd at present., thouh w. reeervedwthe ri[...]y7
SOUTH AUSTHALflA LOAN FLOTATIO. We acAo thLA the South Austr,:ii&n
L30000)000. Lion[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (133)[...]S-La-31[...]t•- I. Nivison
r,[...]ri. ,z left it me,‘; to ci[...]olit wii is i qtr nou - pro

Nivisoa ,1[Avin - ;.lis own t,[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (134)[...]S-La-31

z[...]';„j0V0 firm, provithi the credit gYv :_. confirmed of rcpui,Ae[...]o desire to .1V.r-quch confirfLation. In view c.

the inforvAion. --nich[...]Ation

of th,- Firm wo re to-day replying, dvising tit if you 0,2-1

',in,wrs opinion from L[...]to lie

supfrort documents- for .the Wiieat1 -0 would *Je_propbrd

Po t[...]n t're mority

.4';, it :1.8 mo6t ,advisbic - that sucth brdita i confirmed
by Firm deLdin in a larg e w&y with produc,, or
illnuf&ctured artictles. is lible to me heavy losses at ,f1j,

In view, hoever, of 1- 4issrs. very t.A0-on position
Oropard to wive the point on this occion, _provided we[...]e hereitn copy of :..'urtner 10,tr
which we flav8 rved from th Undr Secrct.y to tr.1 Quensin,

SLte Trsury„ in whi7th thu definite taa. isis coiu -rssLes wnicn r6e,nt y passe.a„[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (135)[...]S-La-31

r deSir 011 3[...]f its tl
r 0 tri[...]io on.

is t I w f Associated • it n c

me fth a .., the fr[...]e[ri

;'..*f.:Arsed to tI iSSCojt:l.Ks, who 1.-.1.ow6Hve- r

„7.roun[...]t tnoir

cus tonic ris ci[ the ti[...]rdin This now 1,9,f;[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (136) S-La-31

fir6t place.

ur rithfully,[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (137)[...]S-La-31
1,111111111W114111.111WPW II.[...]-. Staff
Mr. Meson arrived yest€;rth,y0 all welt. PietAe avise
J. h. Mason[...]Wne%t Money
distributed 1st December, 2nd D,,,cmber and 3rd :,Jco[...]ion of one.,
lac (Rupee) end of DecelLJer 1/4-6/52d or all Januar[...]Cuba 8 96 per cent Poi 12/- Anlerican granulated
granulated 1E1- nomin a l Czech° Slovak 1913 nominal all
1)csmber/Jnuary shipment per cwt F.O.L. New York sight rate[...]Confidential. k);ent-6(rneral South Australia is
cabling Treasury Adelaide today as follows - If able secure
next place Campion and Nivison will endeuVour issue
£300000[...]ion 10.
allotment 40% end of February 40% end of discount on
prepayments 4% 6 months interest payable 1st July 1Q220[...]redeembie let July 1.940 Government having opt4on redemption[...]accrued interest last Commonwealth 3% quoted i; 5/2/$

•[...]Western Australia i54/15/- New South Waies L54/2/0. Prompt[...]pportunity
arises. na of quotation. Foregoing in my opinion is
price obtain[...]or other subsidiary Company when formed with overdraft limit[...]•
dis on Sanday's against shipping documents. May we establish
credit for[...]extnt cf fle t pgrchase but recommend that I e autnorised to

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (138)[...]S-La-31[...]d fflitt,bilsh credit against
documents for 4500,000 if required. Yeibcur busine[...]4.42
Paris P. T.
Italy TT[...]TI It Yi
Lisbon 4-7/bths[...]1/6-13/1 thop
Shangilai " TI 1
estern Australia states he is awaiting reply from Premier
to his caol intimating that he had Ciready arminzed fox'
remittnce with i4ondon County and Westmin4Aer atink Ltd. and
that meanwhile he h lent £730,000 to Victorian btpite
Govornment until 28th Decenwer. wnat premiuto Jhould wo
allow on T. T. understnd arran g ements with otrir aar115/4.

No. 860.[...]ebited had Office £10,000 for transfer toyour Dollar A/c
wIth Ntioni aanK o South Afr[...]contract with an Australian Bank,
latter payin:4 Comfflonw3alth 3ank of Australia at d[...]Ojntres reuired. Aent-GenerLd st%te6 n'Lati of
ustridian- Bank Known to Lia Government 'but ho: is not pre-
pared cL:cloe it here. A[...]r Agreewent can only
apply to 3ngiisti Banicin business as. LonTIon County and[...]ram of EYth Gold producers
money distriouted out i;6,1.94 paid south Kaigurli insteaa of
C ons of *,itimila per Mourno

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (139)[...]S-La-31


receiv,.3d from aanadibn 3a1k of Comerce, Toronto. New York
sight rate on[...]da. 4.50 T. T. Calcutta 1/3-7/8Uas
Paris 51.65 Berlin 6.90.

No. 873. New Yo[...]. Acting Agent-General Soutn Austrlia
is cabling Adela ide as follows - British Treasury having

decided India come first Nivison underwriting to-day £10,000,000[...]inerest yieldin
about 61%. Campion Nivison confident owing favourable
developments Ireland Washinz,ton we will do b7tter by waiting.
holidc4s do not expect is,sue before middl of
January. end of quotation. Another issue for Crown Colony will
follow India afLer which we hope South Australia will come.
Prospect better price in January encouraging price to-day for
last Australian loan6 premium Commonwealth 7-8th6 p e r cent
New[...]telegram of izitti Sydney City Council Loan Nivison is fully
in accord with your reply.

13[...]London and estminster Bank Ltd.
who discussed proposed transaction but. .gave noj.nformation
wh a tever as to sties thereto ilnd no - arranemelainly at the same Lime that in no circumst a nce
would they come into competition with Corilonwelth JanK of[...]minster i31, Ltd. that they would not for a moment entrtain
the transaction. I have th[...]edit but
they prefer not to avail of them '&4; it has never been necessary
hitherto end especially now in view of their pos ition with
Capital of over 1 to 2 millions. They as would you estttblish
credit at their own request Form C.[...]rafts agj;regating Z1,0001 000 against 'Ahet, shipment ui
on p a yment with Led Cl a use say £200,000 supported by nrrnts.
They have made similar arran g ements with Nation a l 3 .n.1.‹ of
Australasia Ltd. and Sank: of New South ';;ales. They h[...]e without specifying amount.
With documents think busines should je quit safe.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (140)[...]S-La-31


14/12/21. No. 878. Credited ColoniA. Combing Spinning 8, Weaving Co.
£2[...]ht rate on London 4.52
Paris TA -,[...]hc,ferring to your telegram of 14th live remitted Huad Offioe

£248059:4 6:4 after providinL £15,678:10:- for pvment under
Letter of Credit and £13,Ok payable 1st January bank of
Australaia remittance includes i:314:12:6 interest I.,„[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (141)[...]S-La-31[...]N.

2c4111/21. No. 740. Please obtain quote one lac rupees for reply to-morrow.

30/11/21. No. 74[...]elegram of 29th inst%nt purchase
one lac rupee 1/4-1/16th advising us.

1/12/21. No. 742. Eeferrin to your teleg[...]uncil elected will
L‘sccrtain and advise you their wishes.

No. 743. When final inE3taiment of £300,000 Brisbane Metropolitan
Water and Sewerage Loan received on 2nd inst%nt dispose of .as
follows place £45,000 at one month's call £14 000 at three[...]ht months. On 5th
December credit remaining balance £35,000 to Head Office plus
premium 1% debiting latter your Exchange A/c.

3/12/:?1. No. 744. Please obtain best quote one lac rupees fc,rwrd latter
pa rt De cember or January for r[...]not required.

6/12/21. No. 746. W. A. Government require £1,000,000 transferred fom.
London to Perth Agent-General has advised Premir that trans-
action has been defini[...]hrough London County and
Westminster Lank but from advices received we gather London[...]and Westminster 3tink offered transaction to Associated.
Australian Banks who declined as[...]o
Commonwetjth Bans. and W. A. Government not customers of Associat-.
ed Banks. Have instructed Perth to advise Premier accordingly
and request him instr[...]250,000. Other banks naturally do nt, wi6h to disturb good
relations with Commonwealth Bank as we cnsistently hand over to
them fx,rtinn of Wheat, Wool and other moneys which we[...]eceipt above credit Head Office with Producers' balance
reservinq. only £78,370 to pay premium to London members due
10th December pr.:.rticult-;rs of which will be cabled later. Debit
Exchange and credit Head O[...]% on amount transferred
Australia advising us. Until furtner advised remit to tistr-lit,
all further amounts received account Gold Producers' Association.

7/12/21. No. 748. Referring to our telegram of yesterday W. Australia
Premier now requests you to confer with Agent-Gen e ra[...]Money to be allocated as follows:
Brisbane £124,0001 Sydney £210,0001 Melbourne £2961 000, Adelaide,
£250,000, Perth £120,000, cred[...]Office
under advice on whatever date remittance is arranged and we will .
allocate as mentioned. Amount me.,y e remitted in instalment
whole amount to be credited[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (142)[...]S-La-31

No. 749. Referring to your telegram of 6th America is
offering us money on much better terms as r.ezards issue price
and rate of interest quite exclusive of question of any
possible improvements in -rate of exolinge. If South
Australian Government approve we will agree to issue in
London bs we would sooner bor[...]nday's will
approve if credit confirmed by reputable English Bank. For
your own information Commercial 3anking Co. of Sydney Ltd.
have already declined to do business unless confirmed by

8/12/21. No.[...]ur telegram of 6th December debit
Gola Producers' Assocition on 10th Decemcer £78, 370 and pay
as follows :-

Associated Gold Mines of Western Australia -Ltd. £2,000
Associated Northern Blocks 1 4[...]£4,065
Menzies Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd.[...]egrLphed
Perth Manager to request. Premier send necessary cable
instractions to A8ent-Generai. Premium to be allowed on
transaction 15/-%. If necessary you can arran g e to remit
£250,000 immedicItely and palsnce of ii;730,000 on 28th[...]53. Purchase if possible during the next weeK 1 lac
Rupecs at 1/3-13-15ths or lower.
4109/12/21. No. 754. Pieuse declare Insurance 3d'er cent over new[...]telegr a m of An. :;erth Manager
advises 1,ondon County & 3&nK,Ltd. hvo made
arrangements with Union 3.1tnk l i_td. We untirsood from a
ember of As_ociated 3 i , MeibouI, h t sacciteJ Banks
_fondon t[...]tiction as Western
Australian Government are cu6tomers Comfronwealtn 13z;r1K. Take
matte[...]izited Australian a&ns.'s London
advising him that if transaction completed by on[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (143)[...]S-La-31[...]Sydney
City Council Loan present iilayor who retires 31st Decem)er
wished to announce Loan as definitely arranged. Have informed
City Treasurer present Mayo[...]nounce thEt everything
in train for issuing further Loan in London for Electric Light
purposes and Commonwealth Bank is arranging accordinjy.
ArrEJngements will, however, not be ccrnpleted until new Lord
Mayor assumes Office in J-_nuary i&rid We Will then c-le you[...]No. 757. Referring to your telegram of 13th advise Union
3ank of AustrLdia we appreciate their attitude which was what
we[...]th whole
Position. Definite arran gements should now be made with itnt-
Ge[...]2/21. No. 758. 6ydney City Council desire balance of their funds
tr a nsferred Syd[...]all paymnts in London
already authorised and making ail nece6sry adjustments for
interest earned. Transfer by cable zccordinsly advising us
110 and adding exchange at 20/- p[...]chase
Wheat with a £200,000 Red Clause we would approve.[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (144)[...]S-La-31[...]SYDNE Y.


Metrorolitan fieter Su- and See bi_[...]to the
suggetion tivt an Order in Council be issu ed declarinc: that the
debentures and inscribed stock isued by the Metropolin Water
Supply and Sewere Board rank in[...]'s

otii -, ,btion to the Governnt of ',,ueensland, I am directed to
inform you that the Government is advised thnt such priority is
provided for in "The Metropolitan 'ater Supply and Sewerage Acts
Amendment Act of 1221". In the circumstance3, the Tr[...]tee to the holders of

detenturf',s and stock is necessary.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (145)[...]S-La-31


196.[...]We hav1-7 . d6cid. to alter the method of (1:Amin with

the Foreign iiill N ot t[...]tion, :,Ad

ld if you will tu spc:"1 no of t*ri, procedure, •ki.ich

is as follows:
Wh'-n[...]it to a Ch6.rEe Note on

• your O f fice, la w,tla th, proueo lecosry trA tAs[...]rned inate&o of, c„,,E Lt present, remittin the rount Oy


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (146)[...]S-La-31

from No. 1. from thtt Lte.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (147)[...]S-La-31


nCr.:l's c-..:/ourtf , to merely lit uebnalIind ,:o-v ,Jrnrnent[...]roply is receive.

4_,Atto J UhIO[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (148)[...]S-La-31[...]L Ja

A specimen of r. Justice :dcitts j),ure is :-Linclosed 1l ere;itn for

your informL,t1c[...]e cri

b lauS ') LTD. I ref.- to your letter

Novembr, T.eived from the NtlonrL Provincial & Union. 3L,nk decum-ni

coverin._I: two shipmnts of iruscnel stlt&, oil::: to arIsbn and on to

Adelaide, and Tiid. tflt we are expected to le nd, H)on[...]af,

lins se Alt b: the Ntion41 Provincial 3z.-nK in tr.i esc pL ticuii„r

in ti:J.1[...]oulti poiat,, out, however, taet thie bsineas is taitf

outside our scope, as w. .; aave. no[...]rGustd to ta na J1J fuTttir afISACtIQrIe of this more
prticulrly aS Ca: repot tat drear is ratar

vis &,. the should oe

exroisd 6,Ay Juines[...]y Øf tne Nc4tiow,a ?loviLIA-1 j.finicls 1c6!)e-2 is Anodose

herein, 1or you: idn:e, and w- shell f1d if you will advise
them that ,os will remit. proceed, at '0 days siit , s .for tht,
it does not suit us to remi at 120 dys s they desire.[...]s a natter of policy not to ericour a1(_
trm remittro oyond 60 this siht ex .ept in wfusui -ircumst

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (149)[...]S-La-31[...]L1f.,1). IA t-,„ :he Cori -

irmed Cr
; X ,[...]cL drw-e)ts drawees. It is thn ntcsscry

to asurec( tt >elinn 3ros. are undouted for

W '..)eliev:? tlai.31,, to be a Bankinj rious of hiz,h r4ute, out t[...]e th61r lance

Sheet, Alt prc),f4)1y you tieve hlredy se[...]. ;.r why dr . it
its not : int'istern shipments

sb.ou:,:;: lot siht. As advised you in th,: ese of Samuel[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (150)[...]S-La-31


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (151)[...]S-La-31[...]een6hn SLte Trc, , 6sary,
De ,cir[...]non 114s oroulit unoer clAr notice
tnt tre acount oened in London on beildif o4:" your govrnment
'Jaen 'Vied 1 ueens txd GovrnmnA, t-flerdits Ale.'

i3 suggeted that the, designion of te'aancunt should be
merely ensii.c Govrnmen* 3 with an 4uthor1ty for ttc
.Account to[...]by the Aent-Gencrul. This

latter atyle would n>t m6ke it appear that the accou[...]t-Geriaral„ and as my
large tr;n .ctiori with which the Agent -Gkrn[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (152)[...]S-La-31


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (153)[...]S-La-31



Voreirm Collections,
WHC 1.11[...]1st 1-,overa, er, 1921.
The lanarer,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia,

Dear Sir,

Re Shi merits of ruscheri Salts to 'vustralia by
Messrn. -.Griffiths Hushes (Kruschen)Ltd. Manchester[...]0*.W0m0.404O ... 0.4.1,41 1,00.040miss".

7ith reference to the exchan[...]os
in qur-stion, we hie now received t}e, documents for the second
shipment (documents for the first were sent you on the 29th Oct.)[...]Please advise
Our A.102.[...]our numbers.
2/3 statements
3 invoices each in duplicate
1/2 shipping charge statement
2/3 Measurement spec i f i cat io ns
2/3 freight memos.

Insurance Certificate, value 1,800
2/3 Bills of Lading 32 cases numbers 2052/83 s.s.'Wiltsidret
to Brisbane.
Please have the -:oods on arrival stored in bond by your
Brisbane Office. On application by Messrs. H Grear, 119/123
York Street, Sydney, (our customers Australian agents) for any
portion o the p:oods, your branch at Brisbane is to hand a Deliv-
ery Order in exchange for th[...]8.14.9. per gross.

Triplicate statement, three triplicate invoices, dupli-
cate freight note, and duplicat shippirg charges statement,
triplicate and triplicate meqsurement specification, allow
by the next mail wit copy of this letter.

The proceeds of the 60 days' sight drafts, when due,

are to be advised us us usual by ro-f,rria drafts, and we shall[...]in detail how the charges are made up time.

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (154)[...]S-La-31 AWN

Commonwealth Bank of Australia,[...]...**W01.4.4

Kindly note that it is our clients' special instructions
taint proceeds are to be at 120[...]e accordingly
We shall be glad if you will kindly take note ;:,ft' thrse
instructions, and advine your Adelaide, Brisbane and 'elbuurne
Branch s thereof, as well a[...]oods held in bond are to be covered against fire risk
the premium to be debited to us for the period goods shoul[...]ee Our clients take it for granted
that this inouranae can be arranged. on a basis of floatii:g
values so that, for era pie,[...]fluidity; a big policy
and paying a big premium for a small stock in any particular
and trust you can carry out these instructions.
Then we cabled you, we mentioned to your London Office
that the amount and shipments that would be involved -to *Id be un-
cert[...]0 tons in 700 cases.
Our clients informed us that the wareouse charges are:-[...]Id. per case per week rent.
and we 211-11 be glad to know if you can confirm

you will keep yota• rate of charge on this business -s fine as
Yours flithfully,
per pro National Provincial & Union Bank of England Lt[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (155)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (156)[...]S-La-31[...]those forming
the bits of your crlcuirAir:ins:-[...]Co., through the Crown Agent for the Colonies London to

cur Lcildn Office tnd in eh[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (157)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (158)[...]S-La-31
77771,111M1Mieguir5[...]est balances in thabo accounts
rtin to lare es end to that end gir 1.1. be
gl lair the w no O2 passod in your[...]rria in Sumin
Colonial lirnnol.! A O. 000, 00[...]ricto).
We Imre ?wren ed foir norrespond g entries to be
passed Office and Me bourne on the date mentioned dbove..[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (159)[...]S-La-31[...]you. . 7 CL the 2Ist Octoisirs

rz,,.ba with intret ni[...]ou forwarded t1'..lerewitti

will ',,Je vrticularly usful 17 ,t refer€iioe,[...]r :C t Lj in Aust it is not foI> trie to[...]-
Any proposis or recommendations wh."4„./..;n you

will 'o pr0[...]done.

111 tne me&titim , woul say that on[...]h was 'orc riod. witn your leta.r under reply, 't is ole[...]ne -Y r ne 6t:Inard Lire Atisurn.7.,e o., anc 3cierJu

On I'LL. map,[...]e unless all tha other

adjolain , loo c.• Pa ncraa L an lc :Joula

also 1111: rem your iii.;ttcr I ,- hEr Albt SA[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (160)[...]S-La-31

the v, t of their effo t[...].ont wean Victori Street, Phom,s Lane[...]Ketch rerewith„ ',thowL Lae lot- in the
m,nner menllioned above, but snowia[...]t offerof the 1.:n d mentioned.[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (161) S-La-31[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (162)[...]S-La-31[...]1f,

Der i-
Ar„ GOVRNMEAT OF TASMANIA. ACCLPTANCii, TO jEFFERY-DITT[...]Generai for Tsmni,.:L, .to ti e Jeffery

Dewitt Lrisuiatbr Co. totIlin $32.515
As you E..[...]- thAase trnstAltion.

When the M6manian Uovernment first Lrrned the purehe,[...]tLt

opinion tLIIA the most s&tisf.:2:,ctory method of diing with the[...].rnrint
wout , to issue Treury i1L

in Lo11rs or in Ster1in4, witn provisici tn_t tric -fat- of l'xoh n[...]ntst for sz_ri, if neces6ry, pro-viaed by int,rest coupons.


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (163)[...]S-La-31

201..[...]17th Demer, 1921.

The fler,[...]yet een
Will LA:). V.:.:7;, you defini ely when -[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (164)[...]S-La-31


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (165) S-La-31


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (166) S-La-31



Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (167)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (168)[...]S-La-31[...]To be advised.


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (169) S-La-31[...]3uit better


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (170)[...]S-La-31

SEC/ERB.[...]Mr. C,mpioa,
As i advised you in my last leer I anticipate

arriving in London about[...],

.;, rid then returning, via Suez.
Government have recently instituted their 1'Bay t class of steamers,
on each one of which there is limited first class accomrothAion.
woader i. ydi would be good enouh to spek to

Mr. Larkin and bespeak accommodation for myself and ars. Armite

on one of their 11 3&30 steamers, leaving London for Australia aaout[...]•

August. These steamers seem to be so popular that I thinK it wil
be necessary to[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (171)[...]S-La-31

SEC '41

No .[...]ntervoned, and no outward mails 'rave oeen ,civertised.
FUNDS. avo juLcompiled[...]to approxivi sly 4,00O,000. Tn., requirements of the

Commcn weai tti overnment re not likely t1c uc heavy oetween now and
March, and thc payment di rì final inctbia, of their iist Loan,
whiuh will e- received January should A'.3ep them supplied
with funds up to the end[...]mind,
however, that in March they will have vyment.P, of over £5,000,000
to mb,ke•t- the Lrjtlsh.Govrnment and may also have to pay a
further 000,000 which WaS postponed from last Soptemoer, on the
other hand a furthe r ion of £F ,003,000 wili. .1c...u'Jtiesi,1,,: have Jean
i8$Uec hefcr.. Uhet (A[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (172)[...]S-La-31[...]revi85-3,7 or CaS of tht,, ir Londcr ruirments. nd when th 3omes
•[...]w we will,
whilst not weak:ening our ndon pciticn, probably Sell some London
.xchang..e to other 4ns. for mode[...]y 19220 to Decm;Der,
4.924 is inz„eresting and useful,[...]e ourseiva are interested, we will fully
discuss Lne position with the r,3spective Governments and advise you
What action is decidedupon . Wn, touch this subject we
would ain mention the question of borre.-win Aieriria. • As advised
you in our. 1.'s+ letter, w hardly thiriK thL the ritiah Government
wouid take any exception to Australi orrowTh-4 in America to a
reason. ble extent, if funds can be obtined there at a better price

than in London, and, under present conditions this is undoubtedly. the. •
case. Ae Jan aorrow in mericu at bett e r issue price for the
same rtc of in t erest than IN, ori in London, added to which the fact
that trio dollar at p nt 6t.,:znds at 4.20 is an addition al attraction,
as there is iitti.e doubt of it Improving to somewhere: in the vicinity
or pa— during tnS[...]the pocition
dop we feel tflct it is our dut:,..T to let the various Governmental

and Muni..pitl Authorities, whose financial .arrangements w attend to,.

know the ff'rb cnd there is little doubt when we do this they

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (173)[...]S-La-31[...]my be of .,..,rrowing in London fot sentimentl r&asons, we criciot for
any[...]f. 1.)prrowin in
,‘-tmerlea.would be considero[...]As you &re aware we are
ciosiiy associated itn vb.riou ti:rt Pools (except Victoria)
and it is tive that we, as their financitd advisers should Je
armed with fuli information in[...]xt,unt inspira oy 44peculators end
wor ded to suit their own interests. With this in view we thought
it desira ble,[...], anct - look forward with .1..nireat to your advis in
thi s
4T[...]411 We c„,:pled you yesterday a, viAng
IN th e r&t,Js[...]at the net, -ate to the pulic obtainin
this concession wili he 3[...]ed, whilst Buyin.,; rates have oeon increased, as is

usuul 't LhlL $[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (174)[...]S-La-31

ni(s in London hav en fully advised by you as necessary, in
order.t.[...]be enticed into purchasinzthig,,Silver from
Mes*-rs. bands & Co.

W[...]£246,000 which we held, and which the New Zealand Government areed
to pay in London ins,etid of in Aust[...]When this tr5nss0t10n-
bcam. known 3an6-,1 of Nc Zealand they took the around that as_--
aaner, of the Now Zealand Gc.vernment they were entitled to the
,0 (ion txchnc4)[...]ed out in quite a friendly
w.14 that no doubt Ladvertently we had trespassed on their around and
r.„.„quested us to sell them London ,,,over to the same exte nt at the
same price tha t w were allowln to the New Zealand Gcvernment.
As their request was quite reason,oie Land logical we agreed, and we

cabled yo[...]0 cTi0t e received your
cable of 16th lastant and in accordance therewith we wrote the[...]m, as per copy of letter herewith
clvi-ing them that we were requesting you te take no further pa[...]We alsc re,, uested the
Treasury to c4avise the Viciorian Orcli:„rdists AooLation b3,-torainjy.

were somewhat surprised to receiveyour further c-bie ,,,dvi/Je6 of

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (175)[...]S-La-31

5.[...]nstant suzgesting tnat Lii trnsactions of the Association
should be put through the 3antc. From your earlier messe we 11,1d
pulthered the impression th?,1t,[...]whatever in the transactir- ns„ and
with this attitude we fully concurred. We, therefore, could not
altogether underatund your later message which appeLred to u- to
conflict with th[...]unictedwith the
Commonwealth Treusury giving them the contents of your latter messz,z:e

and on receipt of their reply w,.; will cble you further.
SIR . ALLARDYCE. Sr Wilii,m L. Allardyce, who has been
Governor of 1,
.smania for the past two years, has resigned his
. L;111and. He intends to retain
Commission and is returning to : is
various Australian investmerts, the income from which will b0 receivec
for :his credit by Melbourne Branch.
Wails:t I was recently in Tasmania Sir Wijilam 'Aiscuss6C.
his finnciai affairs very fully and freely, and .has sibce written

me giving full information as to his future ant,icipted'requirements.
As result of this correspond,6nce a full letter of authority has een
taken from him which sets out clearly and concisely ex;Lqctly what is
expected. A copy of sameLa enclosed and w shall De glad if you
will have it noted and given effect to cc far .;,s it concerns your
Offic. Melbourne. Man&ger has also been fully advised and will jive
effect to the instructions so far as they re-14,1.)e to his ,rtinch.

received from the Board of Trade relative to Butter and aieese

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (176)[...]S-La-31

instructini them to prepL,re st,terrnts showing the v-rious
partisuLr6 required, which will be forwarded on to you i[...]im of the 14th instnt,
and your reply of the sme -nAtive to the tnsl'er to
Austral of Imo b4I:#1nce of ttle, Sydney City Counclitsfunds., aft

tor /111 payments in London aiteadyuthorised l and m4.4in
all the necosary adjustmnts in[...]erest earned.
The City Tresurei htlis now intimated that he will, be. glA
to reoeie as soon as possible, a detiled stat[...]oubt ha'6 already b een prepared by you, and

is pro:JbDly at present in transit.
RAJ:Ur ::3i4IPMFLITS SUPPNS.CC9UNT. We have to . ..cknowlvd:e receipt

of your communication o, tne 2nd November last No. 758, onclosing

copy of letter received from the ilritish.Bord of TrAe l again

requestin us tc claim an amowit of £20 346/6/10 from :the Insurance[...]r 1917.

W made ex.naastive enquiries in this matter twelve months
ago, and forward-0 you full reports, etc. whictOtenticipated would
satisfy the Board of Trade. We have again loo&cd into same, and
find ttuA tt-w•relative policy actually took effect from the 7th
iV1ust, 1C1170 -and as the dama?:; , took place before I.,t date it
would be quite useless[...],,m --D. Referring to Our latter

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (177)[...]S-La-31

"Ulu may grant Riverstone at co. LAA. unsecured
',acoommolt,,tion Co[...]mnt-s or ato-tlge
''ydney Mnfer is also writin you in this :;unnecaon
n1 hi's adviaes we confirm[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (178)[...]S-La-31


15/1.71 Trem T. T oG Prem T.T[...]..4 I-, 30 diist.2
n 60[...]. .wish con[...]/D
:6 30 dist.[...]pcze



Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (179)[...]S-La-31
•-• , . • , '[...]h
(30th trun'., ,nd nst Deccmer) ithi t on th,-,[...]6% ', ,-.?r•num.

3. Your MElbourn fJ° 58 pfsible to[...]to myr ....;,,c- 7:,ount from time to timc, -7,vfall[...](„Scl) W. I....,. Allardyce.


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (180)[...]S-La-31

LES TO LO[...]alian 'icht Board
'100 000 ispo,se of as follows. Credit Head Office[...]00 Union Bank of Australia
2135i4LOLA*fik of AustralFsie £132,000 Queensland National
Bank £3,000 National B[...]215,000 L.b.&.A.
Bank £120,000 Commercial Bank of Austrlie £118,000
Australian Bank of Commerce £2,000 Bank of Adelaide £1,000
Royal Bank of Austrrlia[...]762. Under ca ble instructions National Provincial Bank
we have paid Comptoir National etc £1:71 000 and Meconald
Ha milton and Coy £50,000[...]g further
II! £100,000 we think 3uch large exchange transactions should
matter up 'ith Nrton.1 Prvincial Bank.
17/12/21 7873. Referring to your telegram 981 Metropolitan Water
Board have passed resolution authorising creation Inscribed
Stock in London to be called Brisbane Water Supply end
Sewerre Inscribed Stock and ¶pcinting Commonalth Bank
of Australia rW_Etrar also authorising thank give holders of
scrip option converting into Stock. Agreement drawn end
being executed. Government legal authorities consider
priority of debenture hol[...]ll-
schft until Commonwealth Government decide to allow,
rel a tions to bersumed with Germa ny we prefer to do nothing.
1[...]rdinF turninF ma rgin nu
will :(1.vise you defi7itely later.
20/2/21. 765. Referring to your tel 992 In view of your a:jvicea
have advised Tre'sury that B a nk will tke no further part in
operations and have requested them. to inform Vocal accordingly.
21 ' () I
767. Debit Tasmanian State Covernmit £100,000 and cr;:?dit
Head Offic:e plus 20/4 premium debiting 2.:Pttcr your exchange


Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (181)[...]S-La-31

23/12/21 .788, heferring to your[...]o colored rd nd
liu' rU Is° three &mil bloke o1or wlytte in y[...]om
cueen Victoria StriA Id enough spce to carry on i)eprtmonts
necess: r[...]ht to 30 dsys
ftr iiv of Jtemer colTeotin riteret tederfAion.

e4/[...]23rd 994 vv Iv:ye rferl-ed
the mEltter to the Tresury :fnd will (:ivise you on receipt of

'TV12/[...]Stritly confidnt_E,1 South ustrliF n tpte Government
hsv 3l-)Id Agent GenerFl proceed with flot-tIon. e tv,ve.not
edvised Stte CovernmentE fmericp is offering money at better
mte thin[...]/-% T. T. 45/4 concession
10/4 all premium Buying Demand per 30 days sight 10/4 60 days
sight 20/.4; 90 days sight 30/ per cent all discount. Referrin
to your letter N[...]erm of 19th instant Note Printer
Advises no turning ma rgin necessary as7 Water mark wil[...]Referring to our letter of 17th November New Zealand
Government we have agreed to sell Bank of New Zealand similar
amount London cover at same rate. On 3rd January pay them
£244,155 net debiting Head Office.[...],000 to be covered by shippin g
documents or storage warrants.

28/12/21. 777. :Du[...]transferred from. London on their account from time to
time. Please de31t your Exchange A/c i;7,444/6/1[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (182)[...]S-La-31

2 .

29/12[...]ni; 3c,wring & Co.
t a credit they advise ntivin; drhwn on you for L104/13/7 on
4th Nov,amoer. You deDitod lic_lad Office for this T. T. on
2nd Nc-vemJer w ssum- you[...]mount and will debit
drwings aginst a4me.

2;/1 /21, No, 779. Pit,ase obtain from best end most reilable sources
full weekly confide[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (183)[...]S-La-31

FflO[...]to-day India list closed. Uope to underwrit
ur Lon fte ristmas and advertise 3rd
tërm ±barox4iii3/ end o qucA[...]'th-,9Uktin114.1, 1! remained open until Decmbet. Oth e r[...]15th Sti.ndaya Lloyds an Ltd. report
them moo for thc transaction mentioned. They regard them as
undoubted. We are th.arafore arr6inging for est a blishment trio
credit LndiaLd. New Yo[...]81. Kelerring ,, our teieram of 14th NovemJer Metrcpciit
06 and Ipswicr W a ter Supply and Sewerage 3oard (3riebne) Loan
Nivison asks will you A:indly advise present oosition. heived
from ,:ar[...]23/18/2 aceountpust due
Bills Z358 'Messrs. Coghlan & Cook. and £2,100 Colonial Coming
Spinning 6nd Weaving Co. Lt[...]No. 705 of 7th ,!'eptember
Voc:.,1 Harris Cbine the purchaser after p5ying nine anipmants a[...]ianded value £41,837 without any unfavourable comment took
exception to quality and pacKiru[...]objection
but they hzav only now handed me copy or tha last report made by
their evJminer no ropr[...]esent at any
examination nor were we advised 60 that we could arrtin for ,

10[...]little reguibrity in size pieces and some tins contain odd portions
Free stones and Clingstones frequently in filme tin. In many
in6tnces fruit sour and t&[...]smali quantity o' sugr
and in other fruits and syrup dirty this latter applyin3 to
particularly Pean, Regrding Pear same irreguiritj of pieces
extr. fricy and .f e y varying five to fifteen fruits pulpy broKen
dirty end of quottion. Firm now cil for cancellation agreement
givingfinaa date of 21,th December an[...]to sell on account of
V o cal on 6 commission oasis or would accept reduction in price
V- :(ar dozen Peactle& V- Pears. We have already received payment
for 28„189 cases value £410 837 and we hold cheque post diAed as
arraned pending landirw of goods and 50 days therefter for[...]prejudice for 21,923 cases. Further
shipment aggregating 21 0 026 ca ses advised in transit. Areement
provides for about 68,000 case[...]

Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (184)[...]S-La-31

16/12/21. ,No. 882 (Continued.)[...]to elicit from buyers a definite
statement of their claim which we have not even yet oAained.
Purchasers aim from outset has plainly been abrogation of contract
and to exact the utmost advantage they can their method and
procedure being directed that[...]ents will be difficult to
.:4et a judicial decision on Arbitration. We thiri‘ the time hus
no arrived when 3ank should be relieved of the largely technicA_
ork and responsibilit[...]gal action.
Piease ascertain Vocal's wishes and shall he glad of your
17/12/21. No,[...]fnuary 1920

we now make many payments on behalf of Australian customers throwj
Disconto-Caelischaft (Direktion der) who also on their own
responsibility negotiate drafts under Circular Letter of Credit.
As their reference to our out of date specimen signature books
remaining in their hands may be dangerous may we send to their
principal 13-rnches latest specimen signature boos without of
course resuming in any way Agency relations.
17 1'7' . No. 884. Referring to your[...]ld. Two 'Ines can be dons but it
is sugeated as an improvement and with a view to securing bold
w[...]he next with denominations
in three places in centre as shown on your sketch with ail ove[...]with denomination on each side of it. 'ilanufcturer enquires
whether the turning margin is to be the s7A-1 on all sides of each[...]m date of
order • and further supplies a6 required despatched at ten days
notice. Price 13/ ,' per rem. of 500 eheets packed f.o.b. London
631d the cost of five Dandies complete would be approximately £400.
19/12 /21.[...]We have to-day debited Head Office £3,000 in payment
of draft drawn .on its by the Canadian Ban i< of Commerce Ltd.,
San Francisco, to replenish your account with them. New or
sight rate on London 4.18, Ca[...]heferring to your telegram of 16th Wheat money dis-
tributed. Credited Colonial Combing Spinning and aving Co.Ltd.
£4,000 received from Canadian 'Bank of Commerce, Toronto. New

Yore sight ra[...]Ltd. have transferred £25,000
Queensland Stock to joint name h. R. Love and H. Forbes.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (185)[...]S-La-31[...]3.25
Lisbon if tfl IT[...]8i4. heferrin to your telegram of 15th, kindly advise Head
Office we establish documentary credit form C.3.2 favor Samuel
Sund[...]grain shipped to any t rt. Ma,rine and War Risk Inurane plus
2% Policy to accomny drafts expire 20th December, 1922. Regard-
ing shipment to L)ortL other than United &ingdom or Europen ports
1 coiete set btu. in document& to be sent to Ban's Agent at
port of destination to await BL,nkts instructions l remaining set
LO ccompany draft to London.[...]as representing cr(Aitees. Pleas advise Melbourne similar' ordI
established £500 0 000 SmLvel Sanday and Co. hed Claus £100 0 000
fa vor Sunday[...]errin: to your teieram of 17th„ N6tion&J. Provincial
Bank of Engl,n,Ltd. inform me transaction specified agr,gting
L1651 000];ssed through special account in order to dispose of with[...]ection which they have been able only now nd Dy this means
to debit on tnia aide.. They a'a pin2 to you Qonsideraie num-
ber of Bills and Expect this aditionai busin SL to be permanent.
They anticipate equili'orium will now be maintained between remitt-
ances ant drawing as they consider[...]t,proximLtely
L110,0001 out much still remains to be done to bargLin with owners[...]holdrs n lv,rious sub-tenLnti
Without disoloing principal or binding Bank we are continuing[...]you
but for our guidance we would be glad to now whether you wouU
be disposed to consider site and at about price i[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (186)[...]S-La-31

-4-[...]after our •Conferenc3 witk Nivison Agnt-GenerLd South
Australia is cOling Adelaitk; ah follows - Unioss conditions
change propose undrwr:0,e, .ndcf next weck ?advertise Tuesth4
3rd jitAluary 00000[...]y,lyable 5% application
allotment 40% 20th February 40% March 28th, Interest paye[...]redeemable 1st Septi., wiber 1C)40 Government having option redemption
instructions to hrid Harris Ca ine all fruit outside contr6ot for
sale on consi gnment. These instructions seem inudicious at
this juncture when we are endeavouring to combat Firmla effort
to cancel their contr[...]Vocal snould
make no arrangements except through Bank and now reply to 'darris
Caine intimating again that Commonwealth Bank authorised to act
in all matte[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (187)[...]S-La-31


The ScroUiri tc tut) Tr[...]ent correspondence, under which t'nu London flazer of t:Lis
J&nK, together with a hepreantutive of Lc hig[...]f the o:,nned fruit of tie Victorian
Orctltxrdists Co-Operative Association Ltd., i enclosu a copy of a
cubic,- from our London ?:;janagcr, advi6ing that a ciiaputa ha a2isen
with the purchasers regarding the quality o[...]ation or legal proceedins
are to e th out,,Jtome the responsibility of uanoiing what i& merely
technical bubinesc 4 Alould be removed from the L,r1K.. We aro there-
fore, instruclAng our ,Liondon ;:441nuger to have no furth.r deiins
with the rrnittr, nd ha1l be gid if you will Avise the VictcriLin
Orchardists accordingly.

With regard to the c[...]de Paper's
rom&rks in the use of ea rlier shipments which are quite contrary
to tho6e n[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (188)[...]S-La-31[...]n connection Witit the abovo trinnnetionsi particular.
ly our let14,, r or 10th June. 310,6V we o now sattvinod by the
National 13010*. Couth rion. i,istited that they litivt41, vain reversed[...]unt of S: 00 fro= t Nationale Tian of gouth ftfrikla Limited
Id if no xviii.dotibtlees[...]inining fro* - ing any further entry t this
mire rigantion 4ith the trinorpltign[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (189)[...]S-La-31

ItSW YORK, 17th November, 1921,

The Governor,[...]tt of 13th May and ours of
ltith June, the former requesting u to rev rno our debit to
your ac[...], 3oott & floL days 1000
/19,52.1.5(4 and the latter intirrtinc ttvt ,,re had complied
4th your wishes, we now observe that hen this itom wan
(,,ivIre:.- A to your 'nout, we immediateiy covered by

ve 'On j,kurlo[...]thus rover ,ing our entry of 24th Ame s[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (190)[...]S-La-31

4[...]u. should be -c f you would forw,rd sinilar infog
at on ith reg rd to 'essen R.J.Sillis nnd R.E.Claik.
Your suggestion th t as the lady clerks qnd 'e sengers
ve all been[...]hey sho uld not be ret.
ques t .unish new letter'l of reference it!! anproved hut, if[...]v es
e should be aad f you would send co ies in order that our filial)
may e co[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (191)[...]S-La-31

On the 13th Auf,ust last, at the request of Melbourne
Office we despatched a Telegraphic Tr-[...]of South Africa Ltd.,
requesting theffi to advise and pay that amount to essrs.. Bpwring
& Coy[...]to us that the National
Bank )f SwIth Africa misunderstood this transaction as a Credit,
we wrote on the 23rd[...]ave ber, which has now been received, they
advise itving drawn on you. for 4E104.13.7. being %411.39 at 3.93,

for a s ipment of 5 Rolls Wooabury Duck, per the SteaAer ,Vhakatanei
on account pf the e1bourne &Metropolitan Tra may Board.

Immediately upoli receipt of their letter we ca[...]favoring Bowring & Co as a credit they
advise having drawn on you for £104.13.7. on 4th Novelber. You
debited Head Office for ti;iis T.T. on 2nd November we assume you
are. holding amount * ld will debit 6rawinrs araihstisamest
and shall he pleased if you will be good en[...]gents.

For your infor tati,,)n we -lay add that bat_ Sydneyf and
elbourne o[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (192)[...]S-La-31


Our Melbourne Office now advises having received an
intimation fram the Nat[...]rred to in our lotter No.194, of the 15th inwt„ is to
be paid to you through Vle London Joint City & Midland Bank Ltd.


As advised you in our cablegram of the 17th inst., under
direct cable instructions fr,)ii the National Provincial Union Bark

• of England Ltd., we ha.e paid tc the Comptoir National d'Escampte
de Paris £15,000 and Messrs. McDonald Hamilton & Coy £50,000. In
ad[...]e also received a direct
cable requesting payments of a further £100,000 to the Comptoir
Natioaale d'Eicompte de Paris and £26,353.15. to the Australian
Mercantile Land & Finance Coy Ltd., and again on the 29th Decem[...]hilst of course we ferdily understand, that these large
transactions have enabled our friends to[...]ch arose during the recent exchange stringency we mentioned
in our cable that we would like you to take the matter up wlih them
pointing out that tranefe emhodyinc such large Etipounts should ho
passed through your o[...]sual manner.

Now that the Tiosition in re'7ard t this special account
has been rectified we must firmly insist that the collections which
they send to us[...]and Drafts, etc., on us.
From the latest statenents receivd it has been observed[...] outstanding so;e 380 odd ites-dating between Larc
and August last, the total of whi&I amounted to over £80,000,[...]as they 'lbw have ample cover for their
requirements we are hopeful that anomalies SUCL. s these will be
adjusted, and, as mentioned above, from now on we expect the 1:ation
al Provi cial A Uni n Bank of England Ltd., to work w-thin the
arrangements made and limit the Bills they send is to the amount of
their transactions'on the o[...]A.THENS.
The Athens Office of this Agent has forwarded to

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (193)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]mossemr,.4c,waanames
BA1UO[...]opy of their Telegra4hic Key, which they intimate is for use to
uthent. ioate reciprocal cablegr[...]spective Institutions.

The arrangements, so far as we are aware, with this Bank
provide merely for the issue of Telegra hie Transfers on the, by
our Capital Branches, no arrangements apparently having been leade
for them to issue direct Telegraphic Transfers on us. Un(er thes[...]nces we have acnowledged receipt of their code advising
them to this effect.

The code ie being held at Sydriey in case they may oss-.

ibly utilise it at aty time.

Our sei:ency arrangements are being revised to include the
new Branches of this Agent at Nazareth (Palestine) and Suez (Egypt[...]afts, and negotiation
of drawirwes under Circular Letters of Credit.

Their intimation that Messrs.4 G. Beyts & Coy are no longer
their Agen[...]T1SS7.

The extension 9f our arr_ngements with the above Agent
whereby their Branche[...]' Frauenfeld Kreuzlingen Lausanne
Neuchatel • Lucerne' (Town Office)
undertake the. encashment of direct Drafts issued by our Head Office
and Branches, also to negotiate drewings under our Circular Letters
of Credit, has been recdrded es necessary.

With a number of their more established Branches they have
the facility of ieeuinr[...]tralia and in order that tie !=eitter might be placed on a uniform
basis we shall be Plad to learn whether they are desirofis this
facility being, - laced et the disp ,eal of the before mentioned
Branches, also their office at Berne,,[...]are pleased te see that you have agreed to this Ileent
inaertirg the names of our Head Office and Branches in their list

of A -ents and Correseondents for t neeotietion of drawings under
their Circular Letters of Credit.
This Agent's Branches at Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (194)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]No. 209.
WOWMemb eamaimmar....

AMSTERDAUSCHE BATIK. Cc -,[...]n noted for inclusion in the next reprint of our List
of. Agents and Corresondents who undertake the negotiation of draw
ings under our Circular Letters of Credit.


The names of this. Agent's Branches at:
Solo Djocacarta Langsa Telok Betong
Pontianak Calcut[...]corded for inclusion in the next reprint, of our List of
Agents and.Corresponents, who undertake tne beotiation of drawing!

under our Circular Letters of Credit, and we also note that they
have been supplied with the necessary specimens.


Herewith we enclose a copy of a communication received by
us from the alanve named Bank in which you will observe they are des-
irous of including the nahies of our Head Office and Branches in
their list of correspondents for the negotiation of drawin . s unuer
their Circular Letters, of Credit, which are to be issued in dollars
pounds sterling, fr-ncs or marks.

Altheu-rh we have ascertained that they were established
about the year l8& we have been unable to[...]n.1 standing, and 11-Ive, therefore, written
them intimating that all matters of this kind are dealt ith

through your office.

will you kindly rake further enquiries concerning their
standing and deal with the m[...]your letter Vo.781 or the 17th
November in this regard have been noted and for your infor,ation we
may add that Branches were suitably advised on the 9th instant.
SP:4;CIMEN SIGNATURS. National Provincial & Union Bank of En land L4
4ational lank of South Africa Ltd.
Cn[...].731 arid 754, the once con-
taining the specimen signatures indicated which were despatche[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (195)[...]S-La-31

The 1[...]921

SPEC1 IG ATUtIES: 1.11.0xds & National Provincial Forqi5n Bank ,td.
Col[...]We note that you have forwarded supplies of speciilen
signatures Oircqlars and booklets issued by the nbove named Aents,
which have not yet been received but we !than write you when they
come to hand.
The supply of tie first named Agent's Circular [0. 59 has
been received, and is being dealt with as necessary.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (196)[...]S-La-31


New South 'ales. (Australia).-
Gentlemen: SO

We are preparing our Lit of Correspondents for the en-
cashment of our Letters of Credit, and the Irving National Bank of
New York has given us your name in order that we address your good
selves requesting your authorization to insert the name of your
good Bank in sane.-

Our Letters of Credit will be issued in Dollars Pounds,
Sterling Francs or tarks, etc., available by sight drafts on our
Correspondeno in New York, London, Paris or Berlin, which will be
negotiated at your buying rate for check on the above mentioned
For references of this Bank, you may address our follow-
in- corresp[...]al Park Bank
LONDON Messrs. Kleinwort, Sons & Co.
PARIS Messrs. Morg-41 Harjes L. Co
BARCEL[...]us with your authoriration, we
shall in due time forward to you specimen of our Letters of Credit,
as well as specimen signatures of the officials authorized t0 sin
in our behalf:-
We take advantage of this opportunity to place our ser-
vices at your disposal for any transactions which you may have in
ttlis country, viz., collections, drafts, etc., assuring you that
same would receive our best attention.-[...]Sgd. Pedro Gomez Mena e H4o.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (197)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (198) S-La-31

4[...]the ist
uniraoand p4 d to not osi ors e .0 have been
balanced fin* period ended 3 /11/21.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (199)[...]S-La-31

SEC/101[...]on 15th Decealb,)yl also had to meet £11 000,000 of

Wee Urn A.. straiin L[...]hilet
the Queensland ::;ovr-Hrnmnt 1so Lad ::pprOxialatly k1,250,030

ma1urin7 on[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (200)[...]S-La-31
-1[...]Ly perh.- a U00)000 to met, c-h. thse

'Aiirm--,'„s at this end, IL Is rose 010 i1 d1t[...]oL nLkt

As you a-re dour),L7),is a.:4',:re, the Stok .'.cri-no in :.:3y;:„Iney rd

Melbourne clos 7rotical1y a foytniht ovr the Christmas

• and New YeFr priod„ the opcnin th is

the 9t,t1. Janury , the t[...]7!cer.tly cme under our no[...]untary Wheat Po n Ne. South Lties C,:re :ucin; 30103 to

Dicyru[...]n, inst, of i r! 11. ThisJ.. the/nv. not:

a7reed to t[...]d in London, t E immeditely eoicd to Aut 110

., cre[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (201)[...]S-La-31


askin- them for n of .- LacIT requi.em&nt„..

London up o 3Ist X-7- rch 1,[...]sid h. .or
you-, 0 r:lat,j_ n coi,y of oth that ictter[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (202)[...]S-La-31[...]rcr the
rEm9.1nr of this nanc,.

being ten tc[...]s be m%iic our monthl, rqirements to
(.1 June. I[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (203)[...]S-La-31[...]ce,mbtr
Pvertft at 51st
t,pcenbr 1.D % 1 . At

iw:1C; instnIalen
I/oda() t f C510C, , L([...]p

4 TAItz

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (204)[...]S-La-31[...]2(-)/1 ‘;'/21 No. 780. Metropolitan 7-Ald Ipswich Water Supply nd[...]2nd Janury. After retaining “1000 to cover pyment
authorised by Brisbane, credit Head Office with balance
on 4th January, plus interest earned, and premium 15/
per cent, debiting latter your Exchange Acc,-_)unt advi2ing
us carticulars. Referring to our telegr. of 30th[...]at one idonth
balance at :5 or 7 ci,,„lys. Please act accordingly.[...]being 22/6d. per cent on recnittanoes advised therein.
.17, 4
* No. 782. Prime Minsiter's Department advise us Common-
wealth Steamers extremely anxious secure office grouna[...]to matter and
advise whether you can make any recomendtitions'which
would meet their recuirelients.
30/12 21.[...]Comonwealth Steamers please advise whether fittings
forwarded 22nd June last have beeneplaced in position'.[...]Bank' of
New Zealand transaction will be completed 7th Jc,-nu6rp,[...]gly. Please
aeclare insur ance at So, per cent ovcr new Notes tot[...]•
consigned Brisbane.

6/1/2k,. No. 785.[...]your auvices are Leing conveyed to the :rime Minister's
Department who advise extra space would if necessary[...]sixth floors. v.,uld not this -enable us to release[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (205)[...]S-La-31

CAbLES FOM LONDON[...]Bank, New York sight rate on London 4.201 laontreat 4.451
Paris TiT 51.81, Itly 95) irague 298) Liaboni 4 9-16th,[...]-1in 755,
e, Cora :viarket stady South Sea £25/5/- no
business[...]trimmin7 margins ea ch sheet are c-c4u1 that is 1 inch top and
• bottom and 1 inch .[...]ros. oectus third lit cloes Suh janary trice for issue Z96
- ipayable £51 on &A.JJication, 1[...]am of :3rd, 7601 may e delivr
all ocuments Austrlirm Producer:7 ,c,cetHnce. They[...]to cover deficiency v,7,.ric, us
shipments. ', instruct.

31g12/21 Ileferrin to your telem of : ..0th) to relinquisu portion
our nkinc Chamber, Australia;. House, would involve serious
embarr!tssment in conduct of Y3ank'5 busine,ss. 27esent ce rl
sufficient for requirements our grc'.ing local busineEs s well
as in connection vrIth our City Stock Department Eecord. We
tive nov: management Lonns77re7a:tin ncrly k7O,J00,000 ) the

flotatin of new isue tii r !,d6ne .in' i;20,453,300[...]re o t ank AustrYH:li hou8e
is Fart from their (1.;Y:n requirements - essential to relieve City

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (206) S-La-31


903 (Contd)
Office. On former occasin you readily provided room for
Orient Coy. ith consequent heavy expenses 80 that their
remises mitlt be rele7sed for N.S.W. Govt rd induce lattr
to come to Australa Hotte. 'AG hav(::o iven large ,:ortion
of Junk's wLndows for permanent display of Lmiratin .!Avertie-
m7;nts. e 11?„ve f[...]d cost of n fittins
and just about to be , laced in position by ContrKotor. Am3
room mcreovr is amiiRtle for Steamer Office on other f.-fonte
to Australia Housp.[...]s occupied by Miratior Dept. Regret e cannot recommend
any further curteilment aaamber StrF,nd premises.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (207)[...]S-La-31[...]urn of Officers an 3n1: ries 1 10 1921.
Ref erring to your C B ofl[...]n terms of Rule •74,. rn 074b
and we should be glad. if you, twad kint'1177 hryie thic dorx) in future.
aiit. would. ala) po nbt, out thlt your toturn is not in agroonent

it our reoorde[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (208)[...]S-La-31[...]4.111111

Salary Particulare C 38 Our Fie co rde.

STRINGER A. A 4E220- 2nd Name Ada
ANSCO E,[...]8/ 1/17 1/10/21
B ALLANTYNE, D .0 4E210 - 1742/15 1/10/21
BOILREMELL G 4:1:60[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (209)[...]S-La-31

2-[...]31/ 5/21 30/ 5/21

C itiUM =Alan ANK OF AU
mut, 14/ 111922 •

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (210)[...]S-La-31[...]0 1

Deer Sir,
ing as follows:
II:Metroolitn and ipswie Water Suppiy &rid Sewerage[...]fter rAaining 241000 to cover pay-
ment &uthorised by Pristane, credit Head Office
with tal6;[...]anuary, plus interest earned,
and premium 15/40 debiting latter your Exchange

-Account, advisig us p&rticalars."
We have no en advic,d by Brisbane Prarch that they have
cabled you, establWIAng a credit to provide for the payments
approximating .A1000„ tobe made o:,„ ,cco-,Int of scrap iron.
We shall be glad if you will arrange to debit the Board
with the usual commission at I% on all payments made under the

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (211)[...]S-La-31[...]bove Act, and note your

advices for which we thank you.
You f[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (212)[...]S-La-31[...]792,
of 24th November last, informing us of the death of Ur. 1,•eV[...]niter the circumstanees an amount equal to full salary
of otr late Officer up to 318t May 1922 may be pnid to his widows
Mrs. LeVierge.[...]We are forwarding to you by Remitting wnrrant ari amount[...]receipt signed and returned to this Office.[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (213)[...]S-La-31

E /LH[...]preL arod h the Ca ricaes of this Pank showing

the various particulars -aired by te 1-2ord of Trade,[...]In your lettor , 7.rd November

laA, No.766.
shall ho g1d 1J on il_ nnd tte stntements
over to the Loai, of Trade .acoording[...](leers _Jr

(Note) Statement mentioned above held in Mr. Yule's[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (214)[...]S-La-31

nira:WMR.[...]py of Bent-
ley's Code opposite the cypher YEPLA the approprip.tion as requested
by you.

With re[...]herefrom and under the
circumstances we wrote Melbourne Office, who now rIxivise having
redrawn on your office for the amount[...]P LKIDGToN BROS. ST. ii JL LA
In accordance with the advices co[...]ta]. Branches that the above firm has been nut _oriseci to send
Dx.fts direct to then for collection to obvi te the difficulty
which sometinec arises owinr to Mess•re. Pilkiwton beixt.,; able to
obtain the Bills of Ladirr on the day on which the f',ual,ralian au[...]eds s if the
Bill h-d been incl d in your remittances.
We note that in the enoe o[...]oti:ted t your
end you are arrangirig. with this firm to send throu:h you all Seconds

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (215)[...]S-La-31

The Manarer, -2-[...]AIM W--

No doubt you have good reasons for ,eeting Messrs.
P ilkingt on Bros. in the special manner arranged, but we feel sure
that you will quite appreciate that any general departure from
the principle of remitting the Bills through the London Office
would involve a considerable amount of double work at this end
and would also possibly lead to other com[...]ough, as
desired by you, all necessary arrangements have been made in this
particular- instance, we shall he much obliged if, wherever[...]n all other cases arrange for the Bills to be
remitted through London Office in the usual way.[...]• We wrote you on the 18th November last with regard to
our Special Account maintained in the books of this Agent and would
like to add to our remarks that since that date the Credit balance
at this end has been gradually increasing from week to we[...]ssing through the Account
indicates that they issue a fair number of Telegraphic Transfers.
in[...]but the Mail Transfers and Drafts which
they issue on us have materially decreased. As a matter of fact,
by the mail arriving here late in December, there was not even one
advice of Draft received at Sydney Office from them, whilst on the
other hand, however, they are[...]iy

We shall be glad if you will take the matter up with our
good friends requesting them to restrict the collections which the
send us[...]h as Mail Transfers
Drafts and T.Ts. they may issue on us.

The statements which they have been sending us from
time to time for some months past have also indicated our balance
in their books q,s a debit.

STANDARD BANK OP SOUTH AFRICA LTD.[...]will be taken to include in our
Agency Arrangements a revised list of this Agent's offipes, in-
cluding their subbranches for the issue of direct drafts by all
of our Branches.

The oractice in Australia-is for sub-branches or &gencies
to be opened only at specified times during the week and for our[...]formation we shall be pleased to learn whethe r this procedure

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (216)[...]S-La-31

is also adopted in South Africa, for we are sure you will readily
agree *ith us that it is not desirable for Drafts to he issued on
those Branches which are not open for business daily, for this
would, more than likely, cause inconvenience to • r clients.


We have recorded that this Agent will now undertake the
encashment of Direct Drafts by Head Office and Branches as[...]the negotiation of drawings under our Circular Letters of Credit,
having been supplied[...]rs of Credit in either
sterling or dollars. We are very pleased to h ve our arrangements
with this Institution extended as you advise.


The supply of specimen signature Circulars issued by the
above named Agents, together with their Circular drawing attention
to the registration of a company in Hungary entitled Lloyd Bank Ltd
'which is not in any way connected with our Agent, Lloyds B[...]çjC/JjATIO AL BANK S S.' FAliSAS CITY.

Our Agency Arrangements now indicate that Direct Drafts
issued by Head Office and Branches will be enca6hd by the Commer-
cial National Bank at Kansas City in addition to the negotiation
of Dra-ings under our Circular Letters of Credit.

We note that you have sent them the necessary speci:Lens.


We have recorded that Messrs. Thoms Cook & Son have
opened a Bran[...]egot-
iation of Drawings under our Cilicular Letters of Credit. This
will, be shown in the next reprint of our list of Agents and Corr-
esponcents from which their name will be deleted under Yanila,
which office you advise was closed on the 30th November.


We thank you for the copy of the letter sent to yo[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (217)[...]S-La-31

The Yanager, 040[...].
We would like to point out that this is the general
practice and all Branches are instructed accordingly, but evidently
in one or two isolated cases you have been drawn on by harge Note[...]are writing the Irving National Bank direct in this
regard as desired.
SPECDTA SIGNATURES. L o' National Provincial For ank Ltd

• We note from your letter To.781 that you are forwarding
supplies of specimen signrAures, etc. issued by the above named
Agents and have now received the Bill of Lading sent with your
letter No.”9, and at the time of writing are still awaiting deliv

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (218)[...]S-La-31


No. 21.9[...]•
Dear Sir/

LANCE. SHL 3O-210*. We tn yu for the
lis J. (ri:Tors h.iGL ,,.,p7,e[...]With re7e7d to tie ii-Arti:2.n of "..ew Zealand IL
:olace of 'ew Ireland", t.UP error was di&covd in the[...]7

ant a corcted proof :)--Ined, but ty some mi,3.31iance which

cannot exclain, the -Drinte= in t fiL I 49[...]- tri woras "hew This:;OS, „4

course, noticed by us immediately on of[...]n as ,:;toped &rid the words

Ireland" 'replaced. Consequently the t of the
lance Sheets issued were colot in this L-aTticuls,r.

ILIN0 L-[...]In futu-re not forward the balance Shot to ry
of our Forein .A7=t7 c Colrondratso 1 6.:;Virif: this d1.1„1-

tdon entirely to y o u. in where boakit
literature is distrib u ted enti-rely from this end,

•[...]11 cc v

the wholF: .of cur list inciudir Aer. , it ill tLen *ottviz.,
you so t.„Lat dupliai7n may avoided.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (219)[...]S-La-31

Si-ELCH 1,31([...]in n.La,q
€419 necessa 4[...]tau en

obli if you till adise uc , ' trit our List.$ may ice

t -d[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (220)[...]S-La-31


N . 220.[...]Diri YOU.
today via Suez, due to a-rive In London n[...]tE oein 6

issue once•g7. This inrormttcn communic[...]t,

to British ', is due. In thci_L forecast,[...]eek to C-mmonealth Go

ment theweri tht they - ou[...]ove 1, '10,000 in London ) o 6nale "J:Lm to meet :11

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (221)[...]S-La-31

2.[...],,. rnmv,Int due t the end of
to tlie British uov,[...]h, CVefl

,akin; the £7 000 000 lo - usi issuFd ino comAderatin.[...]y not eii u to tat,

them h v thie over%irft[...]will cessAry• for tietn to iesuTresury 411s or say
E1,000„000, ±t as you indir,at in your mesae received
that we ma ble to come on tne Ilvyrket, airi in A1.2.4 sch
Tresury[...],000 70 the tis & Australi n
on which we r:ceiv[...]f t.rLis Liat3y. -re :ressin[...]th . iJremium offered[...]O7din..„: out or 20/.
In the .me und&27tnd t taer S[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (222)[...]S-La-31

suit u very well at the moment to sell London oov9r.nd otain

the funds[...]ifn thi. City unil 'eid to issue ne.L.
Loan in London.[...]Le, Finence CommitLe
ill be formed. it i anticid tht.tile first meetin ei
the Finnce Committee will Le n ednesciy next the 18th
inst nt, i.rid the afte r it is pT:otab-e that the Lord .c4layoI _nd
the City Treasurer will come to the tank to definitely A.7,0,.,Iss

the questicn of the Lonlon flOtALtfl[...]We recently forwaIded U cLart copy otte
A7reement which it -yel3 •Trioosed to ,:ntr

.)oa[...]-, 85 finally executed. We sLaU e
lal 7- u A.11 iv- -r-ct to hi A ;,':.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (223) S-La-31

,121:112 made[...]nine hundred
and twenty 444/-07- BET;,:1N the Metropolitan Water
Supply and. Sewerage Board of Brisbane in the State
• of Queensland (hereinafter referred to as 'the
Board') of[...]as 'the
Bank') of ti other part. ,IHEREBY IT IS AGREED AS
The Bank sh[...]loans;
The inscription and issue of loans
and sale of stock;[...]. Debentures into Stock and
re lating the transfer of stock;

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (224) S-La-31


(d) Paying interest on all loans;
(0 Issue of Stock Certificates and as often as[...]asion requires reinscribing and
reissuing such certificates;
Receiving all moneys raised by the
issue of loans from time to time and
crediting such moneys to the[...]of the Board with the Bank;
Issuing Scrip for deposits on Loans

raised by the sale of Stock;
Paying o[...]•
3. The remuneration to be paid by the Board to the
Bank for its services in London in this connection
shall be as follows :-
(a) On the Issue within the United. kingdom of[...]4
any Loan including any stock issued in
exchange for and in redemption of out-
standing securities which have matured
or are about to mature a commission at
the rate of five shill[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (225)[...]S-La-31

amount of Stock issued, exclusive of and in
addition to any payments made by the Bank for
Brokerage and. other incidental expenses.
(b) On the issue# within the United. Kingdom of any
Stock or other securities in exchange for and on

conversion of outstanding securities (other than
securities which have matured or are about to
mature provided for by paragraph (a) of this
clause) a commission of two shillings and six pence
([...]s (Z100) nominal
4 0. amount of the Stock issued, exclusive of and in
addition to all payments made by the Bank for
Brokerage an[...]tal expenses.
(c) For the general management of the Loans within
the United Kingdom a payment at the rate of one
hundred pounds[...]ees shall be
retained by the Bank for its own use, such annual
amount to include the provision by the Bank of
stamps on all Di idend Warrants and all disbursements

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (226) S-La-31


by the Bank f[...]and other
incidental expenses.
On repayment in cash of Stock maturing a
commission at the rate of two shillings[...]Imperial Governm,mt in connection with
payment of Income Tax shall be retained, by
the Bank.
4. The remuneration to be paid by the Board to
the Bank for its services in Australia in this
connection shall be as follows :[...]•
(a) On the issue in Australia of any loan a
commission at the rate of five shillings[...]r Banks for appli-
cations received by the latter.
2cr issuing official receipts, recording
instalments, issuing Bonds or 10ebentures,
and conducting generally all business
connected w'th the issue in Australia of

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (227) S-La-31


any Loan, a commission at the rate of
two shillings[...]nt received.
(c) Por the general management of Loans within
the Oommonwelth[...]may

obtain from the Queensland Government
including the conduct of an Inscription
Registry, the inscription of Stock, the[...]4
Bonds or Debentures, and the payment
half-yearly of interest on Loans, a
payment at the rate of one hundred pounds[...]e Board -now
overdraft accommodation at Brisbane u_ to .:;;:n.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (228)[...]S-La-31[...]aft to be at such rates as may be arranged
from time to time.
INVESTHMIT OF SU2PLU2' FUNDS IN LONDO[...]s funds which the Board may
have in London from time to time, obtaining the best
market rates available, and charging commission at the
rate of one Quarter (i) .Loer cent= per annum.
LONDON TRIESPERS - Transfers to and from London
on 'behalf of[...]•
at the best rates available from time to time.
INTERSTATE Ea-01141MB - Interstate transfers in
connection with the retirement of Stock, Bonds or
Deberitures shall be[...]he Board
at the rate of exchange of one shilling (is.) per[...]•
'',:heige tLe word 'Loans' is used in this agreement

it shall be deemed to include Debentures, Bonds and.

The time limit during which this Agreement
shall operate shall be seven years from the date
of sealing same, when it may at the option of the
Board be[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (229) S-La-31

7.[...]of The
Metropolitan Water Supply)[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (230) S-La-31

e rywrve— ctri/tcei /91112

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (231)[...]S-La-31


We[...]11v; o- day Paid nk of Aet ../Zeland £244,155 for
7 (7,4onvn[...]Axnic Ze,ind settici

This matter in Sydney or t. t[...]- Ad i y_

- now make a Yefund to ,.,hem of 1 intst in adjustmen:

of th transaction.

FAMER$ & CF„,AZIEhSt( C0-0PaATIV[...]500
intended for credit of Faimers & Graziers' Co-o,..
Ltd. nd[...]7n tovementionFd auount

We h a ve a..dvisrA them ttiti b-efore ae.014in

the matter ,: any lju:- men, of interest, wz, A.11 hit
further Ov[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (232)[...]S-La-31

C ale eon ed[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (233)[...]S-La-31[...],h1 7701 interest
C5o0/12/1„ Commission £431/17/ - Ren,...rrin to y:_ur tel[...]Emctange A/c. Jeans - sends 6Incere thanks for your kindly
me 0 net E51 263/15/1[...]r trieir conven-
ience less 3djustment 3 days lntE.,rest. C,' Itite L/0[...]Lo-fpn.
atavia account ',7Jo1d ','ro11ce71:F. New York sight tY.[...]ranch Office, there are no separate deartments businss
bein;! carried on es a[...]MdTeevero I am unaware of ticiother similar buildinE
in London constructed yi[...]s con-

beniences o 'ntcilities, 3rd the accommodation suggested
w[...]frontage moreover on Ground Floor and comrising whole of
buildin on oppoite :Yi[...]Jrown 15/91 Cuoo
ge% poi 9/9 , Americn 7:17F,:nulated 15/9 1 e r,Anui,tej
17/31 Czecho Stovek 18/- / oil Januftry eliveries
per cwt. f.o.b. New York sight rat[...]ferrin7 to our teleram of 30th„
list closed today instead of tomorrow the Loan tpylin[...]for 300, the balance pein7 found b,

Sir '
,iobe)t Nivison arid his friends to make Lon a succes.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (234)[...]S-La-31

2.[...]purchase_s have .r7A_nce been 1- Lriving to rid themselves of
liability under contrac[...]to accept elivery Of shippim:,.. documents for consi7nment
arriving end stopping payment of their cheque for shipment
handed over as they fell due m[...]Aich ve have combated the vF,,licus methods and devices
adopted by them in their aim ti) eyr,de their obligation under[...]advice o
their Solicitor. We met every pointraiSed by them
gave our reasoned p:round in sup[...]ich the purchasers only
recourse is by Arbitration. After much strivir - we learn that

Wright, la.n,17ing Director of the Company who ns een res
ponsible wholly for their uncompromising attitude has now
Isft their sr Lee I havP had severl interviews[...]ir Directorp who have ben quite re3onaole In our dis-
cussions and realises the delay heavy expnse :Aid 1 se wciich
Arbitratl,-)n and le7a1 roceedings mfAy•entil on them. The
Directors, have now arr.ned[...]full iioard Lieirr at '3ri3tol and see me again on Frithly
Itien they will submit a definite proos,i1 for settlement of
the dispute. I have intimated that unless their offer[...]reasonable one the i7 no likelihood of its beiry accepted
nd meanwhile we have otested their dishonored cheque.
While st7r1.vin2' stron7ly for the full claim of VOCAL, I j2e1
-t same time that price a7reed upon in contrct could not be
maintained either at Arbitation .or in Lawsuit as fruit from
our ov11 examination although good in flavor 'Tlainly deficient

standard •promised by Cox and indicated on wraner on e!Adh tin
nacking and gradirw of rcuit and its cl:rnce bein; materian,
short of the standrd stiulated for. Am very doubtful[...]tested could be main-
tained in its entirety and it vP;oull conseq u ently be in[...]tin a reasonable
offer from. Harris Caine

61-22 o. 912. Vie have today d[...]Lio,po: for transfer to
your Dollar A/c with the National A. of South Africa Ltd.[...]61 500 intended for
credit of Farmers & Graziers Co-0.,p. Society Ltd. and not[...]conference to-day v:ith Director Uarris Caine we obtained
after exhausti[...]0 osoa of
which proceed8 already remitted Autr.T'llia not to be reopened
ti bein a materil concession, second, rrice for remaihin
shipment defective ..rndin and other reason[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (235)[...]S-La-31[...]3.
pcaoflos srlmely to 1/6 and 12/3d, per doz. res:ectively.
Purchaser states thnt of all shipments forwarded they live
only been[...]d unpaid ct,eque
£20,587 to be immediately retired, fourth with view
financin7 shipment it is suzgested that additional 30 or 60 da
bs allowed for paymert proceeds interest 5 being charged on
xtension iank meanwhile to retain shippin documents. Tnis
would'gretly assist prompt fina7isiation. As Itradin; and
packing of[...]of oc1rInc mcre with ArbitTation or Lawsuit r1j211 v,ould be
prolon7.ed and expensive and would further discredit fruit on
market here and le[...]n
appears a very full and satisfactory. settlement 0.1 a ces
difficult and compl[...]to avoid further decrying fruit. This settlement would
represent roughly a conce[...]100,000 under contract. Also
recommend that classes of Fruit outside contract :.,:rded as
quarter prime and slices be withheld from market for the
moment as if these 1rre;7ular grades are off e red itboutj
discretion market would be greatly prejudiced. in any[...]examined by buyers. We could cnble later rcsecting tkies:e
further ;727.91e,, if wAter lef[...]No. 917. i,e4'err-Ln,7 to our telegram of 3rd, Balance Sheet
Fil.ures - lease increas[...]snd 13 by EI/13P each
lo total same amount both ddes. Credited. Col. Comin::[...]. ank c;f: Commerce

No. 9[...]7th,
conferred todFly vitt R. Nivison Cc nd ollowini:7 cable is
Leinz deatched by Actin-Hih Commissioner for A/a to
kelbourne three other issues aprt from ou-rs under discussion
at present but if it shou1[...]e unce,- tin, desirable cable
.,.mmediately authority to isue £5,000,000 for Commonweith
issue same currency as last 8 int,erest issue rice not less

than EW with no interest ccorued reoly urgently (end o[...]kixix l'uDlic Works include
Repatrlatic:-TI of Soldiers if so desirbl nuke mention in
Prosectus. N.S..W.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (236)[...]S-La-31[...]lot October. They may po3sibly come first out present
quotation their s[...]2 Crown Colony Loans
in which British Govt. Interested aslo ready for issue bul
if ire come ri:stit contemplated underAritin on Tnursday
and isau9 Mon; but no c7.rtinti yet thoup;:l :,, di,hority to act
immellatelv should be :tbled

1/1/2. 919. Referring[...]vim of 11th purchd £E,000
Irving rollar A/c at 4.2. New York si7ht rate on London 4.[...]al 4.48, Pri T/T 51.40, TtcA.y 98, Prague 70 Lisbon
7/16ths Calcutta 1/3 214/32nds,[...]e'egr!,,,n of 10th Acting high Com-
misioner for AustrFilia is cablin elbourne to-day 7:inferred
further ,A,th Nivison Campion fJrrangemnts completed for
underwriting today rnd to-morrow Loan £5,000,000 8% Is -ue
Price £97 5 on application 17%[...]karch 6 months' intere s t payable 1st September dis
count on prepayment 4% per annum prospectus , 111 he advertise
Monday lists close Thursdriy underwriting commission 1% . End
quottion. No bonus[...]mmonwedth. iy , ecuring first
place not: we may he 5b1P to come a7.,ain in April before our
conversien loan in July. Then is Sydney City Council likely

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (237)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LONDO[...]7-1-22 No. 787. Now that S.JWstralian Loan disposed of Commonealth
are anxious that[...].
this month if at all possible. ,lease urge Nivison accordingly
Commonwealth will also[...]Th. Referring to your telegram of 5th, 911, have discussed
matters with CommonTealth Treas[...]-22 No. 789. Will probably suit us to sell 7,ome Commonealth Govt.
Stock at present held in London aggresting E11 03,000. Advise
which you consider could be disposed of most advantageously at
present time and at what price and how much you think could be[...]be promptly despatched to Actin7 high-Commissioner for A/a
authorising him to act immediately in conjunction with yourself[...]e
-ble to i7sue at 97 heatriation is not included in Public
11-1-22 - £5000 our Dollar Account Irving Nati::nal
No. 791. Tr[...]Treasury now
inform us Actin Hi7h-Commisioner has been fully adviLed and
authorised to issue Loan after consultation v_i_th you. Kepi) us
fully advised
4101-1-22 No. 793. Referring to your telegram of 316t ultimo, ou may
deliver documents Australian producers against acceptance.[...]iciency . L5.000 already adjusted by

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (238)S-La-31
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (239)[...]S-La-31[...]' your letter No'. 7:36 of the 5th .

1,ober last T,.....[...].-..:1oed befoe the 1:;oa-. - '
Dc p rt-ment a t i ts tirr on -•6t-r1

ex[...]Loard also befo r e them your,furthr[...]ation from Aes:Tr.r.s. Saunders & Cc, nd

secimens of. ..(7)ty,,,-;:,[...]hi7h cost its ccrnere t, doutful effic cy , it

tiould not[...]ot
, ssist„sloe to essre.. 1-7 C,T L[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (240)[...]S-La-31[...],,,„2 la fro
to .[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (241)[...]S-La-31


No. 222.[...]leve AiLr ii .y the

"Niaara" on the 16th Februry, ni 111[...]ur 4E,
:elcs In America en route, rihkinT the o. -

por[...]io 1i5-,n finrce 1,:ith them.
rnattr o Auiltr,[...]pportunity to 7,!et the fullcst be'ciefit out of his visit,

the -eron.,,.1 exerieno.E., vtliich he will wLilst in LandoI-I

will be of consid ..rble fut[...]holidy

whilst Mr. Armita7e is in London, I cm quite ag.-reetle to tils

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (242)[...]S-La-31

ifl l[...]cont-m:ld

that you would 7r.,,ALITn vi kmeri,cal and oortnity of

placin yOurse f in touch[...]to t7.1., 1. 1

to America whilst Mr. Armivae n .Liondoni[...]I ta, tht it is my inteliun to

aso allow 4r. iddie t,Le 2erth ,i.„!.ina:zer, to visit Lon--iol,-

in the near future, anu it[...]we firt

1 to fi_rt'ise cert9-,4 nc-7otiati.::ns LICh w re[...]Inm,E-nt.

Thee the date cLe artur9 Is fiied I thili Ivie y_u

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (243)[...]S-La-31[...]tlpply. 0,0 TO =IA c alad .49 wer ,2 to you
on the 14th lioverlber ).gist s I we presume they trIve reaohed[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (244)[...]S-La-31

• •[...]114_2 4.
Lando :04gland.
Dear Sir.[...]'4'

I lvvve 1eure Inativising .he fo1101ring inoreanes in the
salit[...]ely 101; 4 from
lot instant as indieatee Is41ow.
7o change will be y!,de in the bnalts on which the allowance
for children is paid at present.[...]Dior -ago .L.Alice
100.[...]275. 25 42'.

MEM' T A, 2250[...]20. 37

• 140DOSOti
FIS Robert[...]20 Al1i0 20.
*VINAILST ris.D. 24[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (245)[...]S-La-31

na ream,
Name From To[...]0!)". rq
ASCO"32 Miss varjorie 195.• 205
BAIL=[...]Kathicen 1804. 190-
BALLAMM1 D.C. 210. 220.
- 4,40 180.[...]17 5. 185-
VENUISH O.W. 195. 205-
Mgr[...].L. 175.* 185. 10.
WHITS 205* 215.,[...]3:15Por 4. p.w.
CLAM ft[...]p.w.
LA. 195. 215. 2[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (246)[...]S-La-31



I hare to again expre s my appreciation of the continued
loyal support of the staff and an indeed glad to realise
the spirit of oo..operation which has been so potent a factor in
the success of the Baxu& is preserved unimpaired, notwithstanding
the prevailing spirit of unrest.
I should be glad if you would oonv y this exprossion to
*Very member of your staff.[...]ftbove effect to-day and also cabled particulars
concerning Strand Branch.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (247)[...]S-La-31


Mr. H. V5,utin called on ME on tne 21st
November lest Tibh some. very confidential and indefinite
scheme rear din an affiliation arranyement between an
ngltsh bank and ,he C[...]c, +o ,-y what Enlisn tank v,aa
concerned, and I told hi[...]nsider the
matter un til Te knew- this., He hes now written me under d ete
19th instant) as per op[...]lso encosing
copy of my reply which is bein sent to-day. From this you
will see that we have- sugge ted that his Principals should 2,e,t
in touch with you, and that you would 30nf1dentdalL discuss
the matter with him and[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (248)[...]S-La-31

( Z- C P Y,[...]19th January, 1922.

Sir Denison Miller, K.C.M.G.,
Governor,[...]Our principals, by whom we are duly &uthorised and
definitely instructed, are a very[...]once with a view to

the achievement of the desired end.
It is necessary, however, as a preliminary, for the
Australian Institution to. signify its willinzness to discuss
the matter.
If you are disposed, therefore, to favorably consider[...]mmunicate with our
principals desiring them: to !Irrange a ,.,reliminary conference[...]urnose.
feel. sure you will realise that the whole matter is
too important for anything but the most[...]ons, and that consequently I am not expected at this stage
to make further disclosures. You will agree, also, that Ps
my instructions are precise and definite, the only course
possible is that which I am no taking under those instruction[...]u, however, that if you will delegate
some person in London for the l urpose of a reliminnry con-
ference the necessary arranemebts will be made for his
bein?! communicated with direct by our -r ncials.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (249)[...]S-La-31

at Melbourne[...]or recei,i);;., u Vt.e nellarklont of
In thia connection VC[...]that rtt this[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (250)[...]S-La-31

aay v7A •we do not[...]tb; %701 av-aliablp ci thatiseives could . be
tehod by loot to .the a. d cr gi7en. It #11 be remmbered
the receitT) a i j[...]ral to U to be citAi
iiimocestoary. to 'hold them over t UI Donflowierzvly f r 'Lim[...]th, April, vioin . Yoll of the ar. n *tell land
11011 Lade. Teof qai- udoroV,14 thnt[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (251)[...]S-La-31

ii/LV[...]EitafifK.. A. PULIAR.‘./

IS are in receipt of your letter'of the 13th

ultimo No. 814, and note your advices for which we thank


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (252)[...]S-La-31

•[...]No 815 and note your /aldose for which we thank you.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (253)[...]S-La-31[...]5,
Referring to your letter of the ist
Staff at a salary of
Mr. A.1 14 ',kasha 4,Lay be admitted to the[...]Agymment and
Please see that the usual[...]that date.
Declaration of Secrecy are coal:4104d by him as at[...]orting on
14 should be glad if in future when rep[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (254)[...]S-La-31[...]•
13th u/tizio, with enclosures aa advised.
Your action in acluitt/rig[...]ree suaritas probtion at A conuaenaing salary
of per filaltiaLa 38 !rc1 1M 6t,b, December 192410 is

te Aote tat he LAO been acGeptad by the. A..A.P
Society as a :Ciro..* .as Ufe0 and ti*ti. titers are „Lo defect
in kis ai gpsech Learlug or general co[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (255)[...]S-La-31[...]o the
sere ce f three months probation et a commencing salary
of cetSO per frara the th Dec }willer 1921, is
We o'40 t h[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (256)[...]S-La-31[...]PI 41 GTON BROS LTD. . T. K. S. LANCASHLA

With reference to the advices contain[...]No.218 of the 12th inst., it occured t us that some munder-
stndinrc. may arise in regard to the method of reinburement of
collections sent direct by this firm as you desire proceeds to be
remitted to you in the ordinary way just as if the Bills fez Coll-
ection h-d formed one o your remittances.

We cabled you on the 16th asking that you would be good
enough to arrange with Messrs. Pilkintons to hand you all Seconds
of 7xdhange Whether the originals of same 11.-Ld ben either negot-
iqted or sent for collection so that you might include them on
your Debit Notes. This is in order to avoid any confusion r-hich
may occur at this end and in response to your reply of the same
(ate ge cabled you on the 17th idem that whilst we ,r-re ao:reeable
in this special inst7tnce to the arran-aments suggested by you we
still desire the Seconds o[...]d to be included in your Debit Notes and at the time of -writing
we are still awaiting your reply.

Pending co,'pletion of this matter we have requested -
Ca Inch to[...]ith you that Drafts
on our Foreign Agents should, is fax as possible, be signed by
officer5 whose specimen sirwitures appe,ar in our list, which has
been circularised amqngst our Agents thrdughout the World. To
avoid any recurrence of thiz :trouble we ire advising Capital
Branches that Luc Drafts should be signed only by officers whose
isirm tures have been included in our latest booklet of authorised

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (257)[...]S-La-31

The Manager, \[...]csimile .signatures are
included in our Supplementary Lists should not sign Drafts on our
Foreign Merits until sufficient ti e hn,s elapsed to allow their
signatures to be in the ha[...]sly stated we have arranged for suiTicient
copies of each supplemeet to be sent to you for distribution our Agents.[...]FRIC ii EXCHANGE BATES.

We wish to thank you for t',e copies of the Circul-rs
froq the National Bank ,f So[...]the
alteration of 'cdhange gates, which took place as fro,, the 10th


On the 17th October 1st Melbourne Office issued a
Draft o.942A Qn this Arrent who now advise having paid same not-
withstanding the signatoies were unknown to them.
We have requested Melbourne Office to confirm the actio:
t therein, and have assumed that this Agent 'will. have since
received the latest booklet of our quthorised officers, a supply
of which we sent you some time ago. Should, 'however, there by
any doubt as regards their receiving same we shall be please. if

you will ici/d[...]S.
We are pleased to note tkgt arranrements have been mr,de
with the above Bank to be inclucted in our list of Agents and Corr.
espondents for th negotiation of Drawin-s under our Circular
Letters of Credit.

We Uave also recorded that they will undertake the encai
ment of Direct Drafts drawn by Read Office and Branches having be
supplied with the necessary specimens by you.
In this conneatlon we wrote you in our le4er No.194
o. the 15th DeoOmbet last.
BA.M0 DI RorA.
A Circlar from the abilre Institution dated November
last hns been received by us intima4ing they[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (258)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]mstossommoomommoomvmemerwo[...]1 •
Branch office at 19Q Merceria Dell'Orologio, Venice,[...]y
offer to transact any business we Ilay have in that city.

Will you kindly be good enowth. to P dv s e them in this


We thank you for the copy of the letter received by you[...]we are only including in our Arency Arrangements a liwt therein
full Branches, as %tints on which our Branches may issue of their
Draftfi on the.[...]ject of the opening of sub-brandhes and agencies and[...]orm we are treating both of these
similar manner, in our. Agency Arrangements t in a
.their full Branches- only, as we quite arree with you a list of
cedure is less likely to cause inconvenience to our clienthat this pro-[...]ts.
We are sorry to note tilat the, exchan-:e condi
South Africa ar[...]in that country to revert to the origima arrangements our Agents[...]if you will
kindly keep this m-Itter'beforn you advising us of tne[...]ei

The supply of specimen signature Circulars No.3. issue
b the above Bank sent to us under[...],IA & CITINA.

4e thank you for your advicus under these headini;s con-[...]800 of the 3th December.

In accordance with. your advices we are no 'revisin(1, our

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (259)[...]S-La-31

The Manger,[...]es..0“.cmco.40.0100Woweii.0


Agency Arrarrements un'Ler this heading, to provide for the drawing
af Direct Drafts on this Agent at Stockham, and Gothenburg, by
our Head Office and Branches at Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane,
Perth, Hobi.rt, Canberra, and Townsville, They will also negotiate
Drafts drawn u4der our Circular Letter of CAedit at the points

we have noted, that you hive ende-voured to extend the
reciprocal relations to cover all of our Branches but for the
time he they h-ve not availed themselves of the opportunity,,

We have recorded that the standing number •ifivised by
thelkerchants Loan & Trust Coy' in connect[...]phic Transfers.


We thank you for the trouble taken in obtaining full
of the 20th July Irtst, fro which we are satisfied that our Agents
are quite DrepRred to undertqke the encmihmeat AusbralianNotes
at any time.

Herew[...]ich we haiie replied intim-
ating that the matter is being referred to you for dee -, siort.

Wet shaII:be glad if you will write to them in
daze cou7'se.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (260)[...]S-La-31


We have had occasion to notice[...]ntry.
In order that you might recognise the value of our ser-
vices; we have a large number of Branches and Agencies in Spain,
which, together with our Correspondehts in the towns in which we
are not already established, would permit us to transact any busi-
nes[...]very moderate charges.
We herewith remit you our latest ITarif d'Encaissementt,
(Charges for Collection and oul. general lit of conditions.
We hope, Messrs that the reasonableness of the aforesaid
conditions will cause you to open up an agreeable relationship
with our Establishment, and we asaure you that all transactions
wh[...]l receive our strict attentithn.
Co'isidering it a pleasure to write you on this subject,
we offer you, Messrs, our compliments.


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (261)[...]S-La-31

JW.T.WMR..[...]t your views
regarding the poeltion of our Special Accounts and the arrange-
merits generally with our three main English Agents. 'With regard
to the various matters of which you rrke mention we wish to ad-
vise you further as follows:-

Since the time at which your letter was written the
adverse balance of the National Provinc.,a1 & Union Bank of !ng-
land Lt. Ins been rectified by their issuing a number of Tele-
graphic Transfers for very large amounts on us in Sydney of which
fact we duly cabled you, supplementing such message by our letter
of the 31st Deceitiber, and would lie to say, novvth-lt the balance
of this Special Account has been adjusted we ahould be pleased[...]-best endevours with our friends, and
assure them that wh,Ist we appreciate their efforts to increase

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (262)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]1M M W

the volume of business which they pass thro[...]credit transactions.
We fully realise from your remarks the valu
e this Agent
has proved to us by facilitating our b[...]ness in England which has
been passed through then. The ma[...]as you are aware arose
at the time when Australian funds in London[...]of necessity. The great
volume of Bills which this Agent sent to us
was at that time part-.
icularly unwelcome and but for the fact that[...]extent and quite ag-
reciating the difficult position in which
they were placed we
should have taken similar action to that whic[...]fro a number pf Ameri-
can Banks. It would have been[...]ng
them throwth the Special

Your advices in rega[...]trest on funds
held by us in their name have been noted and[...]ide the arranements
governing the Account.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (263)[...]S-La-31

In regard to, the items which were extended from time to
time we have in all cases made an adjustment in favour of the ICA-
ionl Provincial Bank, where they were' unabe to debit us with th[...]the Bills were despatched and if they
will advise us of any instance in which this has not been done we
shall be only too please[...]r, but we

feel sure-you will quite realise that where the amount of any Bill
was debited to our Account by them on despatch and extended at
this end we a-e fully entitled to retain the interest obt fined
from such extension as there is a considerable amount of detailed
work in connection with these items and the small commission of
5/4 on both debit and credit transacti[...]ate reco pense.

• In the past this Agent has proved a very satisfactory
one as far as business which they transact with go is concerned,
but at the same time, in view of the fact that the number of coll-[...]write requestinr you to take the matter up with them.
In a letter we recently wrote you, we advised that the
adverse balance showed in our books some £12,000 odd in their favor

but since :that date this amount h s been decreased by nearly £5,000
which indicates they are gradually placing the matter in order.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (264) S-La-31

The Manager,[...]LIM___.
Until recently they issued-a fair number of Mail Trans-
fers and Dra[...]these have decreased very consider-
ably, the last few mails arriving, bringing forward very few M[...]Branches. We might add that we are a
little disappointed in this regard as we feel sure that they shoul
be enabled to maintain a steady flow of this business in view of

• the volume of same passing between our respective Countries.

We are pleased to note that you are kee ning in touch
'with Barclays Bank, pointing out the necessity for them to send
us Bills to the amount of their credi[...]onverse-
ly to the position as regards our special accounts with the two
other English Agents, it is, as you say, undesirable that we

should have such large, balance of idle money Which is only earn-
ing a very smell interest. This &gent has, in many ways, proved,
most s-tisfactory, for tneir statements which are received from
time to time as well as the account generally with, of course,
the befaTe-mentioned exception is kept in the best of order.
Whilst we do not agree for bills 'earmarked' to Banks at this
end to be sent to us we should be pleaSed if some arrangements
could be made whereby they would obtain an[...]In addition to the transaction of £15,000, Queensland

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (265)[...]S-La-31

The *Manager,[...]00

Goverment Tre. su Bills, which they sent for colicospion some
time ago, we observe that the balance is gradually being reduced.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (266)[...]S-La-31

No.[...]ully on U 13th instant, since

wriicn date we la,ve r.ceived your - 3cs. 803 to 8[...]1i,:-,N24E1%1 BI. ACS
the late,r sttem.ents en e

from the C rcrnonv e ith Treasury ) it
payment 2 of , '[...]£5,000, 000 to the- ,IltisL

GovF.rnmEnt 9t tLe cna o a rh
i GovInment

will requ iro tmpor3ry ovzrft ,ecommcdatin[...]r, !anti ' -aue

that a further Loan will be placed f.)n th iiLarket in

the proc , ds of this will -2-apidly Liquidate. toe overdraft .and

jac,„ .them in credit.
In view of our ,-tron London .:osition, re rive

advised ,ie Treasury that we will C eole to ar7i[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (267)[...]S-La-31

LO DON_. FUrlip$:j/[...]r ,/- ouir

information mayE.1”. that the 2.remiu1 C r. ceived ()II these

trPtnsactions as 18/9d. cent. Ovvin to considerabl

Government borrowin7s, comMned n reduction[...]in th1.r.4: c.)nnectin mention for you:: in-

form0-dc:n t u[...]the tis[...]furthei
letter will reach you. They Lave not ; resent anytnin /

definite in view, as t 1_11 be necssary for them to wind up

all the old pools .,before they can _lecide ho the funds at their

dispOsal are to be allocated.

,-!r week,. ;:rovided there is a free market and a
0Q,C0C ),[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (268)[...]S-La-31

have instructed Melbourne that under no circumatances must
the i[...]o not think that any further difficultie3 - 111 arise
in this
VICTO:CIAN OIChA . ASQ4T1 Oi,,LILL[...]e are acknowledging .and confirmin herewith
some of tne recent c a bles which passed in regard to the
a ffairs of the above tisociaton. .

• We wrote the Secr[...],0y of our letter herewith, in
which we summarised ttle w-Ilole position, and ;;ointcd cut that[...]:tsk you to continue
to act in Lonon In an advisory c -ttoity on their 'oehalf.
We are[...]y dated 24th
idem, expt'essIn re:Ilt at your disssocition frocil the tm,ns-
acticns, but advi...Ln us that the Bit Commissiner I.l , in
future, exercie some sae7fvision ovel: VOCAL',3 aaias in
London.[...]I e.;10,d if
you will make all :records availabl& to the d1;.. , Commissicnr„
should he desire them.
Your L,onfidenti_l cable of 20th inst a nt in rt- rd
to the proposed sointment of 'dlr. Frank Cox as Sellin

in England for the coming Sef,lsonts Fruit fool, yrived at an
opor,une time. The Customs Department, who are this year

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (269)[...]S-La-31

•[...]The conter— mess oier1 t,iaI-
ly hrourht ;Ander. -[...]„my.:

• - — credit
we wish t[...]4,4

Tied this vas unau[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (270)[...]S-La-31[...]40.0

The succ.,s of this 13sue is :very zr,[...]Cotninorr esith Tresar4)r, and vry. 2avorabl6 comment

hs al- earec,. in many[...]We %re

eenling "- res (,xtrlao s‘

T T.

•[...]herewith copies of :Letters i[...]ar€n to tLe %Dove tv,

Dcu?",las , rominct busines man ;,..n[...]well was for ye -1'4s..anag.. of the Commrcial bank

of TmaniE. in Hobart.[...]the 11ame of the aiaove.
instructions P:re're-eived fr[...]:,leasE: pay the :t7;''-Dove-

mentioned Institution the sum[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (271)[...]S-La-31

40, • • • .[...]Commonwealth of Australia,

Dear Sir,

•[...]Mr. Campion, should continue
to act in an advisory capacity in regard to sales of Fruit in London,
on account of the above Association.

We regret, however, that in view o[...]ting him to act in accordance with the expressed wishes of
the Association and hand the whole matter over to the Association's
Solicitors, but personally taking no further part in the Association's
transactions. As you will recollect, in the early stages of this
business, Mr. Campion, together with Mr. Shep[...]all cases found to be in the interests of the Association.
Recently, however, the Association have seen fit to disregard our
London Manager's advice as regards a settlement of the outstanding
dispute with Messrs. Harris Caine and Co., which advice was supported
by us, and which we certainly think would have been in the Associa-
tion's interests.

In the letter from the General Manager of the Association dated
16th instant, copy of which was forwarded by you, it is stated in
effect that Mr. Campion knows nothi[...]about the Fruit busi-
ness, and that the Association prefer to rely on the advice of a so_
cal[...]ceed to litigation. We would
point out that a large overdraft exists which is guaranteed by the
Commonwealth Treasury, and in the event of litigation this overdraft
would probably become stagnant. In these circumstances we feel that[...]are entitled to press their own views on the Association,
and to some extent control the actions of the Association in regard
to the disposal of the Fruit.
As the London Manager[...]should be safeguarded by requesting the High Commissioner
to, in future, supervise the Association's selling transactions.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (272)[...]S-La-31

2.[...]ices and advice,
which we feel would at all times have been in the Association's
best interests, but it would have been[...]to have continued in the capacity indicated when his
advice was disregarded and his knowledge of the particular
business discounted by the Association.
Yours faithfully,


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (273)[...]S-La-31

Co of cable from London[...]o our letter I4o.636, 11th July, Treasury
Melbourne cable enquiry to High Commissioner for Australia suit-
ability Cox for appointment frui selling Agent England. In reply

to Commonwealth[...]y in the market
and intimated Bank prefer its name not quoted. Felt nevertheless
I should advise you that Cox proved wholly unsuitable for here,
am informed that he is generally discredited in canned fruit trade
London and his return here would prejudice sales of Australian

fruit. I could not recommend any Association of Bank with him.

• SYDNEY ,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (274)[...]S-La-31[...]the li;th tinuery, in which
you state t t it Is impcsItle for your London Mrinag2,r to, in
future, supervi3e the selling trensactin of the Vietcrin
Orchardists' Co-opertiv Asspciation, LirjAed, I have to , ri forr
you thlat the Treasurer reluctantly agrees to the tralmfor c) te
bu3ireaF3 to the High Con,r,isicrer's Office.

I shall L :i-d if you wi[...]agor
and rfv'uest him to make all records uv ilaLi. o the Eitith Com-


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (275)[...]S-La-31


He is iisitins Lodor toacu n(,. ny[...]but tc4; quitt; safe in
assisAn7 him fivt London requimen-L, if !ecessry.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (276)

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (277)[...]S-La-31

SE[...]C N D N.

Denr Sir,
This will serve to introdlle to you Mr. C.J. Maxw 1[...]are, was for nmny
years the Manager of the Cammerciel Bank of Tasimmtiat Hobrt,
ranking next in seniority t Mr. David Parclay„ the MAwlging
Director. Since absorption of the Commerial. Bank Jf
Tasmania by th2. . Pt A. Bank Ltd*, Mr* Mnxwell has contin[...]h obliged if, during Mr. - Maxweil's

visit to London, you 471 do everything pos.sible to enable
him to get the full benefit 7)f hi. viAA. Na doubt yo will
be able to put r iit.[...]d 7,,.hich
need not ay he will very much appreciate.
Commend in Mr. Maxwell to your good offioe,.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (278)S-La-31
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (279)[...]S-La-31

Department of the Treasury,[...]rcdit accounts cf ;1.17930903. 2. 8.
in the name of the Commonwealth Government Lin f3 cf -teamers at
your idon 6ranch.
2. 1 have t[...]ager of the
Lin, pointing out that no ;ood nurpc6e appear6 to be served, by
the pcntinuin cf these accounts , rid suggesting[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (280)[...]S-La-31[...]al
ClIcowte 46 -Ptris. Settlernnt made here on 14th[...]di
your offie rIti remit on debit notes Ell sconis of exchnEe
. hethe[...]th rriount plpce £45,000 at one milthtc, 0_31 n1 2rdit[...]o due .1.22 5 t %Q1 o better. t.)- retsume
we get interest 8c[...]£64,800 whevt, money trpneferr ed rAld met similrly when trPri-[...]rP,QuPst us !TIF:tuA you comrly wth Vociis reueet !.nd tvnd[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (281)[...]S-La-31

CA[...]of pvck '1)1 , rent7 y re disinclined to w7 this Fittitude.
IP 22 8.03. Referrin[...]!.n spce or mergins ny
where. Wnter mrki[...]y of Cneet.
1 0 1 • On lodgment £5002000 by AEent Gener0 E.A. cEthle us[...]906. Refer.rinK to your t,:qegrem of 18th Lpndys Bnnk is not
prepred to pgree to t[...]807. 'ieg -rding C824 .. :.9mf_ttd yesteryfor pnyment Lord
We:rdtde rntount throueh Presflent's Fund Methodist
Church and hnT,3d for remittance through new Orgeni:8ation nemod[...]orgunication :lc to consolidate numerous sal' funds whi(th in
existence throughout Austr631a in order that Au6tralia[...]full ‘,Iredit through. all remittanceL coming-th-foligh one so'cLrce
in t' of being di8jo1nted and it is hopFid,to. use Funds OilC
in Australip to purche Australian goods for distribution
through the prop[...]e all future: .r,,?mlftance,P; from vtrio4c; organisationa
will go through thlis fund an. IndloatIon being given in eaot case[...]collecting AuthorIty. Letve you.. to 51ultebly advise Lord.
4eard1e and others fmm tir7m to ti' es meceospy. Rferno
to your telegrza.m.' of 20th instrnt Metropolitan & inswich ter[...]4-- , 808. JAaff - Following In -etiss in sa]eriee of 1-inglish staff
from 18t L'[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (282)[...]S-La-31

CABLI!,6 TO,PND[...]h Moey Nure Smith LtFnornb Tpit
Taylor Trenoh6rd Vokins Wells White Pitley Pecktim Offer
£10 ef.A1 Tiflis and Clprk H.E £13 inorerises £7B9
Onaov increse £20 Fcivise Strand.

.24; 909. On 24th January debit H[...]£20,000 .proved.

24.1.22 811. On lodgment 7.00)000 by AgrIt-CEmerril 5 uth AustrfIlle
o-ble u crediting[...]d cr.dit H.0 £625
representinE extr- premiums 2/6 per cent on £500,000 tran-
Ei[...]Vantin Chnrtered Secretary of Sydn e y e,pprohed me recently
regF,rdini7 proposed Rffili8tion farrangements between Ell Etvlieh
Bank and Common[...]coul(
not be considered until we knew his prinoipri which he W6C not
then millinr to disclose. He now writes tibis abled his coll-
eagues who will prob-bly appro,pch you. ?'rc you 21st Jtnuz,r:[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (283)[...]S-La-31

1,[...]r tH-Tegram of 29th Deoerrbr,
whet merket reort In;j1cOs lAnoertInty hut opinion held
thr-A fAlstrrIllan wht rie mu t com down owini,i rily[...]r.. It !, cted
thrJ, CvE?roment ro a lese 're E;tn'ks hold[...]of fin-nn,ing us re in the buying ,ountries is et td to be
1rgely the fPctor which would p.overn crie. Prospct of
.',meriln crop so fr 8-',t1efE,ctory but :2.c-sition th[...]price tody of
stock due 1:-,;- 22 La it.47/ LgPtlue 92:' We could
sell now 127fl st,7)k but R. Nivisnn frnd Co. rommend bold!ng
1027 stock until, new fl[...]on LonJon 423 Crn-d 446. Desirble
imetrit *shipment of nc'w PustrOtrtn Note,s withn inurnce
limit of 1,500,0DC: by Prly- one Etemer. PletFl- e Instruct MEI.-
bourn.2 otherwise mi,i7.b.t vittte our drthite cover - Befe“inE[...]un-
cuitahle ncLl'..rmful to ClactraITT6n frulA ctrorwly r, 7icompcnd
srAtInant submitte.d[...]rn Au6tralien

Stte Av7r, t filarketin ' ,2hemer et d :on' Cr2orge Wills[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (284)[...]S-La-31

CASLES[...];ompany John
F. oulding jointly from time to time either ty wsy of
ovF,-rdrE.ft or negoti[...]of
iTI all Z10,000 currnt PA any one time all otIlar on ton
o ;:redit to remin. Refring to youi:. telegnim o leth[...]re on London 4.22 koni, - real 4.45 Paris T.T b1.65 Itly
8E Prague 2.E0 Lisbon ft Calcutte, I.T 1/ 2V62, hnji[...]rF1 Market very tJA South Lea L2.10 ncmln,s1 cenEumets
only buying near ptlrcel at very low price

18.1.22. 929. Commonwith Lorn ),00),000 closed this morning
after receipt country applicati[...]d. Applicants up to ECO will
recAve allotment in full r pro rata allotment of 70% betng
tm,,Jc3 to all othp! r,pp[...]sEful flotJAion of our two 15st Au6talian Lonz, htis
(Ai excollent improsslon here. ik.e[...]nformation N South W, lei probf,tly come
next In few A,71,k8 with convrsion LoPn 7 millions ,Ifte7:' two
other issues In both of which British Gov?rnmnt intercisted.

: 8 .1 .22
1 97 0. ,eerring to Melbourne letter No. 512 18th JcnuPry 1921[...]ooke hnd C:oy Prop.

LtA. meke app1ic8t1on o overdrt?ft E200 00 arAn43t ceourity o
vurrantr; for Meat whImh they contemplate pur-AaaEln,F her.
P1g-visA IrIEt r uotu.

20.1.22 931, rrini.[...]ry
M.:;lhourne cble enquiry o Hih Commission or Ausra116 •
suitatnity COY for appointment fruit sellinj Asnt Eng). nd.
In y,:[...]In the market and intimated ønk prefer it'6 tv,me not quoted.
Felt neverthels I hould a[...], whoTly
unsuita,tle for hre pm. informed thnt he is g(fnerally diared-
ited in Ce,..nnrA ui Trde London irrnj his return here would
prejudice sales of[...]Whet 'irrket ,11x, riF the week pressure to sell 2lates
WheA, broutht in buyers .11,[...]keeptiv firm :,.utrvIln 111pprs more disposJ sAl and p1i4
:,17out 1/6 f) tifrter less than asked last wc,)ek. General
outlook unchned large Plates ltd fustr&lian supplies should

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (285)[...]S-La-31

CAiiL FROt L[...]UI- 1.6ter No. 772 .thth November es
Metrc cliz i h ate2 upply &Le-rp_c7e L-JoPrd
Lo; n is now better known snd 8ove i6SUf.) prioe 96 with tAindency
to ful7ther improvement Nivison and Emif think no loner netery
for reij,stered sto3k rocor,Imend that bonds be now issueu as
eirnAl3d. t[...]3ank of New York 16th Dcmh without particular
now edvic.ed account lionoma" Col[...]ommonwealth Stof,lk ';'uc 1922 at C99.15.0 lee apecial brokerire
1/32%. JvIden s books[...]37. rceferrin to your telegram of 24th 810 e presume
security ,7omploted heferrin to yo[...]New York sight 'ate on London 422 Montreal 445 Paris T.I
51.77 ItEly 96.55 Prague 224 Lisbon 4 3/8 Calcutta 1/3 25/32
atIngh[...]fter conference h despatched by High Commisioner for 8-
trnlie to Prime Minister about 18th January satisfactory inte7r
view yesterday vAth Nivison & Coy at which e diLoussed every
p[...]of arranging for any reasonable rqui
ments of Commonwealth for settlement and other similar purpoes
including cost of conversion R!:Alway CEuge extendini: over some
years. For current year the programme they have in view fr a
further loan o[...]r of 20 millions end of quotation.
Prime Minister telegrphd H.-101 Commissionr yesterday evuiring

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (286)[...]S-La-31

239 (Contld) reason why British Est Afric Loan issued at
hiLher price than Commonwaelth Ihave sugrested today follow[...]g toypur telegram Commonwealth Loan was
issued on materially more frvorable terms than loan of Crown
Colony (?) British EaM, Afrion though latter es sttted in ''Times"
5th November regarded a. practically guaranteed by j3ritish GovHrn-
nt. Currency their loan 15 y[...]we obtained £98 heir
underwriting commission 14* ours 1% end quotation. iTime
Minister asks for report weekly on state of mOney market and
current Issue which_ High Commissioner requests Commonwealth Bank[...](with)
but would be difficult conveyfinncial position London which
changes PlmbA ho[...]t to you If We stP)11
keep you advised, • Ehtll be glad of your instructions. If pro-
7remme 20 millions for current year insufficient desirab[...]improving price being obt&ined possibly on 5i% baeis befor end
of year though of course no c[...]an
being :or conversion purposes may be issued at £97.

26.1.22 940. Reerring your telegram of 13th Portals arrangements for
supply of paper being proceeded -[...]3
number 350,647 on narration sheet 848 is forgry,bears endorse-
ment DavIs 7 Service Avenue Ashakjfield, rank of neland regards
this forgery as first class and advi s es us large number of same in

exictence but not confined to one series of numbers- General appei
w7ir[...]int George
1,:i Dragon do not appetr distinctly ,through. suvr impotsed print-
i[...]2. Referrtn - to our telegram of 25th N..W. Government Con-
version Lo,
21 7 millions ilnderwrittn today Prospeus will be
issued tomorrQw intersFt 6 per cent prie 97 -!urrny[...]ign to 1940. ("'omIrrnweplth Loan today at r premium (--)f 1%.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (287)[...]S-La-31


Dear Sir/[...].$

of the etc ve AJ..dress, rid no toIose ri&rewitti

for Sanaa


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (288)[...]S-La-31[...]dul which will
be uc4. for c;:-Thline; tlip balance aheet fieu rot3 viten complotads,
rend attall ela.d it you iii place tVac t erfartucnt •
Cu for u c[...]tt. in the item
-ast fIlort Isoni is r the =omit will of cour::le
thb1c[...]3 „,D fointaretrf .C., wi'v v nention
°them:toei rt cur[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (289)[...]S-La-31

ILIMUL11 FOR C A.E.NG :t„fujor[...]EDS _____________

Total Lidbilities or Assets
Deposits Accrued Interest and Rrbate
Bills Payable and Other Liabilities
Savings Bank Dept. Depositors' Balances
With Interest Accrued
Reserve and Redemption funds sash
Contingent Liabilities
Note Issue ')epartment (same both side)
0 Coin :oullion and Cash Balances
Australian !Totes
Britiilh (lolonial ,'% Gavornment gecurities
Con-onwealth Government Secu.iriti,ls
13, Fixed Deposits of Other Banks
Bills Receivable in London and Ramittlnoes in Transit
Bills Discounted, Loans and Advances to Customers and other
sums due to the Bank
I Bank Premises
17, Face clue of British Colonial P Government ",ecurities
Face value of Commonwealth Clovornii,
.nt -ecurities
Profit and Lo s for the Half Year
(h[...]r S
Other Assets
Tot both sides Note Issue Deiartznent
Date Balance ,),Ileet signed
Date Auditor Genera[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (290)[...]S-La-31


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (291)[...]S-La-31[...]to Brio-n :thr•.no)', in
cnn.ction ,iAth a remiLtnee.p .rood:', of 3.t7d1t
of.the , ov-nme,d'depoeitor.[...]P
ttt, beiLf: remitt, :d fo_
throuji th Hi h CoL i ion[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (292)[...]S-La-31




The Mangy

De1r Si," e
A/C No. la767 (65383) now 'ri b..,,ne No. 145266[...]h
natant enclo6int; copy of letter from the District Firpince
Officer in -,,nnc(-tion with the above ,I-lcount, and tvivt tc
advise you tn4t th balance et credit £5211116 may be re

mitt- to ndon 'rhnot, for ayrmEint to th claimant, :Lothar

of d-c ; to any arrangements obta.,
You wil iease[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (293)[...]S-La-31[...]WA.
it Military District.
District Accounts ()Lice,
TO[...]Commonwealth Svinge Bank,
Sir,[...]Adverting to previous correspondence relative to the

Ebtptc of abovenamed soldier, 1 have to append, for your[...]"Fthther to my 5833 of 16th December relative
to the estate of the 5tovenamed deceased soldier,
desire[...]been received from. the Prime kinUr's Depart-
niVihile, so far as. Commonwealth lcw is concerned,
there is no restriction as regards remittances to
Russia, the safest course would appear to be to
freot payment through the high Commissioner,London,
who would be in[...]tion

through the recognised diplomatic channels.
"It is considered tly9t the British Consul at Viadi
voetqck too Aftr 6ist&nt from Russia proper to be
able conveniently to •ke the payments in question"
The amount due to the Estate by this Department is there-
fore bin ilthorisea throuLh the high Commissioner's Office,
i.,41don, for payment to 14,17,z, N,talia Vassilievna CHLAVIN, 22
rpoinL4a:t a &tr., Viaciivo8tock, Siberia.[...]ENCE,
A/Listriot Fin,,,nce Officer,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (294)[...]S-La-31

COPY.[...]N mILJITAiiA ,
Lt _ilitnr , District.

District Accounts Office,[...]BRISBANE 4th Octobr, I921.

Re the late- N.. 1932 P. ,,HIFIVIN 4iith Btin.

you that the amount of £125/6/6 du by this Department to
the estate of the abvenamcid deceased soldier is still held
in. Trust Funds . as no instructio[...]d—
ing the di9)oci of moneys where beneficiries reside in
I might rrnLion (4v1t deceased' e, mother is ole
legatee under his W' 1.[...]District Finance Officer,


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (295)[...]S-La-31

cops.[...]the 30th November, concerning the affairs of the late No. 1932
Private P. Chirvin, 49th Battalion, Auotraii,in Imperial Force,
-Ala to say that it Is regretted another 1914/15 Star cannot be
-14- pliad under the existing Regullition6, except upon vyme.nt,
and apl,licLtion for same must be accompanied by a Declaration
setting forth the full f cts of the case, duly witnessed by a
responsible public official -the cost of replacelnent would be
2/10d. I have had enquiries made but am unable to discover
anything that would lead to the conclusion that the packet had
been tamvred with at this end, nd, as Irs. Chirvin has qccept-
ed it from the pot authorities and presumably given a receipt'
it would seem as if any claim against them would be unsuccessful.
There are othi:r w a r medals to follow, viz., the British War Medal
with Clasps trio thA, Victor Medhl I- shall be glad of any sugges-
tion that would ensure th[...]rough the Russian Post Offices.
The District Finance Officer, Victoria barracks, Brisbane,
Ali:ensland, in which State deceased enlisted, advises me as
/[...]6/C has
bali.nce due to his i
"jb-4 trEinaferred to Trut Funds[...]02 of 21/2/20
definite advice is 6.wa1te1 as to how EstEtee where

he bensficiries reside in Russia are to be dealt with.

p-lAn amount of741:98/14/- represenVing allotmnt was[...]Commonwealth Savings
Bank, .trisbane, Account No. M1767 (65363) and application
should be made to the Superintendent, relative to payment
of same.n

and the Comn-onwealth Bank Officials state thA, it will be neces-
sary for Mrs. Chirvin to be 6atisfctorily identified, presumably
by yourself, and produce some evidence in support of her claim
to be the deceased soldier's mother.[...]ge Certificate and the Birth Certificate of the late
soldier. She vculd also have to produ[...]he
report of the death of the soldier - this is issued from this
Branch and is attactatd hereto.[...]Majcr,
His 1,Ae5ty's British Consul, Office,- i/c Base Records.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (296)[...]S-La-31

. To the
Britieh Consul ,t Vladivostock.
From Ci tizene8[...]Nna Chirvin,,
residing in Vladivostock at No.22 Borodinskaya
Street, Apartment o. 5/

-Besides my son .Peter chaelov[...]btain one from the office where births are
1*-2,gistered, as at that time it was unnecessary. My z,,t1 was born
on the Island of Saghalien, Koreisk District, in the viil of
Lougovoy, 71Dce,mber 2ist 185, and baptised there. I was born in
the Government of Stavropol, District of Alexandrovsk, in the
hamlet of Novosel,,, k, and was
wa baptised there; the phris,,aning cere-
mony was performed by the priest Stephan, in the same hamlet I was
married to lachael icodorovitch Chirvin, the marriage ceremony
being performed by the same priest Stephan. Am unable to obtain
my marriage certificate owing. to the place where I was married
being in Sovie t Russia.[...]o obtain my son's birth
certificate, a 3aghalin wis occupied by th.4 JApnese during the
Ruzso-Japane[...]In presenting to you my first dection„
the documents rs-1,cting family conditions gave all the information
yu required. I requat the British Consulate to take up the
matter with the Australian Authorities for receiving the money left
b) my late eon.
July 6th 1921.[...]INA.
hereby certify that the foregoing is , true and correct
tr-nt,a.ticin of the original documf-nt presented to me.
WO[...]3ritish Vice-Consul.
British Consulate,
Vitldivostok„ (Consulate Stamp)
July 18, 1921.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (297)[...]S-La-31


TO the
British Consul,
in Viii'iosto

living in Vladivostok at No. 22[...]PETITI 0 N.

According to a document from the Australian Officer of thz?
ImpeLial 4ustralin ixpeditionary Forces, attested by the Author-
ities pet the Base becember 16th, 1g I confirmed by you on 16th
May 19211 my on Peer Micha[...]on, -47u o.
IfY.f,20 died on board the euertmehip flAnchisee in the harbour o
Sydney on April 16th 1919.[...],,on sent me his
soldier's bank book No. 4452, in vhich it appears tht,A, in thn.t
bank he deposito 76/11/0 &sides this he left a bank book
No. (65383) 17C7. In on[...]rs I. wrote th5t th4; money
was deposited in my name. My son enlisted in the Army on Fcbruary
4th 1915. Herewit[...]ioitt of
my husband Michael F6odorovitch Chirvin, issued by the C1rk of the
Pckrovski Church, VI'divoatok 12/2ia1 Mr-y ig211 sub[...]d Ward, one dated May
14th 121 sub. No. M9 of my place of residE;nce, in Vi divo6tck,
7,1-,e other of[...]cn Peter
Utchaelovitch Chirvin I hereby declare that besides the above
m,)ntioned son I have no[...]bring presEure to bear on th:,
AuzAralian Authorities for th iS6US to me through you of my lonis
mon lyinc in the banks of the Australian Corr onwealth as shown- by
the abovc,-m,3ntione,d documents and of which thr:: kinii,tr), of X4f
the Austr[...]ditidn8ry Forces must no My son was awarded
medals for bravery, a war medal was sent to me in "1 letter from the
Control Department of the Australian Army (150 horeeferry RoA,[...]'s letter
the money deposited in my or my son's name, with the right of re-
ceiving it after hie deac,[...]y service has to Five full inform6.tion reprding his family con-
dition&„ relatons, place of residence and any other infcrwtion
that may[...]ossession my son's
soldier's book, to receive the medals as his mother $3,nc that I
eon ider further information[...]e the m nt on
receipt of reply inform me at my address.
June 24[...]WOODHOU'E

British Vice-Consul.
briti,,h Consult el

Vladivostok Conoulat amp)
18 July 1921.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (298)[...]S-La-31


Extract from List of Famili,-6.

No. 112, Chirvin Peter Michaelov[...], aged 42

Pr esident of th

Razdolny Volostnoi District Council (Signature[...]b true and correct

()ran LelLiOil of a document presented to me.
(Sgd) L WOODHOUS11',

British Vice_Consul.

British Consulate
Viadivostock (Consulate Stamp)
July 18, 1921.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (299)[...]S-La-31[...]l Yedorovitoh rtal from Pssily Popoff, orahpriest
Chirvin, Peasant of Irchicle with Jobn Popoff, pslmist
13 5 karitie Provnce, t Municipri cemetery, by
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (300)[...]S-La-31

Zrd Ward
26th Ap ril,
No. al8
Vladivostok. FICA

is,ed to Na ailyevn, CHLAVINA

in that accord ing[...]the
1,4ritime Province,. U3eurisk district ,
; Volo t[...]Peter kiich-, lovitch CHIRVIN„ who is t present
serving n the British Army .s F volun ser
wh ch i cert fied by ai - wIture and goverament

Ihe present[...]T. OODHOUE,

L3r1t18h Cone,.ulate,. lzh Viee-[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (301)[...]S-La-31[...].040,deovereivor.



Zrd Ward[...]'1
14th My , 1921.
Nc. 5709
Vladivostok Issued to Nathlie Vas6ilyevna CHIRVINA[...]in that according to ,,rrtuiries made at the

S Directory Office of the wa-rd entrusted to me
;fro[...]Borodinskaya Street No. 22 Apt.5, -Allich is
certified by aigwitures and government seal.
The present certificate has been issued
for presentation to the British Consul at
For Assistant Chief of Militia 5ru Ward (sigimtar,_[...]true arc correct trfina1
tion of a document presented to mc.[...]British Vice-Consul.

British Consulate.
Vladivostok (Consul, St[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (302)[...]S-La-31

cop[...]France on 23rd Jun- 1.91. 6,to his mother.

r mothe[...]7oldirts pay-book:
Private PLA-, Chrvin. No, 1932 D. Con 14t[...]lion , 13th Infantry _e„ 4,h Division,
Australian Imperial Forc[...]am writing you this in the ev,241t.. of there being[...]British Vice-Co caul.
Britizh Consulate
Vlad (ConsulateStamp)
ul y

'No q is-kv

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (303)[...]S-La-31

a[...].4 Elam Street,[...]Canberw,,,;ii

Li trLLnK s tnLA t[...]nis

mother proJoiy ot ,hem ut[...]of Oe ssic,,ncf.:- to the .13-rist1Lb.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (304) S-La-31

.No. 240.[...]Jr. Mat thews may be admitted to the Staff at a salary
of £90 per annum and Coe of Div nga[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (305)[...]S-La-31


No, 241.,[...]Since writir“,7, you la totwreceived on 31s-,, Jltimo
your letter[...]which have,assed betv“sen us tothte.
We d.esire t• adv3e hcvnc ud the f
Circulalable fcl- 12 months a, from 30th January, 1922.[...]all drawinp:s under une soovention-
ed credits are to be re-cirwn by you 9,41 Sydney Offic e.[...]7 CON: V
If not alredy claimed, plase the apove ank[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (306)[...]S-La-31


Pleasc btain rcmP'11. i11 '
Investment Ltd. ,,,, ,igar House, Waterioo —Plee, iail 11„
Landon, S.W. 1, thiiree oa- pie151 of the abo[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (307)[...]S-La-31

C. ABLi - FhOi[...]7 /1

i3ank of New iork account .j-old miSonoman. Whet market pressure
to aell plate disappetired ctonsequently malt firmer Ilthough.
still slightly chetpeEt wheat In market Americe firm c,nd Aus-
trlia zhows no furthe[...]rrs riverFe buying forward purche,sIng only for immedinte
requirsments avoid risk fluctturAion exchange general opinion
market healthy hut much depends upon Plates Alvd Australian ship-
ment for if large may again cause some pressure. American
,,nrket diainctly steady Domtic dem[...]ct of change either
Future depends upon Americn tinter ..'!rop.

044. Credited[...]00 your
1:-;rnk of Commerce LFin FrIno at 424-;:,. Credttd
Hee,d,[...]December l'or'7)1gn
Pg9n1„, still complain brF,n,Th i<drnft London urn by[...]bo tivoid, difficulty
nd dely in payment abro:A desirable inEstrwA that drE,ft ForelEn
Agente, be signed by offler who&e epecimen signeture
supplied. N York r' '-S[...]w r d (L2.1bnno) I 11
informed P,gent-C2nerfti h'e-s h,R,1 serinus brenk[...]s even to
extent of furn4,chInF :7,pe,:7!_men ainyture for nf;ixin f„ncsimile
on Bond whilh In ! - ,Ircume,tncles 6to ck treed[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (308)[...]S-La-31

212 950. We YrIve to—lay debited Heci O ffice £10,000 for tr,A17f*er
to “our dollar account ith the Nntionnl Bank of -,cuth Afri,[...]4.29, Cnndn 4.48
/22. 951. Crdited Colonial Combing Spinning &Welvinc7 Co.Ltd.[...]from ,ellifreely nn lot. 7,tock importing countries causin:7 sub-
stantial rise in price. America firm vIth lit icc:(Tnness[...]afloat an,
loading. Future deporlds largely .7::1,ction )1ateFT sellrs whether
they will met mArkt nt Avanced price.

4/2/22. 952. Rcferrinv to your telec!ram 798 Metropolitan1
Tater Suprly & Serer[...]4.31 Canada 4.51..

41k/2/22. 053. Credited Colonial Combing .;piing & 'Weaving Co.Ltd.Z14,000
received from Canan .T.311k -f Commerce Toronto. Suc!,ar rricp
Java v,hite[...]va Eron £1 nominl Cuba E.96% of
10/6 American granulated 17/- Belgian ,granulated 18/- nominal
Februr3ry shipment. Czecho Slovak grenul,?ted shipmcnt al[...]rA
A payable :74 ,ry,cation 11% allotment 40% end of TvIrch 40%;
end of April discount on Drepayments 4% 6 months coupons payable
1st Oc[...]xpenses not
exceeded 3%. Please eCole latest particulars for prospectus on
line o your telegram of 20th ay, 1921, think could isnue
immediately on receipt of authority by cable .[...]th 1-e, have credit bal - nce of £9148/7/- which is
required to meet drawings under specific credit. -: have paid[...]st due 1st February to debit o_ account In t,he name of
.3-ydney City Council.

6/2/22.[...]subscribed cash applications receive an allotment of 50%. For
your own information this result due to arr 11 ,-mnt by .Nivion
Co.nd frind. Confidenti91 R.Nivison & Co. and self still
-[...]- 7-ible
if Common7-0, 1th desire to issue say 7 million after :73rd March
hen fini instalment loan pny- ble. 15 there any likeli-
hood of P.., TrIsmani9n Loan thi,9 year.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (309)[...]S-La-31

CA:ILLES[...]ur account Canadian 11ank of
Commerce San Francisco. Referring to your telegram of 24th
1,nst9nt security is complete.
74/1/22. Other Banks pr[...]he observed.on demand 3% diJ7count 30 days , discount 60
days, 4% discount 90 days, etl% discount 120 days, 5% discount.

31/1/22. On 31st January deb[...]. Referring to your telegram of !7'6th Davis advi s es note

oent his by his mother her address being 4 7.1.m 7trEet

1/2/22 317 . Until oth?rwise edvised retin further amounts received
in London account Cold Producers' Association for investment
on market on their a3count. R[...]f 21st
Decleml,er p”' quity & Law Life Assuance Society Lincoln's[...]Comptoir N s tonal dtEscompte de Paris. •
3/2/f7T. Sydney City Council[...]for electric li7ht. purposes Lord M ayor authorises us to act

please see Nivison nd d ice bes4, terms and rf7te.
4/2/2f:'.[...]January Pilkin7ton's
kindly advise r sent position.

4/2/22. 622. }iae provision been mad payment intert due 1st Februry
E32,500 Cit. Council million loan if not make payment, nn,
adv157e us.
4/"7/22. 825. lieftrring , to your telerFm of it Metropolit,sn &
rater Sup[...]91T jointly as rents !or Bord not in your of'icial

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (310)[...]S-La-31
The advices[...]ave noted from previous correspOnd-
ence in this regard that some confusion has arisen by our Agents,
the National Bank of South Africa Ltd., treating Sydney Office
T.T. to them direct on the 13th AugkIst 1-1st as a Documentary
Credit, and we were pleased to see that, to avoid any further
confusion, you opened a Special S-,spense Account with the amount
of £2,700[...]In-
voice, Insurance Certificate and Bill of Lading for S Rolls of,
Duck shipped to Melbourne ,er S.S. 'City of Ediniourghl have been
forwarded to our Melbourne Office in order that the Tramway Board[...]th Africa who
forwarded us the original documents, at the same time Intimating
that theL7 had drawn on you for £102.1.3. which amount we note you
advise having paid to them.

All documents covering thee shipments will, of course,
be handed by us to the Tramways Board free, as the full amount
covering same was lodged with us in the first instance,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (311)[...]S-La-31

The[...]the let February in connect
ion with complaints by Foreign Agents regarding the signatures[...]herewith a copy of
a letter received froui Ballarat Branch, explaining the specific
case to which you refer. We have pointed out to Ballarat that
the fact ofrr.Kerinsi name ap7)earin on sundry documents sent
t) your office does not signify that his signature would be know]
to you. The fact that the Manager *as away froth his Branch on
duty at the time the Draft was issued, and :r. Kerins had only
lately been transferred to Ballarat would make t,ds case rather
exceptional an[...]Newly appointed officers to the signing, list have been
instructed that as faL- 7)ossiol[...]n Drafts o:
Foreign Agents until sufficient time has elapsed to allow a fac-
simile of'their signature[...]spondeni

For the completion of your records we desire to advise
that acknowledgements of our. s'ecinen signature booklet 117-ve[...]Imperial Ottoman Bank Larnaca
do[...]do Noreisoa
Irving National Bank[...].V
Referring to the twAtar of replenishment ()four Ster-
ling Account with the Irving N[...],
of course, recollect the,t under the arrangements made they were
entitled to debit us with Bills on Australia bearing the Colon-
ial Clause to the extent of 220,000 per month, which we u[...]have debited our
account 'in thin connection is approximately £6,000 from which it
would app[...]culty in obtaining
sufficient free Bills on inistralia b'aring the Colonial Clause.
During the year 1920[...]a number of amounts were trans-
.ferred to them for our credit resulting in a balance of approx-
imately £170,000 at the end of October of the same year. The
collections they sent to us gradually reduced this amount leav-
ing nearly £30,000 at t[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (312)[...]S-La-31[...]NT. CONTD.•
being transferred until that advised in your cable of tile. 7th inst.
which briw-s the balance up to £50,000.
in order to obviate.any large amount of practically idle
money accumulatinr, with them. we think that it would be tilore advis-
able if the account was r-Olertished by you under advice from this
office. In case of necessity, should funds be required at any
time to avoid the account being o ierdrawn the Irving[...]•
could advise us by cable.
Before puttin this int.) operation we shall be pleased

to[...]ember we have to inform you that the period of delay allowed in the
presentation of cheques is covered by Section 80- (1 and 2) of the
Commonwealt,-. Bills of Rxchanr:e Act, - three copis f ,,hich we are
forwarding you herewith.[...]ur Foreign Agents as 'Cheques' it w-ould
more than likely be that the Imperial Ottoman Bank's Corres ondent
wishes to be advised of tne'Teriod of delay allowed in presentation

of Drafts issued by them.

We have made enquiries through the Commonwealth Crown Sol-
icitor and in other banki circles in this connection, the result
of which confirms our[...]r to be any
statute by the Commonwealth Government coveAng this subject, and
it woul apper that if the matter is not governed by the law of
the country drawn on it would rest with the Banks concerned and
payment of Drafts at any time .would be dealt wit _ accoJ.ding to the
circu[...]ing the Imperial Ottoman Bank that the matter is governed, purely
by the arrangements existing between the Bank issuing the Draft
and the Bank drawn on.

Me before mentioned view is sore :ha strengthened by
the fact that we were some time ago adviseaby the Copenhagen office

of the Den Danske Landraandebank, that according to Danish Law the
Drawer of any Draft in that country is responsible during a period

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (313)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,[...]CHE UMS. CONTD.
of twelve months for the 1),ymeict of his !Drafts on Overseas
countries and under which they state the holder has no recourse
on the Drawer although the Draft is still payable by the Drawee
provided the advice of same has not been previously cancelled.
Another case we might mention is in connection with
a Draft issued by Sydney Office on the 23rd July 1919, on th[...]dated too far bac1t.. Upon
writing for an explanation on this matter they advised us under
law 1338 of the 15/28 April (year ?) cheques drawn a[...]st be presented within 100 days after the date of issue,
although under article 15 of the sa le, law the drawee has the right
to effect payment even if the cheque be presented after the spec-
ified time, providing same has nt bee!1 cancelled by the issuing
These two cases we[...]end to confirm the
idea that the whole matter is governed entirely by the r-,rrangements
existing between the Drawer and the Drawee, i.e[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (314)[...]S-La-31

Your letter of the and inn. t. is to hand in connection
wit17. Draft No .189 £58 On the Arc lo.iptian Bank, t‘lexandrin
This draft viaz signed by' lir. Nerinst the Accountant keret. an[...]0.00d. The draft wan iasued during my absetice in Melbourne
on 0sh e3eort Csarketitn.i.r.e tj- Jou[...]As there are only two signing officers at this Bran,
:Kerins was the O140 Officeravailable to sign. Our london
letter was tiespatell-.d the sore day, and credit fMe signed by
Th[...]Kerins was fully
qutaified to Sign all doement„ his specLlen sitriature was suPP
lied to you office on the 27th iiepteber last (inresponee to your
letter of the 24th id )[...]ing officer :11; thil; Branch, and
your supplementary list of the 7th Deoenuer lirtst forwarded signv
ture for inclusion in Iiramh authorised :3igning lficers book .

It would ther[...]cers.
e. Kerins informs tie that his sign- .ture should be
kfi rt Office, an he wlis in the habit of signing nuraer.
ous papers at Adelaide Bran in c nneetion with Lord n business[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (315)[...]S-La-31[...]letter froL4 you for %ttention.
:blegram o[...]i Hate
obtining 'Aitrliament does not meet until
July, when 'tie iJ obtin furth[...]ion
t1,0000 00n101,,ards end of this

You ere dvsed by c9[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (316) S-La-31

We refer to[...]r of 1st inst,ant,
No4 949, relative to t e f!ibove, to which we, re;:lied on'the[...]41
gent-s for-Board, not in your official 07 --acities"
For your informatiGn, v4e io.• enclose herewith
a cH7y of tae relative Order-in-Council dated 3/2/220 which
has been issued in the above connecti,Jn under the'provisions
of "The Metrofolit!In te_r Su_:JA.y A- Se,perge Acts,[...]efe-rin7 to yo4x cole of 27th June, 1921,
estat.) ishing credit for £200,000 Sydney,
elbourne, << r isoane and Adelaide, in f-J,,vor of le3srfl.
Simonius Visoher & Coy. on terms those of credit
No. cconnection 7- ith the latter Credit (No. 257)
we note that your tter[...]erred to_
th 'JankErfs bein7 furnished wrien documenf„s v,ere
surrendered before T.,Tment, and we assume this arr,nament
exists in relation to %fly surrenders be fox 4rment under
the present Credit, and, in regrds docum.lits

surrendered before Tayment of relativedrafts.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (317)[...]S-La-31

Uth regrd to Credit- ,zenerally ant ool Credits
in particular, we think that i„tien any credit exceeds, say,
£25,000, it would be as well for them to De establiz,ned Dy
cables addressed to the Governor. This would keep us in
close touch as to the tr,- rms ?nd conditions. on riich credits
were being estPbli3hed, as weIl es the volume of business
bein::r done. We would from this office advise all branches
concerned, including Sydney Off[...]l you
therefore please arr2nTe for future credits over the amounts
mntioned, i.e. 25,000,[...]rring to our letter- of 9th November, 1921,
relative to .F, 11 overdraft at Melbourne Office, we ,
.re no
informed that Lord Forster's Bankers er urt t the[...]e requested

accommodtion, not wish to _roceed any further in the
ME. E. F. BROAD:7\1(
We have given this Gentleman a letter of intr
duction to you. Mr. rod, who is 5 -rominent Timber
Merchant, is a .ersonal friend Of the Governor and the •
Deputy Governor, and ire sh311 be glad if you extiOnd
to him all the usual courtesies*

Copy of our 7,tter of introduction is enc1,0sed

hi "-evAth.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (318)[...]S-La-31[...]The nitger,
Commonwe.lth h nk of Aistr:11n,

?.6-41 Nwt, Broi-d[...]LONDuN.
This will sere to introduce to you ,r. E.F. Drot,d
who is - per,9oni1 friend botb. or the Governor -[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (319)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FRU LONDON.[...]follows to their telegram received same date - Referring to your
telegram 5°0 pay yourself £671470/10/4 end of quotation.
Remittance included premium 2502/5/5 less cable cost L1/1/-.
Was our mess age not received?

8/2/22. 958. New York s[...]London 4.35, Montreal 4.54.
Paris T. T. rate on London 51.25
Lisbon IT ft II[...]59. heferring to your telegram of 4th please advise date of
Authorising Order in Council for insertion form of debenture.
Credited Gold Producers' Association £2.C1 074/4/2 received from
Hong[...]llb account State
Wheat marketing Scheme, Perth £41,500 Oakwin balance account
Grelgrant remittance includes L784/17/8 premium 1% less cost
cable C1/10/-.Referri[...]legram of 31st January Other
Banks at meeting held 6th February adopted reduced rate as fr[...]Loan 6 per cent underwritten to-day at C!6. This is not a
Trustee Stock like N. S. W. Government. Non-trustee Stooks
1110 have usuall[...]stee Stocks.
Prospectus will be advertised to-morrow lists close on or before
15th February in[...]nuary
No. gno owing to further improvement in financial position
and outlook Nivison and self hopeful that future Colonial
jovernment Loans nominal price may be reduce d to '[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (320)[...]S-La-31

CABLLL TO LOND[...]cember Foreign
Bills new system will commence on let April.
7/2/22. 825. Referring to[...]es but if you cannot
do better with Nivisons 6% Bonds at i,,,C,:6 is approved. Lord &Eayor
acting on my recommendation and will prooably be much criticised
so am anxious to get best price possible. Particulars for
Prospectus are as follows :
ydney Corporation Amendment Act Number n of 1905
amended by Number 22 of 1017.
hating isIssue £9,332,056 amount
interest and Sinkin6 Fund payments.
Annual ,iinIcing Fund £84,187 acumulation Lo 31st December
It,st L11045003.
Metropolit,an area recent Census 905)947.[...]rates and revenue from whatever source arising Councils
powrs do not permit of iseuin, registered stocKs and they
can only b[...]ount Western Aust,raltm
Wheat. Please advise whether amount yet received.
1 827[...]7th instant Wi4aut money for
record and distribution purposes we prefer all Wheat transfers to
come through this Office and shall be glad if you will act
accordingly in the futur[...]limiting, borrowing and Expenditure exc-,Ipt for lare
opeation for development Australia. £5,000,000 will meet present
requirements and it would be suitable to flo.A, loan for same before
middle of April.
9/2/22. 829. Etderrin to your telegram of 5th Tasmanian State Parliament
does not meet until July when Treasurer will obtain au[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (321)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO ;,OND:. (C0NTI[...]. hrerring tu cur telegram of 17th November Queensland
Government now advise no further transfers will be required
before 30th June next,. After iadng provision for interest
and other payments invest surplus fund best rate.
10/2/22. 831. Rbferring to your telegram of :,11 Metropolitan and
Ipswich Water Supply and Sewerage Board Authorisinz OrdLir in
Council dated 3rd[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (322)[...]S-La-31[...]reference to our letter No.I96, regarding the
method of passim; Foreign Bills entries, it has been decided
to alter the date of commencing, the new system as from the

close of bu[...]So that you would have sufficient time to complete
your arrangements in this regard we cabled you on the subject
on the 7t[...]Draft

for £102.1.3. drawn on account of shipments to the Melbourne &

• Iletropolitan Trtunways Board by Tkiessrs. Bowring & Coy.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (323)[...]S-La-31

110 2.[...]0.11,

In order that our records may be kept right up to date
we shall be glad if you would, fro, time to time, obtain and for-
ward to this office copies of the Balance Sheets issued by our
various Foreign Agents thro[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (324)[...]S-La-31


V. 245. I[...]A

to the f)pe,rtment•of Defence, i;:nournci rcrdin;,7 .the posioiI[...]ioility it aesired tht wtlen any auch ch.gue is presated.

to you, ti-LA it Lthou d acoeted for collecti[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (325)[...]S-La-31

c. AL T[...]I deire to inform yQu th.0 the District fin,
Officer, 2nd Military District (New South Iaieti) has reported
tALL not[...]ocount., 4dney„ to tha order or
Anni ,ithisen ;.4 .;111;:a. cf 21 test iLA,rect„ Norte" Sydney, N. .
on aocount of fie[...]negotiuted at th6 Londcr, 3rbnch 6f the Commenwezdth
Bank of Au6tralia bnd orau paid by you[...]t4.111) groat p000lbility
of cdd.c teptiyment throu -- „:4 the t14,7,14r Idon
Branch in a .. of this mlure. In view of tilt tle.7..!_qy[...]• iziecritd double
A somewn6t an logoaz!, cp4zale „Nroc„, in oonl-iotic[...]t,,,s i..74,tter or 1.:‘201
In tnis tho ohaque marked 1 nctn[...]ad taia fc,r the
rotectioa of tab:Dop!Artment by ring tnut criletie in theze

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (326)[...]S-La-31[...]Dear Sir/
wrote you last on 10th instant,. and ha-u, since
t[...]5. 833 to 842 inclusive.
we cabled you on 14th. instant, A.vising that the
Government of Queensland h9d issued a Loan in New Work through
the Na[...]requesting you to offer the amount to the 3ritish Gpvernment at
current rates, and have nob. received your 1:e1y, advIAng thtJ

it rould n[...]Vie have cabled you further to-day, advisin7 that•
we had requested the Natio[...]as/done in the cftse of
the previous issue, and,intructing you to receive the .1.11onts
and invest them on the mArrket on behalf of the Queensind f
Government until required.

,As the Loan 171s teen raised with the , •/tose of
dev.lo!-inr- the 3urnett Country, the Government are taking steps

to commence the buildin:- of y as[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (327)[...]S-La-31

ievelopment of the'country and it is quite likely that a fair
proportion of the mo[...]neces :ry m,42terials nd
machinery, but of this we will be :- y4)le to advise you more[...]6

fully in due course.
Comparative St5tement- enclosed in your No. 840
h9ve been ead with interest, and your returns will e discussed
in detail after they, have been checked.
We ,shall be glad if you will h9ve the following
ar„Tropriations made in your copies of Bentley's Code, for use
between Perth Bran[...].
ULM: West Australian Wheat Scheme 1921/22 A/c.


Enclosed is revised list of Exchange Rates fo
your information[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (328)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FRO[...]£1500 received from Canadian Bank of Commerce Toronto New
York sight rate on London 4.35 Canada 4.55 Wheat Merket firm
with appreciable alvance in price during the week. Plates
Market perticularly strong and situation depends lergely
next two or three months on their shipments. This has had
effect of making buyers Enxious cover here. American winter
crop reports not fF,v[...]t
still considered healthy after rise from 8/- to 9/- per qurtel
from bottom but no doubt advance will bring out larger ship-
ment E and although there hve been a good deal of buying a
pause in the advance is looked for shortly.

10/2/22. 953.[...]1on Satrvif

13/2/22 965. Credited Colonial Combing Spinning & Wc- eving Co. Ltd.
£7000/7/6 proceeds Wool, Nev .:_k isiZrit r-.-te on Lcnicn 4.:5.3
Cann[...]ring to our telegram of 9th,
Government of Victoria, are likely to underwrite to-morrow
loan £4,000,000 5% at issue price 97, currency 1930 to 1940
14/2/22[...]ng to your telegram of 14th,
Queensland Loan offered amount to Treasury. They express
appreciation of offer but say that it would not suit them at
present rate of exchange

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (329)[...]S-La-31

CABLFS TO[...]lth ,Inuery Irving
Nationl Bank advise ecc,ount overdrFwn Investigate where-
about of remittrnce end cable u promptly.
7[...]834. ConfidentItl ',ueensl-nd 10,000,000 dollars debenture
loin for deNelopIng Burnett Country very r,:ulcesEfully issued
by Nritional City Bank principFl ter is price get inte.re61
6 term 25 y[...]21A February. Please offer the amount to British Govern
ment whLh-9 would be plead to Mt them hnve bt current
., rte.
14/2/22[...]ustrran Whet F3oprd £7800000
Did dispose of 8S follows:- Credit Head Offioe £1250000
pay 3ttnk of 14.::'.11. Z21E1000 Commercial ' Cny 6ylney
£20540000 Union dank of Auatrnlie. £450000 nk of AustrPIsla
£490000 Queensinnd Nationr=1 Boln[...]leFlil £221 000 A Bank Ltd £43,000 Commercird 3bnk
of AustraltE! £90000 A.[...]ank of Australia
C30000. On same date debit your Extlhnge V7.1ount and Ire-[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (330)[...]S-La-31

, EXC ANGE—Sydney on London.
15/4 Prem. .T[...]SELLING.'

Par O/D 30/4 Prem I Par o/D 30 /4 217eltiv.-
1Q/ M.
DS30 d/st.20/1•1;1 " 10/.4 rria0 dist. 20/4 .....
20/4r 60 „ 10/4 " 20/..a IT 60 „[...]SELLING.

O/D 3 Diso/D

tt 30 dist. Tv afalt, " 30 d/st.[...]90» 470(2 " 90 Dis
0 Telegraphic 150 120 Telegraph[...]ered g7 ,22fil° -9
FIXED DEPOSITS. ( Altered.6/2/22)




Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (331)[...]S-La-31

NAL/LE3.[...]17th ibrIlary, 22.

1*,)eLr LA/. .„ • , , ,[...]AN.Li oCiAhD.

• I oncio.6e copies of letters from the Scret&ry tc the

iietro-o[...]rtd btwere JCL and lro Brisone m

ttc- fund & of the Lo6rd[...] reference to i'Jri$iprie iiLanaeres query redrdi[...]-.!ntly t....7rbferv-jd by cAlle y
we have adviaed him. that he will no doubt receive the neces,ar[...]01.'1 icu Ise him prcii,

At thu kmc"; t1u we nave .reque6ted h to advise Ina, Luty th:t you

will foIckard 6tlAements by fi,:st wail after Lhe close of ebch month, H

setting out the dett;dis of tne 6licunts invested nc. interest e&rnpd, in[...]that he may advi , the - Treatiury, nd I ',than be.giad,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (332)[...]S-La-31

BRISBAN7i, 9th February, 1922.

The Governor,
Syd[...]he Secretary of th above

Board, which speaks for itself. Will you kindly advise our liondon

Office in the matter.

With[...]ur TiT of 6th instant, £56,237/16/1-, the

Board is desirous of knowing what rate of interest is allowed in

London and the period covered by this interest, also rate of dommissico

charged by the Bank in order that the necessary entries may be passed

in their books.
Will you kindly advise us with regard to the amounts of

241. 3 7:10/- and £56 already received at this Branch on

their account.[...]ully,

(Sga.) A. S. DOUGLAS.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (333)[...]S-La-31

Th BANK Or[...]Street
:Brisbare,[...]Commonwealth Bank or Australia,
Dear Sir,
re £1,00000[...]rge sums which are
invested in London end become due from month is trensferred
to the Boar's account with the required monthly instelments of loan
funds or in lump sums at different[...]nvested, and
(2) that the Board iB advised with the least possible delay,
after the investments fall due, of the respective[...]manner in which those amounts have been disposed.
Will you therefore please arrange to have the Board advised
accordingly in due course.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (334) S-La-31

o* 244.[...]Referring to your letter of 15th November last No.
774, the information furnished therein with regard to loans
floated and maaged at your office is very interesting and
it would often be very useful to us to have up-to-date
information of this nature available ,der reference when
required. We should, therefore * be glad if you, would send
a special return at the end of each half-year setting out
particulars of the loans floated during the half-year, and[...]the half-ye r.
It woul4 also be of assistave if at the foot of
the return you would[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (335)[...]S-La-31

ATJ:[...]Dear ir,

We have been informed by Brisbane Office that a
number of Credits were established by themlaims that might have been.
made before the Credits reached their destina“ n they cabled
particulars to you o,n the 26th Octob r arid have since received
your advices intimati thrtt further Credits were established
from your office with the result that the[...]icated. In view of the fact they were first established by
Brisbane and that alterations ard amendments may require to be
made from time to time, we shrll' be pleased if you will take
the necessary steps to have your advices in this regard cancell.
ed by. the various Branches arid Agents of the New Zealand /Insur-
ance Coy Ltd., at the same t ime exercising ware to allow Brie,.

bane Office Credits to remain.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (336)[...]S-La-31

The Manager,
LONDON.[...]bruary, 1922.
001.11,meaMi.,40001 00

In order to dinimise the number f adjusti*Ietits requir-
ed in the reconcili-tion of the items charged to our Account by
the three English Banks with.whom we maintain special accounts,
we sb.all be pleased if you would be good erlough to vise such
Agents of any alterations that may be made in the Rates of Ex-
change between Australia and Engla,rid or vice versa, as early
as possible after[...]the 10th February, vie have further corsidered this matt-
er ard shall be glad if you will allow the alteration in the
method of replenishmert .of our 3terling Account to stalid Wier
s until such time as you hear from us further.
As advised in your letter No.842 Of ( the 12th January
we have included the new Branch of this Arent at Cannes in our
Agency Arrangements for reciprocal encashment of drawitpgs under
Circul-r Letters of Cred[...]EIGN BAIK LTD..

The supply of Circulars issued by these Agents, cover-
irto; the alterations to their booklet a,;thorised officers la s
been received -Ind dealt with as req[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (337)[...]S-La-31

Tn.e anagert 444 0"[...].
in terms of your auvices the name 'of this Arent has
been removed from, our 1 st of correspondents at Rome, Como, rid.

Sdn Remo.
.KUS E (nr.
As the business of the above firm has been taken over
by the Banes., Commerciale Triestiria, e,, inaccordance with
your advices, delete.. 'sore from our list of ttgen.t s.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (338)[...]S-La-31
-.P711[...]Deg'" iii/
We wrote you last on ibth instant, since which date
no letters have reached us from your si'cle/
cabled you on.. 18th instent, 9dvising the requirements for interest
in London and America by the ';ueensland Government Ili:: to the end
of June would be -[...]re under the ordin,J;ry heLdinzs
• over the same ':2eriod, you 7411 be Aknabled to ingest the Queensland
Funds to the best )ossible dvanta?,:e.[...]to maKe trans-
H ers brisbane before 30th June.
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (339)[...]S-La-31


NEW SO[...]of the New South Wales 2ool •
in London are Messrs. :-rootor Garrett & Marsten, id iessrs.

Berry Barclay & Co. Lt d. and as it as essential that they[...]tee, e cabled y,u W-da:
reclustin that you advis e the to firms that the Committee
ha„: been formed under areement the Farmers, the, Cbm-,
monrealth Government*an- the bank, and is re Cistered as a
Firm under the Re1srati n of Firms'[...]of any contrct.
When the Farmer delivers wheat to the Pool he
si'ris a Delivery Order, makin,.: such wheat the ,tsolut[...]of the Committee, dnd as such it may be sold, morLaged, or
otherwise dispoed of as the Committee my think fit.[...]bushels of Wheat, which represents about 60% of this. Akasonts
yield in the State o N.S.W.
A copy of a letter received from Messrs. iaund
Christie, Solicitors to the Pool, :'lettin7 out In deta[...]0
standin- of the Committee, is attached hereto for your
information, to Enab[...]wer any enquiAes you may
receive re1,74ardin7 its financial pnd 1eal hstr4n4in.
SIP JOSEll'H7k111).-V[...]t of Sir Joseph, cabled you

to 'advise the best market price for the two Ehtish Government
Stocks which are .1-2- 1d by you on his cehF.1f, id ycu e ly,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (340)[...]S-La-31


advisin7 that the rice of the Funding Loan was 82,[...]ices that it ia cons:dered that, as the
tre is ,,orards lower interest rates 7,ilt-edged Stocks[...]4 21
adovos"." do-44c

• This tatter has been attended to, en, the full
add[...]London brnches snould aear In fo.,th-
coming issues of the "Feview".[...]L been our :,ractice in the ''a,st to always
list our Lonon branches in ?Avertising•and your suzestion.
that both add[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (341)[...]S-La-31

Solicitors.[...]18-2Q Martin Place,[...]wealth Bank of Australia,
Martin Place.
Deer Sir,[...]ond's and the writer's interview
with you this morning, we heve to inform you th;- t the Committ[...]Dr. Watt, of Macquarie Street, Sydney, Medical Prsctioner
who is himself n large lend-owner end farmer and grazier, and
Messrs. A. Buttenshaw, a Member of the Legislative Assembly for
a country constituency, and Ernest Field of i!arrar, Farmer, are
the persons who are carrying on the b[...]ol.
These persons are carrying on this besiness at 114A
Pitt Street, Sydney, under the name of "The New South Wales
Voluntary Wheat Pool Committee' and their business is t* receive
wheat grown in the 1921-22 season end sell a,d distribute the
proceeds arising from the sale of the same among the persons
who have brought such Wheat into the Pool.

In order to do this, Dr. Watt and kesers. Buttensnew
and Field have borrowed large sums of mAley from your Bank
on the secu[...]ch, in terms of the delivery note
hereafter mentioned, has become their property, and they nave
thus been enabled to pay to the growers a first payment or advance
of 3/- per bushel in respect o[...]ns a delivery
note, a eo„dy o which is attached to the agreement made between

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (342)[...]S-La-31

_The Manag[...]41al. FebruelaA 1222.
the Commonwealth of the first part, t[...]lth Bank of
the second part and Dr. Watt end Messrs. Buttenshaw and Field
of the third part, dated 20th December, 1921.
Under this delivery note all the wheat delivered by the
farmer and all other wheat forming part of the pool becomes the
property of and is absolutely controlled by the Committee end
may be sold, mortgaged, or ()Itemise disposed of or dealt with
as the Committee may think fit. Vide clause (2) of terms and
conditions endorsed on t[...]tee own the whole
of the wheat delivered to them, subject, ofcourse, to the charge

to[...]s assets the whole
of the wheat received by them less the charges due to the Bank
for the pur[...]g on the pool.
The Committee are now registered as a firm under the pro-
visions of the "Registration of Firms Act of hew South Wales".
Quite apart ,rom this registration, the Committee can sue
and be sued in[...]respect of such
breach having obtained a judgment could hive recourse to their
property. inc[...]wheat which had been brought into the Pool This, in the

case of the Commonwealth and the Bank, stiOject to the agreement
before mentioned.
for the purposes of being compellable to carry out any con-
tract made by them the three gentlemen mentioned would be in the
same position as any other three persons who joined in a venture
and between them owned assets to the value of the assets of the[...]et you have a copy of the Cert-
ificate of Registration.
Yours faithfully.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (343)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LO[...]tro-kt account
_ovrnment, until r quire.. Irving Dollkr Al-u[...]strnlitn t £200,000
rnd discce of f:is follows, orPlit HeFd Of'ir!e 2200000 pay
bank of N..W. E18,000 Union Bank of Austrtqla £23,T0 siiplik of
Austrf!lnisp £20,000 WtionfT 1.9Fnk of Austrr.,11.1,-, £7)9,000
Elank 221,030 Commerements for interest in Lcndon rtd 'rner1. r,[...]ll be obefvE'd

buying Li 10/-5 premium 0/d b/- ,:11,Lcount 50 dki 3.5L1-% discount
60 dis 25/-1 discount 90 Vs 35/- discount 120 d/s 45/1-% diount
oremium oid 25/- cremium 30 d/s 15/- premium
Vs V-- premium 00 d/s par. Conce,:don of .5/-';i;
I[...]r by conceding such
rate to our customers. only as 3ircumstFnces rwy reuire. T.T rte
London on ;ustrf)liti 1C/- discount.
0 43.WherA, money on 28th i's„trury.debit Hem Office Z110„ZtA0O
nd pay -;,!'Ink of[...]Bank of Auetrtili £30,.00
2nk of Austrelasi.r E170800 iif72nk £23,600 Commer7Arl Bpnk
of u&trIta E1E,300 Royel 3tri[...]. due 2n4 rob £,000 due 4th karch on
LAt•I cifAe credit Bt- Of Ice Z250 00 plus inte[...]advsing u by o0qe invt

rem.POncr U44000 to 4th Jul: 1927.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (344)[...]S-La-31

Trilc[...]r Ltoo hid on tel,)unt Ltr Joseph Vitird riso your opinion
merkt proepet5.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (345)[...]S-La-31

CALLES FROM ,O[...]New York sht rte on Lcron 4.6 ,conLeFI 4.5E. Paris
T.I H.2.39 It-ly Prgue - 28 Lisbon 4 1/9 C/cuttn 1/3 21/32
SlipnEtY4ChefOo,:311'ne) T.T 2/4 7/ ‘7(7F coprp m-rket firmer
south is, a £24-10 nr'ore enutries crc, t11 the Contnent but no
businss[...]er lealiinglienk for
siofl+uJ nh is required by &tock :x.:7ng rule.
onlit[...]coupon cn top of right t!7nd 7ornpr pnd omit nFme ZJectric Liht
cc.-- unt on coun as w[...]elT to crnt -fonds in different color to ltst to distingulsh

22. 972. Plese ejlvFle by obl[...]ly In hope or redu ction 1-3snk of
n,land r-,7te tomorrow -,hich i1l enure better price.[...]ucers' P-ssnition 613
F3..s requested Melbcrne cable 254 o: this dte New York sight
rrte on Lon:ion 4.[...]to

17/V22. Referring to your telegrem of 14th A-iet, money distrthlted
viheat mr. rket hrJ8 becn firm uring theiftek. Platns , nd fustrFlin.
Will ,r)1,7rently[...]good quantity of the ir surplus and merca ra171ain this
11kA.y to be r firm holder. Whept not[...]t pric
but e.ftF,r r° -! •rvne,e some .14 ction posEile. Americd.i.n winter
crop unsth:wt[...]slx wePks. Small stook in Importing ::,ountries ce,used goodd6r'mend
from Millers for near position hut now larger quntity is afloat
will probb1y keep market[...]for immediFAe future.

17/2/22 975. Referring to our tel of 14th Government of Victoria
underwriting tody Loan £40000,000 rte 5% issue price 9.
Confidentil thi;3 hiher p[...]emand or giltedged security resulting
largely from in activity of export trade and re6tric[...]dicEtes wh,A Commonwealth can do for next is s ue. Not unlikely
conditiona will[...]ank rte to 4i in AprIl

end it Is possible a 574; rate may come for ;uatr,1:ien Lon bfore
end year.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (346)[...]S-La-31

0A3LES FRO[...]New York sight rete on London 4.38 Canada 4.53 Pris
47.80 Berlin[...]Victoria Lon opened
-todEy 10 list closed 11 a.m amount sulcribed 10 fold.

21/ 2[...]. Referring to your telegram of 15th whevt money dLAri-
buted New York sight rte on[...]loPn 1,82 Vr Ltolk £96. Considered here that trend is towrd
lower intereA rte and be[...]Weprpool Z5$0945-18-2 &t7gpool
remittp.nce includes i';34 -0-6 premium i% less cost cetle
E1-10/-.[...]London 4,40 Montre,31 4.53
Paris T..T 48 7 itEly 7.75 Pri9.gue 240. Listen 4 1/16 Cfjcutta

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (347)[...]S-La-31

1114011111 WOO

)gz[...]- cancnto Cisme rricei,yed
that the emunt o tato[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (348)[...]S-La-31

li, J/10I0G[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (349)[...]S-La-31

No • 252[...]comred wi th your
return for 10t7n, June last.
We enclose hereytith a oc[...]d. As you riI
r3 i1ttrt:Lerectr2:46, it _is mos..t tliftioult to have thef7e. items
.[...]19451 .firo (`.̀1

and 'we hall 'be is3.4d .. ,- yu take utep.%., to seo that Vie
rU.1ra is oa,:etvAlij compiled and all particulars theed in.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (350)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (351)S-La-31
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (352)[...]S-La-31[...]inclusive.
However, as the Governor is A present on his w,y to lbourne,

via Hobart, we have sent them on to him for ,erus-Ja„ ?nd viii

de,11 them as necessry by next out7cini;
CITY O[...]We duly received your citile of the coupcp

dates in ponnecti3n 1%.1th the bonds issued on behalf of the
Sydney City Cou[...]Treasurey.
Innis rely he h s[...]to the

date.reyment being fixed F-s 1st October, 132, the du.7,-A - n
of the Lo9n is 101 yers ifistead of 10 PLrs a orpindii in-
tended[...]UEL SANDAY $ COY. LTD.
Messrs. Sand-4 Shepherd H a rvey & Co.

• some,little difficulty with the South Austre..1[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (353)[...]S-La-31


guarantee lawr,inf7 been put u through the. Ti23ank. of Adels,ide
.instead of through this .Lank. • As the wheat s Lin[...]ble you to receive
a guarantee frO,m, this firm in respect pi th4.8 i.Alrchase, so .s
to avoid -72ny de1Ey in hndlin7 the documehts, Lnd ve hive Ance
received your rely,[...]EAT TOOL

Your c3p/e:Avising that Miliksrs. Berry
& Coy: desired t[...]iVdrs City" pendin;-, recei:t
of the documents, duly reohed us, :rid e re,1)11ed th_L in this -
instance suchan undert!Ain2: cou, d bc[...]inclemnityould be reqUirad in 5-Hill other iimilar c%se!, we do
not think that such h:',-, pening!- is likely to recur. the
"Iadres City" compl[...]follo
in the'closin•of the En7lishi mails, ,w:nd it so. h,9_iehed that
the[...]il for a fortnight. in the meantime
the car70 of wheat hd been sold to Na4es, and this .com-bin:.tin
of haeningsgave the ct., u[...]out threie
weeks over the documents.

wealth ..)-nk of Australia - A Shorts Hist7;sly of Its :IJ,Tess".

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (354) S-La-31

?lease de[...]wose nines re on your I

mailin list in the sqme mbnnar s. the Govrivd. 7's SLeec,
"Australia's Financial Position ,Jnd Future Pros,)ects".[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (355)[...]S-La-31[...]h erditd cueen&Irnd
Covernment E250,000 received from NfAional City flic.[...]tinueti firm 9nd Gerny becomes buyer this week . There
been genern1 rLn In nei wthtyr :het belt but: this h-s
not FS expEcted FfrPt[...]P217 ( ec

CieS. Referring to you telegrm of 20th '41.1at onev di[...]Z.499. South tustrTi irn WheFt Fool berry ilay stnte "Erdrs
City" will discharge IVii)les before docurnnt::, value ..bout[...]ty
:or rTerse crirgo in this tnl all other AmWr clses where Ae[...]4.4
4.E3 Paris T.T 48.15 Itly 94.00 PrEgue 255.00 Lisbon
4 V16 CuttF! 1/[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (356)[...]S-La-31

2. 84$ Gold Producers' ,szoc[...]verraft of £114,201 in your
bcoka Acciated Gold 7.1n9s of Western Au6trell Ltd.[...].0 21J1I tc repeld frcm roc is 231d intereft
rate %.[...]Pfs, r-fv!. e lc th conforms
with cpct3.
251. into'rr. eroc„ti,r6 snd ,6e[...]thPt COrTitt
ee lorm9 !1,greement bq.ween Commcnweelth
Coven it fJnd 6ank is regia =4trd firm under fwgistre.-
tion of Firs r.FA.[...]y contr,ot !!nd have blrendy received 211 E00/00C LAp,6
hem' which undPr term of ,f,ellvery noto siFne rmers
becomes property of end is _ebsolutely controlled by Committee
24/2 8[...]-,,ut cne month f'rom Merch whicn
we[...]mny give unJertf,!king 7reusre_neMadnIs City"cnro donal-o-nte
opntchrA POrso[...]h'Ua'7011.

9.7. Governor ftrAVOZ1 in Melbourne 2nd 5t r•

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (357)[...]S-La-31[...]1•th,,,nk you for th tt•t t1 ivnto thism- '•[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (358)[...]S-La-31


ninon ••••• •[...]ns
account in your books against 3ecurities held by Sydney
Office velled at[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (359)[...]S-La-31[...]d no further- mail from your side.
QUEENSLAND STATE_GOVElNi AMLTICAN LOANS:-[...]oated in New York on behalf of the
Queensland State GovE)rnment, we have instructed the National
City[...]at they debit 6ur. accoant ,
themselves from time to time ,
3s ne,peF[...]terest in ter of the res.:ective
agreement's drawn up.

Furthermore, we have also instruct,Ld them that
they may debit our account with the[...]from us, in respect Ythe Sinkinz
Fund payments, ,;s, set out in the 9groements;
In this bennectic.n v. e have further authorised
them to draw u,
,,on you at sight for any amount necessary to
replenish our account in the event of there being insuffici

• ent funds at our credit vdth the:. to meet such periodic-1

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (360)[...]S-La-31[...]Advice of any draLngs is to be given to you and
to us by first m[...]n
you by the Nati,_,:nal'ai-4 hank in this way, gutting the rate[...],
ye• may, ml,keth,„ necessary ad utments with the .q.leens19.nd

overnment, as per copies -' correspondence herewith.[...]refer to your cable No. 9694 advising the
H; Rates fixed by the Associated iianks to Agents in America,
Africa and the East when co:verin;7,dirE, ct TiTs to Austr.Alia
by mail.[...]on v,hich the rates
are fixed, is not alto7e,her equt.ble, bec,F,use n A7ent[...]at Cairo, who would cover by mil in say 6 df4s0 'is•ced at
1.ispcivnt,976 of 5/4, as against ,)11 Agent ,at San Frncisco,.
who woull not cover under from 12 to 15:days. Further, this

same Cairo Agent is placed on the. some footing Shan-±,h5i,
1[...]Banking Corpn. telegraphed £25,000 to
Meloourne and the colv:.r :as not received by you un[...]d be arrang ed ot a

different basis, taking into consideration the geographical
situation, rather than fixing one flt rate for Continents.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (361)[...]S-La-31

Cd'OPY[...]1:)1. Sir


With regard to Lons which have 'r.een raised in A.Leri,3

on leh,ilf of the Goverment of cueenslanal for $12,000,0001 and
Z10,3 10001 resiJe„ftively,you are here* authorise to J;Ait this

regul r Ac3cunt with all , T.nounts[...]ie to
for interest under th_, res'etiv,J hgreements relatin , tc the issue

of Lons.
You are also authorised to debit cur a-::..;',7,unt vaith the
cost of any purhases authorised by us in reset of the Sinking

und 1Dayments. whi,ch. Inv be mus unaer the aforesaid Agreements.

If at any time there should be insufficient Funds at
credit of account to meet the amount of the aetits so passed to the

ac c ount, we shall he glau if you iil draw at sight on cur London
f r such sum may be ne c essary to replenish the ac count
unaer advice to us anu t[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (362)[...]S-La-31

Cory.[...], i22.

The Under Scrett,try,
cueenslana State Tre sury,

Dear Sir,[...]• Fund p.yrnents under the.respetive Agreements rel!Ain4 tc the issue

of the Loans of
New York.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (363)[...]S-La-31

COPY.[...]EhiShiiNE„ 2nd ro 1922.

The Governor,[...]With. roz,ard to Loans whih have been r6,ise:A by the Governent

of çueeneind. in America, through the Commonwenith nk of Austra[...]you are hereby
thoriEed to aebit the Queensland Government's Accunt A cur

Brisbane branch (or at London if specially reo.ueEted by the Governmnt)

with all amounts failing due from time to time in reset of both

interest and Sinking Fund payments unaer the respective Agroaanta relal

-ing to th issue of the Lons.
AS the furies are remitted to America, Exchang e on the trans-

alay a_Ls- be chrgea to the Queensland Government and will be
actions nay

uuly adjusted. I shall, therefore, be glad if you will instruct the

Fiscal Agents, the Nationa l city -ank of New York, t[...]ounts are sutoiritically ovailbl from tjunc, to time without t17,-3

necessity of prelimina[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (364)[...]S-La-31

C4I3LESJR0M 1_,O[...]o credit W/O £49,592/14/1
net balance Gold Producers' A/c

2/!/22 No. P,92. Confidential. Acting Agnt General Queensland
informed me verbally A7ent General Victoria asked him for[...]oan of £500,000 for about 2 months subject to reyment at
days' nctice interest at 1[...]highest rYA,c; obtainable and
repayment morecver is not dependent on overdraft being
ob[...]. 22501030 received from
Citibank itisixittxi2xt. New York sight rate on London 4.42,[...]anada 4.52. Wheat mal,'zet 'Kept generally firm this week
finishad 2/- 17,er (1urter higher for Austrqlian. Although
rain in America, ,Winter Wheat belt nd noz satisfactory
no unsatisfp.ctory result exected and Market in nervous[...]doubtfully sufficient for requirements no
aopearnce time being set heck In rice,

,/ / 2 No. Si$4. .Confidential. Eigh C„immissicner for A/- informs
us British Treasury offers to acct no any 1:Ayments in
anticipation Sinking iund instalments due it 1iiarch and to
ellow interest thereon at 5% rer nnnum Fis well as interest on
the Inbrest. idah Comr. for Aia is c€1bling lAelpourne recom
mending payment of say £2,0001000 in about week.

4/3/22[...]your telegram of 20th February, 844
Metropolitan & .11swich Water Su ply & S. Bd. credit[...]ed C211/18/10 for interest less
commission and .F126/1/2 exchange. Credited Q/sland Govt.
£250,000 received from Nat[...]ays wnite 17/6, brown i6/- June
shipment Cuba "10 98% pol 10/9, American Granulated 17/3,
Belgian 19/3, nominal Dutch 19/9 nominal Czeclioslovuk 10/6,
nomin!A_ March shipment all per At. f.o.b. Credited
Qtsland Govt. £750000 received from Citibpnk, N[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (365)[...]S-La-31

7-3-22 No[...]f New York Sterlin7, A/c. Credited
Queensland Govt. £2650341/11/5 received from Citibank.
Associated Banks reducin7 discount on T/T to Australia
to 0 as from 8th rch may we quote Samefrate.
8-3-22 No. 999. heferring to our telegram of 7th, Associated
Banks have also reduced as from 8th larch. Selling hate
Tits on Australia and New Zealand to American Agents
covering by mail to par and to Eastern and African Agents
5/-% premium. Cred4ted Head Office C811776/16/4 received
from Wills account Wheat Delagoa remittance includes
EISA/J/3 premium 1% less cost cable £1/10/-. New York siitht

rate on London 437, Montrc,al 4550 Haris T/T 4805, It 55.87
Prague 287, Lisbon 4, Calcutta 1/5d 9-32,Shanghai 3/14,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (366)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO. LONDON.[...]London and invested account Gold Producers for time being

4/3/22. (Unnumbered) Referring to your telegrum No. 92, youy rely to
Agent General is a:roved and in accordance with our defined[...]fter liquidating Overdraft), ere!..J,L,,t;d by otyment
interest on let February, Council des[...]t i3hort call

7/3/22. No. 860. Treasurer is cabling High Comr. for A/c agreeing
to proposal ray British Govt. £2,000,303 in about week in
nticipation 8„y-Ilents due 31st March, 1922., As British Govt.
are alirrAng Commonwealth Govt.[...]0,030 till 31st March at, say,
4 and he is cab11:17 this to 'High Cmisisioner fi.nd I under
stand will advise him that if the 13- itish Govt. will 5ccept
the larger sum and Iiigh Comr. apToves he mLy do it. We[...]ur telegrt)m of 7th, you may quote
5/4 discount on VT to Australia as from 8th March.

9/!:/[...]Funds not

• likely be required for some time, think might consider question
fixing u[...]S months so -a3 to give him
higher rate than :resent low market rate Please cable yo[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (367)[...]S-La-31

WU/ Lin.
tdtitYra[...]d. lutelbOurnitt Brnneb,
lunfovew 1.:tai U tited Via its rim_ 430[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (368)[...]S-La-31[...]Of) ir
tkekrte,niladzsuzza t ncion firsz Etitow tie amount api[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (369)[...]S-La-31[...]1 ... O f in.titutr,
Law Fry-2 _ In[...]of
.) from Layton, gton Street,[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (370)[...]S-La-31[...]15th Mar:..,n, 1922.

The Meina7;er,

Dear Sir/ .
We wrote you last on 9th instnt..
An Enlish mail closes today per the "Mal4ura"[...]the cables whiah have•assd between us since last
General to the Premier.' I - ould be glad, of your advices[...]esecidly in rb,?;rd to
'For your informati[...]iticlas under
of Statutory I'Lules 1922 No. '36,[...]he DIEnd, ,ted Territ:Jry of

New Guinea, is to be offered for 8:ie.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (371)[...]S-La-31

C58/15/5 has no ti'en vA.d to ivir. Jo[...]-ve

:s", soliciting advertising for that
of the London "Tim.,
Journa1t6 special issue (on the occs12n c,f the r.,,turn of
the Prince of 'v',ales to Lngland), the rotes ben, q4oted

• 000 for a[...]We have,. hoer, -Avised the

ieresentative that we havt, referrei the matter to you,. And
that you viIl communicte your decision to the "TtIlls"[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (372)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LON[...]it Austn. Vheat Loard i:2001000
and dispose of as follows:-
Credit H/O[...]Pay Bank of N.S.W. 27,000
Commercial Bkg. Co. 1.%000
Union Bank o[...]E. S. & A. bank 20,000
Commercial Bank of Ai/Eia 13,000
A.B.C.[...]/- and credit H/0 represent-
ing5/4 r_remium on cur cwn i ro;ortion. Declare insurance at
3% on new notes value £48,000 shipped to-lay pr "Arama8'
consigned to Erisbane.

10/3/22 No. 864. Deferring to your cable of 9th instant, approve
payment full instalment £417001000 to British Treasury..

CABLES FROM[...]3/22 No. 1000. Referring to your telegram of 9th, last tender

rate for 3 months British Treasury Bills £3/4/- per cent while
top rate for Treasury 3111s sold over counter Bank of Lngland
now £2/17/8 per cent. As price Tre[...]money in i1arket our rates of 3% from Loan is his'nest obtnale
tie could place E1,000,000 for 6 months certain with sever141
discount houses at 31% per annum provided we accept as security
British National War Bonds payable up to 1930. On these a
margin 5% above Market value at any time v,ould be maintained
and as discount house primarily liable transaction should be[...]gram of 7th, as Commonwealth
credit balance now £31 070,000, High Commissioner for Aia
has arranged ;Jay British Treasury full instalment due about
£417001000 on 14t[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (373)[...]S-La-31

10/5/22[...]ondon 438, Canada 450. Wheat Market has reacted this
veek Australian havingdtopped about 2/- per quarter. Large
shipment and better nev, American Winter Crop have caused
cessation in demand for time being esecially hear _osition
also better news America c a used Holders liquidate in that[...]y decline.
Difficult tOrm opOn 51t moment as much depends upon crop in
America. ?lease advise H. Ilrestc.n Living sympathy from[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (374)[...]S-La-31[...]o inform you that I am now in
receipt of Statement from the Commonwealth sank detailing the
receipts and payments on account of the Loan for 4e2,000,000.
The result is that the flotation has cost the Government as under:-
Underwritero' Commission 1-144 £25,000:
ivison' s Brokerage j 7,000:
Commonwealth Bank - Commission -4# 5,000: -
Brokers' Commission on applications 41; 4,612: 5:[...]Ls, Pr.I'Lting etc.
Stamp dut4 o
of inAUxert
Less Interest[...]s
Allotment Lt;ttero
cc n repayments
colivetea[...]119-17- 0

Overdue In stei men ts 4 _52[...]z77717-7
Cash placed to credit of vovernment Accoudt[...]From the above total of £46,393: 1: 9 the net discount of £5,257:13: 4

has to be deduct[...]al
flotation cost of £41,135: 8: 5. From this however, must be deducted
the premium receivea by you in liobart on the following remittances:
June 24th £250,000 35/-[...]Total:-

position therefore is - expanse as detailed above .E41,135: 8:
.t'ne net
less premiums on remittances 216,875: -: resultingin 1,4e Loan
costing Tasmania a net 2244260: 8: 5, wicu represents 14L%[...]to 1.213A) on 22,030,000 exclusive of Stamp Duties on Transfers
lodged for ilegistration and which of course will beqrecurring cnarge

from time to time as such trmnsiers are mede.
No vouchers have been forw[...]e
deductions made and presumably none are available. I have made
several applications for vouchers in support of the item for printing
advertising etc., but so far they have not been received[...]ATOT GENERAL.
The Honourble the Premier,
etc. etc.
hobart, TASMANIA.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (375)[...]S-La-31

Box 1830, G.P.O.[...]• amount short paid in connection with shipments o
Fi-ozen Rabbits, slapped on accoult of the Imperial


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (376)[...]S-La-31[...]_t:y36. tz-,..t...lai,: w?.-, :t.tilt ithoy- tatati() yrn --,..0[...]tt.tin' end to .Grallie wr:, to
trpice i., 1--.,74A3 LA kw,i.,ctityli rAnd litiall lati g.4, if itn.., vil.1. le i
flii.,?.11,-;:c 7,--rla .', ,..'))10 1...t) :Ovit.447, t[...], agt.S.Oula rc to ti.:10
Irteritt, :144tioric,41. n,[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (377)[...]S-La-31[...]ndation that the various prob - tioners
be i..ciatitted to the Stiff is approved and we ilave advised yo4
accordingly by separate letter in respect of,each.
e be glad if you 1,70u d arrange to let us


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (378)[...]S-La-31[...]Mr. Drayn may be admitted to the Staff at a salary of £180-
per annum, as from 17th January last. •

Please see that the usual Articles of Agreement
and Declaration of lecrecy are completed by Ir. Drayn as at[...]21
13. not araw any Cost of Living Jo lois/knee.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (379)[...]S-La-31
BLAIL[...]-assett may be admitted to the Staff at a salary of £100- per
annum as from 17th Xanuar[...]Please see that the usual Articles of Agreement and
.oeclaratkon of Secrecy are completed by r. Basse[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (380)[...]S-La-31


17th Is:ch 1922
o. 264

The Manicer.[...]Mr. Cullum may be admitted to the Staff at a salary of £100
per annum, as from 17th Iahuary[...]Plew;e see thrit th) usual Articles of Agreement
and Deelltraition of "ecrecy are coT[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (381)[...]S-La-31

4111...11.7'[...]r. Halsey may be admitted to the ',tuff at a salary of 4E100-
per a mum as from 24th January last.

Please see that the usual Articles of A"ree:nent
and Declaration of Secrecy p,re c[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (382)[...]S-La-31

Win[...]lettii Yd. e65 of blth ultimo,
Towther ,:lay be flAnitted to the St rf t a ,al ary of 4.100-
por annum as fran 17th january last.
r1 us. 340 th,At the umual Articloo of Agreement 41n4
Declaration of 3eurecy are coAaeted by r. Lowtne[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (383)[...]S-La-31[...]. !Muck'. may be admitted the Staff. at a salary of X100
per annum as from 17th January[...]Please see that the usual Articles of Agreement and
e lava on of Secrecy are completed by him as at[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (384)[...]S-La-31

BL/aL[...]r. Seager may be admitted to the 3taff at a salary of £1O0
per annum as from 17t4 January last.
Please see LicA the usual Articles of ireeient
ani Declaration of earecy are comp eted by mr. eager as at

that late.
New entrants to the S[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (385)[...]S-La-31[...]arch 1922 •

LU:S.O.S__lax.giulc AD!
Aeterritie; ,to your l[...]y of
2100- per 'annum as from 7ta, ;January la t.
Ploas* aee it!'[...]ft

and Declarkltion of lecro'y &re completed by sir, mr[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (386)[...]S-La-31


Dear Elr,
.........[...]etire the Alls we notice that we omitted
to dvise you regarding th, ch-rge to be mede.
We desire that the usual London rate for accepting
hills of the same currency be charged.


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (387)[...]S-La-31[...]We *Wrath': you foi' your cable of 10th inisi-nt
advioinc taint y uhnd received remrtypeni of the amount of
0 000 LA connecti, n with,, the ',bore trawl ction from th[...]ct Limti ted on 3rd December, so
that the entries ;-, t yor Office Wwe been 3djusted[...].. oeb confusion which 1.1d arisen in
connection with this trrmsnetion by rsing the crodit' to
itond6n 703cotialt o., vLich we 11.vised You in our- letter of
th November.[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (388)[...]S-Lais3e it-tia do not. tirmei-r. to be outotoindinc i Y[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (389)[...]S-La-31[...]Referring to your 1_ atter of tho 1.1th, robruntv lant
tc our 04.41 bourne Brnneth, 4t eformee to our drftfi

Roo, 414P[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (390)[...]S-La-31[...]4 "..,1 Its, "1 1
do ral.:7[...]NV e.g.. .1, • W.

Au itstralimi 7ievrt r[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (391)[...]S-La-31

‘1 •[...]In Jnnunry lst, Sydney 0.f":ce issuedn T.T for all-.
In fvor of ZA7. John Lynsky ,,J1 this Aumt, who now writes re
L4 ttmt pvy them E19-3/- through the Nsticnal Provincift1
!,nd[...]e do not LlnderstPnd whet the Is for, anl have
o,ntA out t!1,,,t under the t[...]be efrelted by tr t the current rte of
payment, nnl ahould or nll chtrge.5, they immAletely Ar[...]they heve not slrendy drawn on you we rhtkl_ be glad
If you will effect reimburcTent.[...]brnk of ,..,th Afric ''1 th AmertInn ilore!gn Linnking


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (392)[...]S-La-31

arrangements existing for the reciprocal encashment of drFfts under
Circular Letters of Credit between ourselves end the abov[...]end the reletive page in the Agency
Arrangements Book to he removed And destroyed.
We assume that further particulars in rg.ra to the
twtter, will be advised by mail.
We find that the business of this Agent was absorbed by
the kmerfln Trust Company of buffalo in 1V201 and under t[...]cumstnces„ our Branches have been instrudted to remove the relEt-
ive page from their Agency Arrpngements 2ooks.

sio AO' of coure you ere aware, we have other direct drawing
frcilitiEs et this point with the McnufacturerOtnd lx,-derd Wtiona[...]MILLIVIIII0//
The supply of Circular No.4 issued by the above Agent
FAld 3ent to ut unde[...]s been re..
c.5ived and will be dealt with ris necessary.

Me matter referred to in your letter No. 869 reu.rding
the draft on us by this 3ank„ now in order.

TBBArcU D[...]sult of your correspondence
when the matter is completed.
Cover for the drLft of which mention is made in your
letter No.975 has, as already •dvised you, been received by ds and
in reply to our direct communicAion this Bank informed us thPt thE
relative drnft we drrwn under the authorisation of the National
City Bank of New York,[...]hout the United St:te,tp drrw on us.

e note from your letter No. 875 that the London Office
of thin Agent advised, that the difficulty wi• e probably ex[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (393)[...]S-La-31

OMR .0 3 NM allp

by Mr. hichF, r[...]csimile signeturas were not Included
in our lat est booklet.
There can be no question in this regard, as the relative
Credit was signed by ir. A.C. Fry, whos[...]RSA v
For purposes of record, we wish to adviEe that the Punta
Arrenris Branch of the AnVlo South American Bank, have sent us an
rcknowledgment of spec men signrtures w ich e asumE, were sent to
them from your' Office.
41, NATTONAL BANK, OF SOUTH[...]e 18th instrnt intimating that we had
Euthorised the Irving Nation-1 Bank of N, w York to drrw o[...]e to the extent of £500000 per month In replerkshment of our
sterling accc.unt„ and the Natio[...]month, for a purpose.
This action s taken in view of the return to normal[...]ae two Bans who negotiate drawings under our Circular
110 Letters of Credit, at certain points throughout India., tvve ermIgE-
mated under the npme of the Imperial Bank of India.
recorded for[...]This h's been[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (394)[...]S-La-31[...]LIA,
We duly rE,ceived your mes3f-,ge No. 17, ,Avisinz
the terms of a cable des:,atehed by t[...]to the terms on which a loan could be
immediately flo,
? ,ed[...]nd you will
gathered froi the subsequent messages that the Tre-,surer 113
not at all[...],rms put forwrd, in f- ,ct he was
keemy disappointed, and especislly in view of the .:,redioted
fall in th[...]considered the Lon should
be on a , % besis at near and bve since. receiyed your
advice that , as t'e 3ritish uovrnm,,nt issues are only re„arning
£5/6/6 ;er cent, an issue on. such terms would not o[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (395) S-La-31


New York is bidding st ro ngly for Australil,n is6utis
end as Canada very recently ut out a short term issue of 5%
3 year Bonds at 991, and Newf6undland 5% 20 yeo issue

10111 it is represented that Austrli, could go to[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (396)[...]S-La-31

. EAL/Mli

No. 275.[...]Since writing on 15th instant, no mail iris oeen
received from you, out 6s tae "Orvieto" mil closes to-thy, vkt;,
wish to comment on var cus cable -dvices chich have ,,ssed
between us.
In jltici7ation of the issue of title Hdf-Yerly
Balance Sheet, , e cAbled 5nu varIous altera tions in the folm„

SO a tpfacilitc'te its 22-er--_,-, ti,Dn by you. The ,rinci,a1[...]r!T.tions re the additin of the Tresurer of Queensland
as an Advisory Board for the Savin hank. Dejartment in that
State, :irid of the Treasurer of MsmFni in a similr :osition
in his State,
As y are aware, the n. ppoinment of the Queens-,
l nd rInYesPr in an Advisory coity. only in the matter of
the investment of Savings En Funds in tht St5te, was
-rovied for under !,An a7reement entered into ,:itn the Governmt
of Queensland ,, hen ve took over the St -te, Savings dank, - nd it
was considered advisable to make z,1 similar arrangement wlth
the State of Ta m?nia.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (397)[...]S-La-31

, 2.

On . ,the 17th•inst[...]1-is

£500 000 on account Of the National Provinci---d Bank, nnd that

we '-referred such large-,tnsctions ;ssed through T.:)u[...]it would suit us to sell VT on Sydney to the s o me

• partles to the extent of £50,00 to £750000 t 1W nd the
usual ote-eighth commission. . As ;,e, ebuld, t trine csent

time, sell as much a8 - lesed on better terms[...]e by us durin

the week been on a aroFsis, and '1,e are nov,;- askinz
premium of one-ei7hth er cent.

NEV SOUTH ':ALES[...]With reference to your cole mesige, dvisin

or the receipt of t1;41277/17/- received fr[...]icel„

- u to credit RIO with this .mount ;rid tth all, further
rEqucted y:[...]ums eeeeived ,A1 behalf of the. Pool. This redrents the

first nmount 1:ioeived on beh[...]nose 31lov such sums to ,,,!ccdmuL, te and to,distrioute

such London cover amo'n7,st the 3anks from time to time as

• necessary, in a simi17„,r[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (398)[...]S-La-31

Yie enclose co:57[...]letter, ss er

copy here ith o and shall be glad if you till give the nv,tter
your :.,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (399)[...]S-La-31


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (400)[...]S-La-31[...]sed by my
wife, (herewith copy.)
This contradicts the letter which I received resrding my
1lotment note , n copy of which I have already sent you.[...]s which the Broad St.
Bralch seem to wke a speciality of.[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (401)[...]S-La-31

COPY.[...]gt ''

Kelvinside„ Gisgow.

Dear Madam,
We are in[...]e have no instructions recorded here as to the payments to

which you refer.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (402)[...]S-La-31

COPY.[...]he 27th February,
nnd regret to note your complaint against our London Office.
We[...]ient opportunity the whole matter
would be explained to your satisfaction.
Perhaps you will be good enough to take this course.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (403)[...]S-La-31


PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.,[...]ondon branch (New Eroad St.) which I received at Fremantle on 17th
February, 1922, having been forwarded to me from London.

It if customary for most banks to do this kin,: of business and
to collect allotments, this does not necessitate a messengerbeing
sent round to the P. & 0. Offices each month.
Owing to this note having been forwarded to me, my wife will
not receive any llotments for three months and will therefore cause
great inconvenience to hr pecuniarily.
Had it beensent to the P. & 0. Offices, or to y wtfe, the
allotments would have been paid.
This is not the first time that I have suffered inconvenience
at the hnd[...]another Bank. My account has never been ti large one, perhaps not as
large as my influence.
In 1916 (while on ac[...]y shillings in favour of a
friend, of mine; this was returned marked "R.D." although I knew that
had nr3ple funds to my credit to meet the cheque.
On enquiries being made, it was found that the cheque had been[...]uld be honoured.
It was rather lucky for me that the cheque had been made out in
favour o[...]e, as an Admiralty order hpd just been

issued prior to this making this offence punishable by court-mertial.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (404)[...]S-La-31

was informed by one of two legal friends Vat I was in[...]cnsion was in 1919. The AdmirFAty hid sent
Registered envelope, containing my V'!etr 130nus, to me care of the Lanic
wrote on several occselions for my letters to be forwarded to me,
and was informed that there wore no letters each time. After
exhaustive enquiries lasting one end a half days at various
Departments in the Admiralty; the Bonus was finally traced as having
been posted in the Registered Letter already mentioned.
On further search being made, the lettorwas found and
forwarded to me under cover of the enclosed Registered envelope,
after having lain at the Iznk for about two months.
As I was newly married at the time and urgently required the

money, I was[...]incorwmience and worry through the
apparent slackness on the pert of the Bank officials.
might also add that I shell be put to the expense of
cablin7 to my wife in England, from Colombo, regarding the allotment

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (405)[...]S-La-31

copy.[...]of the 9th instF,nt,
enclosing Seaman's Allotment Note, and in reply desire to say that
if you will lodge this with the P. & 0. Coy., we shall be glad to
receive the monthly amounts and transmit them -to :x4z,. McLeod,
although it would probably be simpler and more satisfactory to you
for the P. & 0. Coy. to do th16 direct, if such a course is in
accordene with their practice. We a[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (406)[...]S-La-31[...]t
(W.A,) 10,ter remitt&le9 inludes Zi5S/2P3 prmium lesF[...]Agn., credited Hecl. remN , .
Goll Produrf[...]Lonlc,n 1.48
Pris T.T. rate on Lonjon 48.EZ[...],:?y. distributed
Rpfrrin[...]f.A1 tiyn I rovini 3ank EncisDrn Ltd. T.T. on 2.y. ney[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (407)[...]S-La-31[...]'tr risc. 1atrt o" 1' n1 unioubt[...]z'111,f reason for wkr tndenc..v in orth lAirricn Ar7ent1nr,[...]intrrt-:r int. Fries on Lonln r hrwr atr-Hily le-[...]11ich seem t) tfl
large nmount whet now aflopet nliefly from Amtralt, 1 Ar:ntine
is not morc tn sufricient for rcnith 1:7,w stokF.; o[...]rnk1r,7 Corpr. Lay, aT—!ont 1 o71 Pruers- ' al:70[...];75E,/71/0 recived from Vi.11 a/r1 'ihet GrelhE'd remin-e
inclues s7, 7[...]1 1 Hi711 ,omTi.17-oner far Aus,v7di,3 infQrmed me tody th!. .?1, Prime
Ministr deaires F.n. roint Me ts repr*senttiv Auu7tr1i.,, on[...]wec
hut 1,,ss if meetin7 in London Couni: . 1. would p4[...]By" f48/1/8 nremium
£i/le/- amount mention our tElem of nth rrh inniuded
In ahoy, Crditd ueenin1 Go4ixlmes,nt i1 0 12116/4 received[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (408)[...]S-La-31


1'77 4 Conriierii Hi7h Cgmmisionc_r for AuFtrlia iF chii
MclbournF3 a_F follows - Conference todr,fy ,dth Nivison nnd
Campion we ivy have opnortunity o isFulng Lon C:51 000,00c:
withi[...]nd other Lor,
w9itinp. to 7!ome ther:Efoe leArb1 prompt authority[...]o 1040 - enl
ouotation PIes hie nu:abr of ithorising ect abled
niso . r,11170 of lon. Think peronliy these tErmp ar[...]number of new Ir'rench
(..)vrnment isnues here yielding up to 7 qlso sliht set 1,, -[...]do. 4.52
Paris T.T. do.
Itely[...]2nd after
further conference Nivison to-day, High Commissioner for
Australia cabling Melbourne, advising •tilat the proposed
terms are the best obtain a ble at ssent and remains for
Treasurer to decide whether to avail of this oportunity
or wait until after[...]loan in, sty„ June,
though this will necesitate re4uirementF3 being financed
meanwhile here to extent of, say, E31500,300. Victoria
40 issue wanaged to strike crest of gilt-eued investment
boom and prices have since re[...]Stock, present lull due to cause advised may soon as
aWaY but can. Commonwealth afford tr;*) miss ro ta tion as other
issue through Bank of England not Nivisonc awaiting turn.
Much uncertai[...]34nk Rate. We decided underwrite i4londay and issue Tuesday
and if better price than 9 obtainable meantime we would
readily secure it.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (409)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LONDON[...]eferring to your c.thle of 9th instant approve ppyment
full instalment £4,700.000 to British Treasury.

113/3/22. 865. Wheat money on 24t[...]f Australia
£31.900 Bank of Austrnlasia £18.900 E.S.&.A. sank Ltd.
£25.200 Commercial E3ank of Australia £16.300 Royal bank. of[...]nstant
Gold Producters AssociFAion remit balance this Office also all
adOitional funds until further advised.
17/3/22. 886. Referring to our telegram of December 17th tive paid
Compttr National diEscompte de Paris a further £50,000 under
direct cable instructions National Provincial Bank of England
Ltd. Please advise the National Provincial Bank e prefer
such large trp,nsaction3 passed throuh your Office.[...]rth re lieEtern Australian
Whet documents you may give a gunr.nte respecting duplicate
documents. cieferringto your telegTn7ri of 17th Ntionaa Provin-
ciel & Union Brk of England T.T will not suit. We have author-
ised American tanks to draw on you to the extent of amount[...]ricF £20,000.
21/V22 868. Alter form of Balance Sheet as follows "changes in
riinagement George Street, Brisbane, H. M. A. Garrard, Manager,
Sta[...]abba, G. H. Treloar

Acting 'Menager Burnie, F. C. Lloyd, Managcr,Dovonport V. W.[...]Branches North Sydnoy, t. Gambier.
Gladritone only remaining Branch Savings Bank Business only.
Under heading Savings Bank Dept. add Advisory Board. For
Queensland Hon. J. A. iqhelly, M.L.A. Treasurer of Queensland:
for Tasmania Hon. Sir A. E. Lewis, K.C.M.G., M.H.A. Treasurer
of Tasmania. Agencies now number 3123. Agents and Corres-
7)ondents in addition to corrections advised your letter No. 794
let ljecember Barclays Bank 1471 Branches Amsterdamsche 3ank
4 branches Holland Cox & Co. France Ltd. Cannes, Credito
Italian° 41 Branches Credit Suisse 12 Branches Delete Pury & Cc
insert Societe de Banque Suisse Neuchatel correct Anzio
Egyptian[...]6ank of India
Ltd. 19 branches Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, 30 braghes
An7lo Egyptian , Bank 12 Branches Africa insert Bank of Niagrii174'
Commercial. National Kansas City ilanufacturers & Traders Nationa3
Bank Buff a lo Merchants Loan and Trust Co. Chicago. balance

Sheet figures will follo~[...]Sheet Balance Sheet signed
O.A. Smith,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (410)[...]S-La-31

to be transferred plug exchange advising name ship each inAance.
21/3/22. 870. Debit bend[...]4 Governor consents
provided Bank duties not unduly interfered with. If you find[...]972., Referring to your telegram 17 Treasurer is cabling High
*CQmmissioner as follows - Treasurer is very much disappcinted at
proposed terms of Loan find dor.)s not consider them sufficiently
liberal they being no better than were secured for Victoria.
4110 Is there not probability of reduction of iir,nk rate and oonsequent
betterment of terms offering. 'ithy nre we to be pushed on market
now rni. why cannot Nivison keep first place for us to take advan-
tage of lowe[...]monwealth position
entitles it to special treatment a.t hands of underwriters and it
Is absolut,ly necessary avoid repetition of experien[...]flops,tIng Loan at price greatly ewer than Comr-onwealth as happened
in February. Debit dead Office £50,000 and pay Commercial Sank
of AustrOir, rn 23rd Instant.[...]Commonwealth Loan
should be on 5% basisla3la Ltd. L1380000 which includes Bank of Queen-
sland's s;,roportion nnl credit Head Of!lce E1[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (411)[...]S-La-31[...]heir Draft No. 70A for 450 in
favor of A. Burgeon isailed on 10/7/%6, Payee of this draft
wa a Greek 3avataurant Keeper in NewcItitle is deceased and
his estate is being administered by:Menem. Gray and Co,, a
firm of solicitors in 3ydneye We have been in touch with them
and have a'!certAined that they arellolding the dunlicate of
this lima and we are end avoring c et the:1 to .pronent same
for collection.
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (412)[...]S-La-31

on the sixteenth day o[...]u sand nine hundred and nineteen P OBA173 of the last Will and
Testament of MS14612SZTRIUS CURTZOS cot4i,- ,only known ae
ale Demetrius Burgese of Hunter Street in the City of
lieweastie in the State of New South Wales Refreshment Room
eiediletle Proerietor and confectioner 1 t Vine okevasia Trieolis in
mber. Greece deceased true co[...]Ob the UTORS in the 9i Id Will named
having been first duly sero thit they will pay all the just
debts and legacies of the said deceased so far as the estate and
effects of the said deceased wili extend and the law shall bind
them And. that they will otherwise well and faithfully administer
the said estate and effects according to law /JAL that they will
render a just and true account of their administration unto the
Registry of Vas honorable Court within twelve months fr[...]no qortion of the
assette shall be distributed or paid during the war to any
beneficiary or creditor mho is a German Austro Hungarian
Turkish or Bulgarian Subject wherever resident or to anyone on
his behalf or to or on behalf of any person resident[...]Austriaeliungary Turkey or Bulcaria of veciatever nationality with-
out the express sanction of the Crown and if any distribution
or payment is made contrary to this condition the Grant of
Probate will[...]'(,this eixtee ith day of[...]ING

tire' th t the above is a true and oorret cony of Probate.
Dated at Sydney this nty fourth day of March 1922.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (413)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (414)[...]S-La-31[...]30th March 1922,

No 278

The meter,


ooe[...]if you will 1007c Iv) r ref:saris

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (415)[...]S-La-31

(con)[...]ro t15 the undermentioned

irm by* yotir gooth on[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (416)[...]S-La-31

no, 9[...]/

On 15th October last Hea d Office cabled to thet of[...]1, 20/1/2?„ r.:ontirmation of this
return s rcc ,Ai red fro m yta , 71:[...]o you in the orqinary way and nn it
its er we thall bl! clad if yva will deb
itaa wIleyaars to be la ord rJ the .,r e4it o? - 11.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (417)[...]S-La-31[...]L


We caled you on 71,11 March reg[...]Banco de Lon and Mexico
EivF, s Fen8ohn[...]dr the 29tividem requesting 11 to omit from the List of
Ai:)enta .and Correspondents Ei,Tering on[...]n In connection with the
lialnce Sheet Issued as at 31st December. The informatiori however,
lvs been suitably recorded n.h the names of the Bankers concerned
will be omitted from the next Bence Sheet published.
iesT your information, we would like to point out, th[...]eltrations have been made, n.nd we shall
he glad if you will have your records amended ccordingly:-

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (418)[...]S-La-31[...]nk fur Grpubunden
inserted in its stend.
J. Marsns Rof e Hijos altereu to Bance Wiarsens, under
. .which nme, we understtnd they tive been known[...]ve
Pmslgamtted unier the name of the Imp-iripi Bank of
It ould be of greet easiottnce to us tt this end, if in future
you would be good enough to advise us of any tmaigamAions or
?)1teraltions that qty thke pla(lo„ In regard to any of the Btnks
mentioned in our List of Agents and Correspondents , for such. infor-[...]ed, un-
ics are reocivA from your Offis.e within a reasonble
iixrHvwc r.TAU'46

A n[...]fts dr -wn on our dead Office and Branches,swith clauses
mking puirint subje ct to our buying r0,./e of excha nge on• London,
which, as you know, is unnecessary. •

We communiote- . eth 7:Jny Bank Pnfacing their drafts in
this tr,nner„ and rhsil he plsed if, when making any additional
ertnp7ments with now. Agente, you would point out, that clauEes of
this kind are not requird.

It would gr[...]of conversion at which funda are trnsferred . to America
in replenishment of the speeipj coounts kept in the hooks[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (419) S-La-31

ank, ii6t of suck drpfts thJit were outate.ading et the time
the but,inees wss Imnded over to the Brnque de 6y[...]7 wr:ra tavic,7:d whYt ,5teps bein teken by
the bLAlcuo de Eyrie to cIaEr thee outAnnding items.

Vi?l you kin,1 y :et In touch with the Banks concerned
tnd vise us in due cour,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (420)[...]S-La-31[...]an to 84
LABAUL DRAFT NO. 3 £10 U:LICAT727[...]g your hxch ine Account

with E7/0/8 is e-:_roved.
SAVINGS BANE 3US1NES[...]of Buiness Trilscted in the Savins Bank Deartment, for the

quarter ended 31st Deceber„ ID21iwhich shows flCiC

Deposits over Withdr,:w:11,..,' of L515,948/12/11, nil int[...]£16 , 67J13/11. Tne number of D :.osits had increesedto

8442 681 and the to[...]•
Lncl 9ed herewith is coy of -.1 1€tt6r of 1.11-
duction Allah I 119ve h-Ailed to .411*. A. A. Hollinder, a member of

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (421)[...]S-La-31

the firm of MMnder & ovett Ltd. , Advc rtiF,inz Contr-2,0L, 31
who are well known i. n this city.

'hen he ca1 s I sh,7 1 De
gladA if you ili kindly .extend to him yur usual courtey,
and any advice or ,,,asisance yiu may ::ender him will be much[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (422)[...]S-La-31


24/V22. 875 (Balance sheet tA4ur)
24/3/22. On 25th March d[...]Py
Comptoir National d'Ecompte de Paris.
27/3/22. Please cable if following ban[...]r of
Introduction booklet still in existence Banco de Londros tind
Mexicol BEnque Commerciale et Aix-les- Barns, Societe Anonyme
at 1\jaccdo Belb.rls and Cc at 81arr[...]y and in conversation said 1,:ent GenerP1 had complained
that 6ank and NiviFon had carried on negotiations last loan
he h. only learned of same by cable from Alelaide whiAl we hadand
advised Treasurer of. I turned up files of cables re[...]ral South Australia had been consulted. Please advise had
411 he any cruse whatever for complaint.
28/3/22. Confidential - Referring to your c,-ble 24th Instant,
think the issue 5% at 95 most suitable for CommOnweelth but as
is for a much longer term --,411d the return including redemption it
earliest elate is £5-11-1 against £5-11-4 for return of 514 at at
91 think shcuLi strive f-Jr issue price of 96. See High CommI
lonr w[...]nd purpose of Loan ss-

8/V22. Metropolitan & IpEwIch water Supply 6, ,)ewerege 6oP[...]interest earned on full sum also 5/4
premium on transfer. Invest balance £60,000 to 4th May and
£25,000 a[...]circulrrs 6th t,nd 21st December, woolloonubb advised
in our cable 999.
30/3/22. 683. Transfer £100,000 plus exchange 5/- per cent this Office
toecunt Sydney City Council,
30/3/22. 834 Referring to our telegram No.880 Metropolitan & Ipswich
Water Supply & Sewerage Board now ask balance invested
be £48,500 to 4th May £[...]terest on £1,0000 000 loan end £4,000 account Bris&ne
established by cable today. credit

31/V22. 885. Debit Head Office and pny Commercial. Dank of Australis
Ltd. £500000.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (423)[...]S-La-31

arch that we approved your appointment rs representvtive
Auotrl1a on E:cono[...]to say whether you can without neglecting Bank duties
accompa ny Sir Joseph Cook as requeste[...]Australian Wheat Board £100,000 end
dispose of as follows credit rAed Office £11 1000 pa[...]ralcsiE
£61000 National wank of Australasla £20,000 E.S.&.A. Bank
£101 000 Commercial of Australia £7,000 Bank of NelPide £26,000[...]crc-, dit Head Office
representing V- premium on our own proportion

4/4/22.[...]t Australian nett board £1151000 rid
dispose of as follows orAit head Offic £191000 pay jank of
N.L.W. £321 000 Commercial Bkg Coy of Sydney £311000 Union dank
of Australia £7,000 Bank of Australasia £7,000 National lank
of Australasia £31000 E.S.CA. Bank £60000 Commercinl Bank of
histrnlit £1,000 A.B. Commorce £80 000 Royal Bank o[...]credit Head
Offi c e representing 5/4 premium on our own proportion.

5/4/22. Excha[...]ession 5/- demand 20- 30 d/s 10/-
n11 premium 60 d/s and 90 d/s per. Buying telegraphic per[...]d/s PO d/s 40/- 120 d/s 50/-
all discount. ReQuest adjustment of T.T rte on Austrt:Ii.
IVA/90 Whe[...]•
pay Bank of N.S.W. 52,200 Commercial of Sydney £16,200 Union
Bank £51 400 Bank of Australasia L611 200 Queensland National
Bank £300 National Bank of Australasia £11 600 8ank
£42,400 Commercial iAink of Australia Z26,400 A.B.C. £40700 Bank
of Adelaide E121400 Royal Bank of Australia Ltd. £20 300.

5/4/22. Referring to your teleFram No 38 Metropolitan & Ipswich
W.S.& S. Board pro[...]shall be payable in London and we think this had better be ad-
hered to.
8/4/22. Trancrer V51 000 Irving National Bank for credit Dollar A/c.

6/4/22. 8.9. Referring, to your No.41 6imonius Vischer credit £200,000
approved watch popltion cFrefully and promptly advise us if any
risk if known. Credit() Italian° a you raise doubts we are not
Inclined to take any risks what do you recommend. British

Itelin Corporation we ere only continue business on
present arrangements.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (424)[...]S-La-31

c17. 4.13LS TO . T[...]Board from Z.,15,000 1,3 £488,000 and
dispose of ns f0110w3 Credit, Herd 0ffi3e £790000 py Bank of
£135,000 Commer-Ael Bkg Coy of Syd. £131,000 Union Bank[...]lia £280 000 Bank of Australsin £30,000 cue7.,nsland Nationa1
bEnk £2,000 National sank of[...]£14,000 3ank
1,27,000 Commercinl Bcnk of Australia £5,000 Auatr, lirn Bank of
Commerce £35,000 Royal Dank of 7ustr8liF 422000[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (425)[...]S-La-31[...]nfidential - Referring to your telegram of 23rd time
not a.rrivel yet for issue on 'oasis nominally 451, 8s British 5%
War Loan tod yields £5-5-6 and british Govrnment stocks
normally are t% beter than Dominion. Though market quiescent
just now it is felt that general trend is towa rds less rate for
money End a 5 rate at some discount not unlikely before end
year. T[...]nable at present but if you
will take risk of delay a lower hank rate and improvement in the
adverse conditions advised should secure better terms but would[...]21. Referrtn to your telegram of 16th whet money distributed.
Whet market fluctuated consi[...]ward tendency since recent heavy shipments and large arrivals
have rendered buyers here[...]t although Continent
still providing some enquiries less active purchasers and
German demand particularly affected by depreciation exchange.
Week's shipments from producing countries 1.755.000 quarters com
110 bred with 1.565.000 corresponding week last yer and amount
aflo a t non estimrte[...]go sold
today £2-16/- C.I.F April shipment. Week's cargo sales included
Austral[...]ia afloat £2-17-3 and
Victoria per "Geisha" £2-19/- for South Russia while today Vic[...]ce about l/ lower at £3 for Australian ex ship "Plates"
£2-16/6 and No.1 CanediPn
24/3/22. 22. Confidential - High Commissioner for Australia cabling
Melbourne today 3 follows further conference with Ni[...]s your cable

and after fullest dIscyssion we now LLIgest for your consideration
an issue- of 50 at £99 1932 to 1942 6r 5%. at £95 1935 to 1950
These prices are distinctly in advance of market at present and
anticipate a fall in bank rate and reduction of income tax.
iVe may mention that though British Stocks since issue Victoria
Loan have risen Colonial Stocks allowing for accrued interest
have fallen 1% to li% and there are larger undigested holding of
Colonial Stocks on market now than at any time during last 6 mon-
ths due mainly to sales by speculative holders. We strongly re-
commend issue 5% at 5 which gives flat yield of E5-5-3 as com-
pared with flat yield today of £5-4-0 from 3ritish 5% rr Loan.
For purposes of comparison following are the flat yields, of
recent issues W. Australia E5-19-3 Union of Louth Africa £[...]s V5-19-7 Victoria Z5-10-2 proposed Commonwealth flat
yield E5-5-3.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (426)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FROM LQNPO[...]eaving Co. Ltd.
£5,000 received from Fisher King. Credited H.0 E190.5i0-3-6
accourit N.S.W. Whet Dongerra remittance includes 4E48-13-6 pre-
mium 4%[...]&
Company account South Australian Pool remittance includes
£100-10-6 premium i% although no instructions received.
28/3/22.[...]of 27th 877 delete first 6th
and 8th n'mes. Credited Head Office £282-1b-2 received from[...]lvAre

21/22 Account Neotsfield remittance includes £157-9-2 premium
lesp cost cPble £1-10-0 New York s[...]eferring to your telegram of 28th there must be some mis-
apprehension not a vestige of grounds for the sthtement your
messPge is the first I hev3 heard of it.
28/3/22. 28. Confid[...]ved conditions of
being able to Prrange issue at 96 but sha2.1 cable definitely
to[...]we might underwrite Thursday and
advertise fi- riday closing list on Wedne s day 5th April.
29/3/22. 29. For balance sheet purposes please cable nrmes[...]Sydney Woolloongabba Mount Cambior. Omit from list of Agents
BFnce Italiena Di Econto.Kus[...]w York sight rate on London 4.36 Montreal 4.49 Paris
T.T 48.50 Italy 66.85 Prague 240 Lisbon 4 11/16 Calcutta 1/3 7/32
Shanghai 3[...]Confidential - Referring to our telegram of 28th glad to
report arran g ements completed for underwriting tomorrow £5,000,00[...]April £30 30th May £50
16th June prepayment subject to discount at 3?„5; per annum. Adver-
tise Friday lists close on or before Wedned5y. We are taking all[...]give fullest publicity to Loan. Date of final payment
16th June will, give ample time for arrenements for redemptthn of

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (427)[...]S-La-31[...]r)
30/3/22 • Confidential. High Commissioner for Australia has
invited me to accompany him Genoa Conference commencing 8th
April. he states financial and Banking questions will be
discussed in which my advices would be useful snd that he
purposes cabling Prime ianister. While acKnowledging
compliment have replied that I can only act under your in-[...]g to Loan it would be difficult for
me to get away. My personal feeling is that I should not
identify myself with matters of this nature outside tne
Bank's business[...]ritten
to-di,./ are proceeding with issue as advised. Currency
altered 1935 to 1945 in terms of High Commissioner's in-

031/3/22. Referring to your iettt,r No. 180 BAWhA money distributed
Credited Head Office Z.C-)6[...]s
& Sons Ltd. account W. A. 4neet Scheme I.21/22 A/c
i730105/11/7 Seapool £4,000 Neothfield and from 3orry 3b,rolay
i22,336/-/9 account N. 6. WheatAimerk remittance includes
£241/17/1 premium 4.% less cost cable Z1/10/-. Credited
Colonial Combing Spinning and Weaving Co. td. £20713/1/7[...]ierb stocks
suffloittnt carry on satisfactorily for some we,<1,3 and in
absence of any disturbin6 element have shown no desire to
unduly increase holding. Fears as to condition American
Winter crop have been allayed by beneficia_L rain nd outlook
°righter. Crc in Western 'Marope also promising which fact
has favoured ouye[...]g. Need of tharopean Countr-
ies notably Germany and husia uncertain rrid must[...]-rabia, account Gold
Producerst Association. Credited HuLW Uffice L4,809/16/8[...].
received from 1:;irry Jarc...Lay 6urpiu 1.6oes "'deniedi!' and
"Madras City" account bouth Australian Whet Pool remittnce
includes Z12 premium less cost cable Z1/1V-, Sugar
price Java white 18/- Java broun 1o/ June shipment CubL;, 3 96
per cent Poi 11/6 Afirioan granulat ed ic;/- tiprii/may shi pment

Belgian granulated 161- Ootober/Novem'Jer/uocr all per cwt[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (428)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FROM LONDON.[...]Referring to your telegram of 24th credited ilad Office
i,355 n87/10/-. Referrin7, to ycur telegrEm of 30th No. 834,
Metropolitan and Ipswich Water Supply and Sewerage B[...]des £10536/3/-
for interest lesL,, commission and 3- 91/7/- Exchange. Credited
He[...]ns Ltd.
account West Australian Wheat Scheme 1921/22 account 11 Di&demq
remittance includes £206/14/- premium j1le,, ,[...].

67. WeeKly Figures.

4/4/22. B. Some Australian Holders of Metropolitan and Ipswich
Water Supply and[...]here ask can
interest coupons be paid Brisbane. May we arranze accordingly
5/4/22. 39.[...]3aroly acOount N. S. W. Whetlt "Port Nacurie! remittance
includes A;35/17/- premium iesE cost cable L1/10/-.
New 'Lora sight rzAe on Liondon 4.40, Montreal 4.52.
Paris T.T. 4 n 48.82
Italy n[...]TT
EnanEhiii TT 11 3/3[...]Forster's L;olicitors write enquiring %Tcunt of meibourne c/d
with view to arran6rin,3 repayment.

Wool Cradit&l fieferring to your letter io. 246 luth
oWoruary Simoniu Vischer we htNe .1ready surTendered docursv.ints
Z90,000 against guarantee Banque Commerciale de Ba3le and
firm now apply further c[...]favourable but in view of heavy loss made by some Continental
BenKs owing to violent fluctuation in Exchange i shall be glad
of your instructions s to undertaking[...]ons
inivAving incre&se surrender of documents. Credit° Italian°
also enquiring as to issue of credit with surrender of document
on thoir own acceptance at .say i*-)0 d/s. They make surrender
documents indispensable condition to establishment credit. No
little uncertainty et present in connection with Italian
financial institution. Would. you be di6pcoed to authorise
risk. In reply to inquiry from. British Italian Corporation we
informed them happy to establish credit on conditions already
arranged, namely, deposit of itaiLn Trea sury 3ills as security
agtlinst surrender Wool documents but they required surrender

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (429)[...]S-La-31


5/4/22. 42. Confidential. High Commissioner for Australia cabling
11;ourrie tc)-night t fcrilcw6 - Glad say Loan fully subbcrlbed
and consi[...]whole
press of Country consider terais exceptionally favourable to us
and below. current yield for all Government stocks. Very
Lecret. uiic LitibEeribed ju6t below half ;:.ivison bnd friends
found remainder. Alteration of term from 1950 to 1_45 was m[...]hailenginl
nei rate applouch:Lng L;ritish term better not disturb period of
discretion for redemption all ether War and eace .[...]-soans.
Only decidA last minute before issue Prospectus leaving no
time to cable you. tintii your cable to-day was firmly of
impreion that you had been informed. i very much regret it
was no[...]s exiL.tia.Sto3 o ll other Dominion Governments including
4110 Com lonwealth Government can be bought at prices to yield
64bstaatiully higner returns even 3ritish Uoverament are
issuing 3% Lon at a dibcount this fictatica by Comcnweitiith
very no[...].:It and much enhan3e6 credit of

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (430)[...]S-La-31[...]this[...]• IkLLanc.8 Aa- ouittLto[...]3 ..306 13
a',tetra Lila 5014973 45O44[...],857 1.20 57 466,925
asinania[...]3T tatcmt,tamt1et front Tziettutris
eurtit.011.4 by everai[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (431)[...]S-Lais ili servo intro,:luce to you .1 . A. Follanaer

of this city 010 is sailini Lion ur,n[...]pril next.

Ec1lLn1,;er is a 41co,..0er of the well non firm of

Hcilande,, and (:.:',.vtt Ltu, Aertizin8 Con,, a tor- a[...]n ,ne lenefit of

any advie Cr istance which you ',1)1e[...]be ,

his stay in that :Jity.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (432)[...]S-La-31


t.,[...]4.obrtr,r,,-0 1.1:,roh L-xli r 11, to aha : isplbould bo clad li" - tion3a
rolative mounts duo -40, ,--likt v4:,,[...]t Loss
the rnd at this i1:1-2.76,.,r we should. be 17 at if[...]Dion, fols n x., of,tho debitsa day* rrod to
u wo[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (433)[...]S-La-31

glommillowimm*,4*-[...]11th April. 1922:

The lan;4,0r,

• Peer ir

°VI? 71131 M. ‘-'"UP., !' Mjarfilas.

Igart_alimaDas[...]st,%nt we to

advise tt e '.;:ve to thy dr:arn or you by C[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (434)[...]S-La-31[...]Any :2,dvi3e 6t .4;istnncte, you cn give h.d. will ',le:

Youis f& thfully,


Specimen Sivulture

is 0 4 4*4 4 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • IP 0 I,

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (435)[...]S-La-31

Illftat •[...]Ire no tc-.1 that on 1J/1/'2 you debited. Ipawimeh in
account with £100 being erodit note No .11 r‘.. -ceivell.,„ iptforioh
Branah initiated this erzilit floc on the 31st May laryt and
Sar143 *ira ,„ a rlareli orr tt-V4 -;;J:,,rit[...]Note.
imswioh t £100. We shall be glad if you will. t
tou.eb rtth 3trang Ofrice[...]lag rr

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (436) S-La-31[...]eceipt of your letter No. 345

of 23rd February last enclosing:—
specimesi signatures of Signing Officers at your[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (437)[...]S-La-31[...]y 1945 Nos. 151.-650 co
Series 134. held by London on Account of Oavin[...]easury
o the c,-,:mcellz,Aion of the above 0Aeeneland Government Debentures
helci -by you on account of Brisbane branch t's Savings Bank Invest
nents, cncl for the inetoriptin of fitock at 13 :, isbane ta lieu

TIA0 Reg etr[...]to Lim rt. our Bri t ,4
Office, and we should ue clad if you 'qould errcnce accordingly.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (438)[...]S-La-31

note from your letter No.996 tha[...]ilen signEturos of our Foreign Agents as per the list
enclosed therewith.
It is observed however, that w. tth a few exceptions, no
mention is made of any specimen forms. These specimens are re-
quired for the information of Branc[...]in th,,
near future, End as they should be armed with as much information
RS possible, we think that At will be advisis quite po,scible that
they will forwrd them direct, as usual.
The Amerilan banking Corporatiori have us
40 sets of signatures direct, and we have also received' 40 lists
of signing officer& from. the Ltpndrd Bank[...]IELLNLIkg...
In the matter of supplementary signature lists which
hire been received by you Incorrectly numbered, we wish to state
that list No.2 was, through eal error on the part of our P[...]once rectified and a supply of the
reprinted list despatched to you. As you have now recAvA
lists numbered I to 5, we have no doubt thet you have been able
to connect them as necessary.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (439)[...]S-La-31

In future, all these list4-, will be sent from Heed
Office under advi[...]We are at present occupied with the rvision of the
Booklet of Specimen Signatures, end shall in the near futurc„ be[...]filocycLoPEDIA (AuLgcmi)..v
Some few weeks ago, we received from you a publicrtion
"American bankers Encyclopedia", end by this men we have received
from the Publishers, an account for PO.

• For[...]ny, 125/1:55
Church 'street, New York, as it is of no use to us, and contains a
lot of Incor[...]ain e d 'n your letter No.395 have been
P,'Ivis A to Perth Branch who have been 'netructed PS nec[...]BANCO 14_,ilqi‘.1A4,./

The Milan Office of the above Ban, who PS you know,
un[...]Lett,rs of
Credit, have requested us to sene them a list of Futhortsed signa-
tures and letter of Credit forms.
We shall be glad If you will comply with their request,
-provided,the desired specimens have not already been sup lied,
We wrote you st the time this ALent tvJe the tdjuctment
in the brIpnce of our special account In their books, Int:Imeting •
thi,A 0 ris they wre able to debit us livIth collections on d[...]ere entttled to retain all . nterest on
extensios deflred payments.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (440)[...]S-La-31


From ther latest statements-received i it appeErE thtt
they are rc.-Nersing debits to the account for Bills which have been[...]hut we are unable to see thnt_the required edjustment
of intrest is being made from the date of the debit to the date[...]. it would be more suitable to us if they allAhe .
debits to remain and so avoid the necespity of making any cdjust—
ments. Perhaps 't would be es well, to repea t that the smell
commission of 5/. allowed by them on both the debit and credit
transctions through this account, does not adequately recompense[...]e items.
The National Provincial & Union Bank of England Ltd"
should be fully aware of our views on this subjct, for re ivve
written many times explatning the position from our point of view.
0•4' 11
In this regardt we clblE)d you on 20th April, requesting
you to see the Nationed Provincial Isnd Union Bank to vrtFnu thPt

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (441)[...]S-La-31


o . 287.[...]& Co. 6.irictt 4lar,ten

them harmless from fly- conseunce[...],

the ab§ence of dekcument62 and also to to •

h-nd to thecri II 1-te documents imTedi'tely
As ,[...]celvs

or gin document in ,3 for[...]roVwin our uswi., uch documentre[...]:. -1--ntc0 to LAI,d t o the firw,
sfnees *0 -,,Utlloriaed you to gu,

mentiond licate docuxents imaiA1:tely Ltity

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (442)[...]S-La-31


?As will not enter into any indemnities to hold them harmless
from Rny consequences that might arise through the -absenoss of
duplicate documents, as in practically every case both original
and duplicate documents should be in your h. nds some time before
the arrival of the respective wheat pa[...]o pay to the
Comptoir Nationl dtecompte de Paris the sum of £25,000 and
,At the same time we ndviaed you that further contructs hid been
entergA into with that Lank to sell to them three further sums
of E!'),5,000 each at week[...]ay

that we sold the amounts for settlement dorinF Aril at 5/4
profit to the Lank, and for the amounts to he 43ettled during[...]e Bank, whereas transactions
for prompt settlement have since been effected at a discount
of 2/6d.
FLu[...]ve received the usual
pohedules givin7 particulars of rec ipts„ expenditure, etc.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (443)[...]S-La-31

8% Loan of £50 000,0001 floAd in Lond[...]m.jctc re-corde •
shall be 'glad to Tecin the abvementi3nod
o.sible.[...]'at!'Aiting HIrticul cf. the
Metroolitan and Vswich d'[...]ated on tnc 15th oe
- ill comeLandlords in exchange for ,the coy
executed by them.
HKO 4- Si1AN3h4I AiKING CO„RPO.ATIN[...]eu hongii6ng
S'angtai .LAnking Corn. ti sum, of £13/7/4-1 coverin coSL ;.)- f
telegrams des atched to u by thf-ir tavia Office for the
eriod end the 31st, .arch 1,1st, rei.tivf,, 'to the ratios of

Yours flAthfu'ly,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (444)[...]S-La-31

CAbLES FR[...]des C30 4-4I
Surrey E9,E59-5 Port iviaccluri rem ram of
premium less cost El-IV-. Referring to your[...]treli& as from 7th April hp11 . 1f; do likewise. elr. Riddle
arrived quite well.[...]we
oonfirmed documntr!ry credit favor W.A. Gove[...]d/s
accomvInied by sIgned invoice Government cert eviJ tes qunlity nnd[...]oncing shipment
weight fullset 3/L to order tAld blem[...]te must be er
shipment to Japan 1[...]hed. to drafts tother with reining
documents. Ship ment to be effected during March,April,may Nom[...]1922, in Australia drawers (iffe authorised to in-[...]bout £1,500 being exchange e advise .
surance. covered here available Perth which pleas
7/4/22. 45. Credited[...]account Western Australian rheat Sche me 21/2 2
02,415/11/- Diadem £555/0/5[...]price continues give way slightly.
Some revival interest on part Continent by resul[...]argoes and parcels of W.A. & Victoria ntine varieties which
operations were confined mainly[...]since subsided. United
strengthened market for time but demand
Kingdom additions to stock more do not appear urgent for moment and
general disposition await favorable buying situatio\. At
the same time supply coming forward having less influence on marke
than anticipated short time ago. Spot pric e Lond on about. 1/- p[...]quoted C 2/ 19/- plates
quarter lower than week ago W.Australia£3/3 /6. Chic ag[...]ItiFmo,trn s9.0 tion in view is con=
IlItl egiq,0 44150.669pF4[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (445)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FROM LONDO[...]iting today
Loan of £2,000,000 on precisely the same terms as last Commonwealth
issue except for small concessions they make of about 2/- for
interest. Terms of this flotation are wholly unexpected and are[...]ered possible by the fact that Commonwealth established
after much striving a lower basis of interest rate for Dominion
issue and also because of the smaller amount £2,000,000 offered
practically the whole of which Nivison and his, friends may have to
take up to preven[...]co. Commonwealth Loan quoted
to-day % premium.
7/4/22. Referring to your telegram of[...]opose leaving to-
morrow with High Commissioner for Australia for Genoa and should[...]e will sit.

8/4/22. Credited Colonial Combing,Spinning & Weaving Co.Ltd.
£[...]. Referring to your telegram of 1st Thet money distributed
Credited Heed Office V71,513/8/2 proceeds N.S.T. Whet Tugela
less cost cable E1/10/e. New York sig[...]vtieet Pool may we grnnt Guerantee to ferry Barclay & Proctor
holding them harmless from any consequences which may eriee tbrugh
abeence of duplicate documents, and also guarentee to hand them
duplicate documents immediately same ?rrive this applies to all
rheat carFoes.
51. Referring to your telegram of 5th Wheat money l distributed.
Credited Heed Office 150,000[...]4.52
Paris TIT 47.87[...]220
Lisbon 41[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (446)[...]S-La-31[...]ghly rspeotable quite trustworthy busines,7 engagements.
Seyds say Managing Director Herbe[...]capital £2,000 reputed very capable man largely interested in
manufacture briquettes in recent year made some money but pre-
viously reputation not[...]ld be relied upon carry out
any engagements he enters into. Understand Alexander .11.w[...]telegram of 7th 47, W.A.Loan
closed this morning. Nivison & Co. advise confidentially fully
subscribed by Public. Commonwealth 5% Loan quoted to-day I%
13/4/22 55. Referring to your telegram 8th Theat money distributed.
Credited H/0 £3,500 receive[...]ng Cpn.
Calcutta a/c Gold Producers Alison. Credited FA/0 E71,370/15/-
receive[...]Sons Ltd. a/c West.Australian Wheat
110 Scheme 121/22 a/c t65,872/5/- Bellglade £5,500 balance of Board's
a/c less cost cable £1/10/-. Credited H/0 £19 0158/18/2 a/c N.S.W.
Melt Yngarren less cost cable £11101-. rank of England rate of
discount reduced to-day from 41% to 4%. Commonwealth Loan now
11% premium Western Australia I 1/8th% premium.
13/4/22. 56. re establish a documentary credit £45,000 favor A.R.Ler, riert
528 Collins Street, Melbourne, available Sydney„Adelaide,Brisane
draft on Credito Italian° London[...]ice certificate of health
and weight list 1,500 bales no. ra wool c.& f. Genoa shipment from
Australia to Genoa not later than 30th April insurance covered
here account Institute Commerciale Laniero Italian° Milan.
15/4/22 57. Wheat market remains under influence heavy arrivals which[...]United Kingdom. Stocks altogether
not large are steadily Increasing and policy hand to mouth buying
maintained both wheat and flour especlally as movements latter
commodity into consumption slower than usual owing to reduced
-urchnsing power arising from trade depression. rulness relieved
some extent by continental demand accounting for sever[...]Ived sold Havre E2/15/6 per
quarter this has helped keep market fairly steady and there has
been little movement price. American market also shows consider-
able steadiness in spite fact Government rcorts condition winter
wheat crops better than loakod for total being estimated approxi-
mately 575 million bushels coTvred -.1t11 last season's final
estimates 587[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (447)[...]S-La-31

15/4/2' 58 (cont'd.) stituted controlled by men considerable means.
Fntirely sgtisfetory .cccunt kept with us many years and very
substantial E.ums at their dispoll at timo of writing. Managin
Director In difficulties upl,ards of 20 years Ftgo hut very energy tic[...]e.
re should repard him good for *any engrement„ h rwv enter.
18/4/22 59. weekly Figu[...]Ynga7ren less cost c!, ble E1/10/-. 'et establish a documentry
credit (Form C.B.2) to extent of £200,000 ,Nvor Simonius Vischer
& Co. draft 60 o.,7 00 d/s for wool irmrance covered here avatiat le
cydrIcy l MelbournP,Brisbyine 0 Ad_laide Fed Clause full extent expire
10th January 1923.[...]4.52
Paris T/T 47.58[...]222
Lisbon 31[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (448)[...]S-La-31

895 ferring to your telegrem No.43 pprove par for T.T rate
on ;ustrItA:1E,. Advise rate IrvinL National B!'nk transfer. Debit
Head Office fl,3 pay Comptoir National £25,000 settlement 7th April
Further contracts 3 of £25[...]£50,000 each durinv June. Full
vrtic:ulars later.

10/4/22 896. Cable fully reputation and financial z,:trndin Herbert
A1exondz11- one Great Scotland Yard.
11/4/22 897. Referring, to your telegram 647 Bank gets both original fld
duplicate do c uments in ell cf.,,ses for wheat cargoes End you can
guarantee to hrnd Berry Barclay & Proctor duplicate documents
immediately they arrive we cannot guarantee hold them harmless Iron-
any' 31pnsequence that may arise through absence of duplicate doc,u-
ments. Referring to your telegram 40, Forster's b a lance debit

3/4/22 898. Referri[...]and pay Comptoir National d'scorripte de Paris. At close of bus-
iness lst May please advise usual estimate :profit end loss for
half-yer. Also advise further interest to be credited acount[...]£80,200
Commercial Bkg.Coy. of Sydney 60,000[...]29,600
2ank of Australasia 23,900[...]00.
cuote price 1ctric Millionaire Calculating Machine.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (449)[...]S-La-31[...]Sir,

ve shell be glad if you il1cord the under-
mentioned menings in your copies of "I4entley's Codas " oppos
ite the rel,Aive[...]fiom..... on account r)f Gold Producers' PisoAation.
Y00.13 Credited Head Office in a[...]lin and "YOWS" may be used from your office
immediately upon receipt of this advice.
Till you also record that "70LAM" has also
been apnropriated to nean "Cold Producrs' Asociation", and
maybe used b,-treen your office, Sydney,Melbourne and - Pel-th.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (450)[...]• •• S-La-31

-4, lila*[...]'?IiiSr[...]Zap tto te art ',meter/Ant of a:' 3opr,-:1,!enting
itmowad. i t Gen.:.!ral,..',Offits. on E/10/111
in -thi,8 f.),ecottint Thin[...]0, r the, balance
0 1'1'4 '111 an:4 4thc Lt[...]z,z,i, on
filo -Goo Alan?! hd ,not been c Oridd to.[...]A, of
tho Lay, , P1'2 n d v[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (451)[...]S-La-31

27th ril 1922.

The Mena or,
Lon on.
Sire[...]re 41ipt of your 1etter o. 905 of13th

imo lading ipt 8 td by Mrs. :Lei ree also

oopy of letter rocal,Yad Pram her, for lob, e thank you.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (452)[...]S-La-31


•[...]. 910 of ityth ultizao
and ur report of same dat Mr. Bodey may be admitted
the Staff at asalary + ear annum, rom 6th[...]Pleae0 006 that usual Art 0 of Agreement
siut De as ion of Secrecy[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (453)[...]S-La-31[...]10 of 16th ultimo,
uid your report of same dates lir. Bedford may be admitted

to the-6taff at a ssalary of 4100 per annum, ac from 12th

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (454)[...]S-La-31[...]9 -

fe.:-.31rr to On Demen, rt drawn by _bpve on[...]nu ydn,4 concern 4 ng ,his rmLich

ri ur,r,-:vor la port, l'oun th[...]I

Viotorin •r-its for th(--?' Co, monreal h ruit

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (455)[...]S-La-31

it tAk. n not to 1.11render any f thO documen tl[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (456)[...]S-La-31

GrDiitta[...]2 94

up, 2944.[...]coint of your 1 ifitor No. 909 of 1Gth nflroh
lact with onclosuros ao advised.
Your Ration in admittinglir. REMO to the service on throe
montat probat[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (457)[...]S-La-31

Miss Lon gan.

- Clareno
'00 are in reoeiwt :c7our letter No. 909 of 16th ilardh
last with enoloouros rdviood o
Your[...]20- p,a

as from the 6th tobrunrc- Inot is cr:rovo6..
e note that he Ittc boon n[...]n
ttu/11 :Provident 000lety v.t.-3 a firat-elan El 1i o[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (458)[...]S-La-31

GD[...]MIS s I :On P1P,T1[...]ondon.

Lalmj 011,EDOVER.[...]aro in reooi at of 7uur lettor Ho, 909 of 16t
last with onc1osuroE3 ao advioode[...]he
probation at a comonoinc.oalary of 480
- 15
throe mon
as from 6th IlArch last * i appro'ved•[...]icactot) lifoo
'forme faitiattIL[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (459)[...]S-La-31[...]No. 909 of 16th Larch

laet with enoloutrres as ft.dirlsod.
Your[...]probation at a ow oninj
au from 1311 Vobruary latrb is apr,rovede[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (460)[...]S-La-31

G.:F.10Z B-.41[...]ti with enclosures as advised.
Your acti[...]on three months' probation at a commencing salary f 480- per
annum as from 27th February trust is approved.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (461)[...]S-La-31

0i,SAnJ.[...]4th C.,2(T .

The Ilager,„

DILUSOUTH WAL-J,S OLA/ a`1 • Y P2p1.1L/[...]i.„,n follows, begins bolicitors advise
lnd 0..r ri, ,,,,nison killer in it is absolutAy necess,ry
ItIVA all sc,les m[...]tion of .,11 not y,A confirMed by
th%t oc . )les . c ' f1 r► c cLDIes ccnfirmill: 611 '--
1 61,)s ruist sined Lnd despc:etched by joint A-411(on sellin
Lo Committe. Such cties must not OJ
,Ty„:,urz,,IC or &ny person or L.-2, . ency othc,r thanmessaz7e. They him t„-1 fuii l[...]:dsponsibiLity. They do not folo _x6ctiy what ric is doing
"&,,ko_pt th-t he c-dvd,l,es he[...]but th,:r,,2 is ncthin to show resspon
Isial.lity reapept to the[...]s.1

ilor your in:ort,t_tion re bcivisin_ propost14.6 tn_t b(,,en lormu.[...]bt.Acs fer.

next .f6r. It, is not proposed thot this Pool Tculd e fortifie0 by

the u5.1.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (462)[...]S-La-31
OF-[...]ent. Aive of the variou6 6t!,te6 wtAt6d upon

me on the 3rd Apri_l and biter a ,-;eneral discussion, 1. --,nuircd apout

their o11in pl4An[...]proposed to sena representut1v.2 roffi each LA te to .ondon tc st,:aolibh

a selilLz orL:ani[...]utable .seliing Aent. ty pwn fling is that wculd not ,De
w•ise to countenance such an ox—ani (Aion having con,rc.i. of this

Import4ntend of the busin,
isa, and thin if it is formed at ii

shcuid only act, tcts, r11-4t in an advisory capacity. The difficulty

is in fixin responsibility, and es the Wheat will fo[...]Another matter t,o erouse considerbiale discussion as freiht.
The tr172,trioerE,[...]1
I will further advise yc Ainen anything definite is decided


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (463)[...]S-La-31

No •[...]5 Aye 1922.

Me !La

De Sir[...]z we note t RounAPs commonoing salary
is £1.60. pot not a a a6vitied previously*[...]approved.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (464)[...]S-La-31[...]908 of 16th ultimo, your
action in admitting Miss Chapman to the service as typists on
three months' probation at a colikriencing salary of E1.20* per annum,
se from 13th March 1922, is approved.

We note that she has[...]stralian
Mutual Provident Society as a first class life.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (465)[...]S-La-31[...]London.

De air,

8 aff Miss L. KiliviitANT.[...]8 of 16th ultimo,

your act oil in admitting Kiss ilessmant t the service ae typists
on three mon.the probation at a COI& MC ink; salary of .1.120- per
annum, as from 13th March 19[...]been 'ccepted by the A.M.P
Society as aftrst-olass life.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (466)[...]S-La-31[...]81/W....z.fietes 8.4 -

Refits7ilig to your letter No. 908 of 16th ultimo,
your action in admitting kiss 4.1131.14 to the zervioe s typists
on three =Lithe' probation at a commencing ealtiAry of 4120k. per
(ammo as from[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (467)[...]S-La-31

G.F. *EA[...]n admitting 31,tes valeatley to the serndoe as typists
on three months' probmtion t a commencing salary of RIZ per[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (468)[...]S-La-31[...]action adaiittin lice. "Dickinson to the sex-ries edi typists
threit montliv' probation gt el) ooma[...]o ZI50 por
6th Itiaroh 1922, is ap mind*
Igt not. that eh* hAs ieen[...]Act lag asorstary


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (469)[...]S-La-31[...]b urn. pffi-e despatched
you for payment to the National Provincial & Union Bank
land L';:41.4, being nroceethi of their BI,dford off[...]! vvin rieknowledged. bar you in yotsir
letter to Melbourne Branch dated the 9th Varch. :liztine does not
Tuntevere a 'sear in your returns of Staldly Colcnial Brnnehet
to the 10 3/21. shall 1) ,[...]into the
matter r -na, s the necessary entries if you have not alreri,y
dune. so.[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (470)[...]S-La-31[...]ter No. 906 of 15th

ultimo, and note your advisee for which we than you.[...]iS

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (471)[...]S-La-31[...]6c • dule.
givin r,flruiculars r
reoei[...]forw:ring the
statements requied. •

two f1ot4[...]aweAlth •

vernment forwed to too: Seoret,
and we thank y-..)u for suIyin uc with additioni:JI co fis of tne
st„Acment re the. Metro,:olit r Su[...]n:, "-- Stam.

tominin isses 'lave been duly nuted, and .wc,

e interes[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (472)[...]S-La-31

2.[...]cellor of til( e.xch&ci ut,,r.


note yur dv[...]funds. We note..
that it is your int'entill to - ncot tne[...]9
T "7 A
ME HI\NICS piAr4.0,t, _L;AfiA[...]. ycur No. 1Ô, enclosing
copies of y_iur corresindenc,, with the Mechanics L,,..nd otols
atio[...]to •
egotiate Aus treiin i1Is through your Office, they roachod
:us in January, 1019, vviAh request that we an account in •
their name here, -J:
.Ald in re'y[...]through tho c-icount, on
Amilar lines to our offer to Aher Americn nd Lnlish 6anks„

and Eathouh ea the time they ..7:.'omised to consider the 1.1[...]- 1

we heard nothia'.. - f',.trther Irom Laem.

- ,icAe coy. o f[...]afl account io n

common vith thnt ot other American

They -1/4[...]ld not a
ennoction with them., by negotiatinc their Austijlan bill a.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (473)[...]S-La-31

$[...]the ;, :rinters of a numAtr

of the Circular Cheques of tho Credit° italianol -. 31thou

our arrangemelit, do not :1.-(7Nide for the:un-A•ment of the

ChequPs here, we lavc circul -1 1. - Branche[...];41e srs. Sim - niJc Vis,cie cc Co. -r-Lcentl;i-[...]e in tLeir fav6r, • by t4e

..13anca Commerdiale . Itaill' in 1--,t)tn[...]- A 7 uCh

Credits ewe ,t those eoto51.Lsno,d through Your[...]stat 4 ir th,7A the a_edit h%d bee% confirmed thro-,h

retic'aed us, ani s SiittOriiU s Viscier erE OflxiOL to uir5 i1

chase,s under[...]e hvc received ncollauniwItion frcirtrio Clumbi

Trust a ..pany[...]1os6 a

° their lctLcr to y 4 of the same A fc

•[...]:e rely ,-.147-1t to them.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (474)[...]S-La-31


IEDIALaJILL_LE121_,LILLI[...]and as w6 wer -0i7e the N.S.t. ool conduoted
its insurcanc xrqusivc,[...]- we = sed. our $..d,vices # to AdelAde, C[...]The Com:any a,pe,ars to 11:,- ,vc.,
beenformedis oni £5400q they[...]cours€, tirlv t_ liet them.
NATION4 A VINCIAL 44 JN[...]!,nd
nqland Ltd., comp1:-.-J-ning of o u r actin in rk.,-,Tu2in,..7 to

sell T/T t them. to the Com Lo. r•Nati:,Dnal '
.;[...]JUr 're

We advised yo at that ,I e th.- wc co
e feet aim 1-7r •.tra, sactions • from this &A on &inch aior[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (475)[...]S-La-31

5.[...]a7r::; of London clovr has befl.

report at a disc',1unt, of 1V
Our commitmc,:nLs in Australi to Oth June
heavily de21tte our AustrIlan funds, as cr Loan inteest ylil

absorb i5,250,00[...]furti
dividends i1l bc paid on the Wheat in the oois, zhich 14111

furth e r delete cur funds.
COPFISPONDENCE JSTIC q -ICH[...]vhich -y.7tdrned tic
the sender, utneleAmed,

We are informed that the erive cc copt--,11,d[...]ts•

-u yin? recollect that Te advised yc.,:u in our lttes
No. 130 of 17th November last (receipt of which you .::- .cknolt,..dp_.e4

it[...]of introduction to you. From th:s - riostal arkinz on
the envelope it would ,-4,75-1- tht,[...]nce, ,,ost,Ed on 11th January, being ictrnd „Inclaiwed fr2a
your Office on 19th idem.

In view of these Oircttestnae8-1 . -re id be glad if
you will kindly ascertain lifid, inform is why full enclias were

not made bE„,forr, the le t ter wee returned unclaimed, for v.e feel

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (476)[...]S-La-31[...]een. easily .3certained with 'Ntry

trouble tla.rouh the Of fiil D partments.


price of the "MilliroAm CalcuLAorn„ and have ..-receivd y3ur

reply,[...]In view of Ltic

gcneral tren 0, tholAlt thnt it

poasible to obtain one much ci-ic[...]note the etak_Lichment credit by zJaile.

Lahousse in fav:r of i-derre Fiio throui Sydnev, Off[...]As .rV1Oiy advised, desire dvice of tLe

.•ostabliAl-ent of credits over L25 000„ &L the, saalc time

co-Aes of the banker[...]Li- 2, for

whom ,be credits

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (477)[...]S-La-31

If not lready, .lease debit Head Office

by Char?. Nori[...]of E10/1/11, and 1.;

of the abovementioned sank, cove7rin;7 cost of wires. re[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (478)[...]S-La-31[...]you despatched to our London
Office, on the same day.
For your informa.tion, we hav[...]t the
Exchange rate - London on Aczt. alia is now par, nci not
s Quoted in iviarch last.

EiA ,,rit-,,e is the shortest term for which amounts may
be loded on Fixed Deposits, and the resent rate for th,A
period ia; 2.,1'66 per

Funds would not be availLA:le for tn,nsfer by 3. ble,
except to remit to your on credit, _116,- would he subject to[...]r T,Ta on
Lonuon from iiuEtrtilia Lein 311/- premium.


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (479)[...]S-La-31



15 BISHOPSCATE,[...]ns.c'er for £50,000 to the
Coptoir National diEscom'LLte de Paris - Sydney Offic,.e, icY e
cabled direct to y[...]we had a call the
following c1,9y from an ofeicial of :our London Office, Tho stated
Am,that they h[...]effect that you
IlVished similar cable transfers to be passed through your London

We ex ained to him that the Comptoir Naticn51 diTiscorrpte
de Paris w7re valuable clients of this Dank, and ar,F the business
was brought to us a[...]cation3 you have sent us that it was your ernest wish that the
account should be kept as level as possible, and this bUsiness
gave us the opportunity of meeting, your request.

We were, therefore, surprised at your cable, and
explained to your London Ofice in '-ht an awkward predicament
ve yore placed; moreover, the following day we had a similar
request from our good banking friends to cable similar amount.
lo Sydney, and much to our surprise, y - ur London Oi'ice, having

II abled you, stated that you did not desire them to carry through
this operation, although in your cable of the previous[...]t cour ,:e.

shall he very glad if you will write us fully on
this matter, so that1 we can as far as possible folio out your

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (480)[...]S-La-31[...]d Union Bankof 7RtIreind Ltd.,
lb 9ishopefittts,

1;:4110.[...]your cable trricifer to the Coalptoir 'Aiation4 dlisf ,ompte de.
Par/6 i in tbits I. we wcu d pant out that 46 that Ban.' <
represented here they were well aware of th rtes rullniat that
time between 3e,nks in Autralia.
Such[...]to (184„ and their purchase of

exchange in laondon was merely an attempt to get oetter rate
than that ruillT, here.
As you will appreoltAe we are glad tc facilitat- your
own legitimate traneaations„ but not to enabie another i3nn4 from
this aide to obtain through U6 in ,.,ondon better rate then we
prered to ciuAe them here.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (481)[...]S-La-31

gABLES FR[...]ce M0700/16/9 proceeds heat Maria
Immaculata account test Aust-altan Wheat Schememer and more active after recent dulness apparent1
definite effort made in North America raise uric incentive being
unfavorable report 7rowing crops some pert 0" United Stites advers
seeding oo[...]creased buying by 7urope. Chicago May option risen
12 cents bushel July 5 cents and Sept[...]nd 2/9 for Argentine although quotation for AustrAlan has re-
mained unchanged at £2/19/-.[...]re still below parity ex-
porting countries but upward movement has been accompanied by
410 more active a[...].roes afloat real-
ised £7/16/8 and South Australian expected this month sold E2/17/..
Demand now subsided and market less firm. Argentine shipment
fallen off recently but business Canadian expected develop result
reopening navigation Lake announced this week - Eef - rring to your
telegram of 18th No.809, price calculator £210.
21/4/22. 64. City of Wellington Loan £700,000 issued yesterday 51% at
£98 immedietely over-subscribed. New ?ealsnd Government Loan
£5,000,000 underwtitten yeste[...]1945. Commonwealth 5% Loan quoted to-day 20 premium Western
Australia 21%. N.S..expected come on market almost immediately
E.Nivison & Co. advise confidentially term not yet s-ttled awaiting
disposal New 7enlend.

11014/226 85. Credited Hea[...]Referring to your telegram of 18th Wheat money distributed -
Referring to your telegram[...],,,roceeds Wheat west Australian Wheat Scheme 1921/22 A/c thelwolf
arrived to-day all well - please advise Miss Callow.
24/4/22. 87. Poyds RrIwstorne Solicitors for cl.r Archibald & Lady Weigall
Stnte rceivedcable asking remittance E4,000 to cle,,r overdraft
d laide or aVernatively arreJlge for advance London Lr[...]_rfritax
US ,no de available but expect about 0 500 from refund in
,or wn cn reiative claim , not yet settled Income hae dim-

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (482)[...]S-La-31

87 (eitd)
inished end is only from Estate in hands trustees it cannot be[...]oa yester-
day. Confidentiu/ May mention that financial proposals dealt
with by International Conference applied mainly to European
Countries end I have most nanguine hopes that In time much good
will result therefrom. The line for financial rehabilitation
of each Country having depreciated currencies were ltd down
by Conference hut each Country left responsible for working out
its own financial salvation question of RueFla and Foreign
credits only remainp to be dealt with by Conference. Reports of[...]ce wore based(on)almost
wholly on recommendation from British Empire Committee which
held number of private meetings. Only two financial proposals
effecting Australia arose at these meetingsnmely devaluation
of sterling to 4.40 dollars instead of 4.86i- end compulsory free
market for gold. At private BrItigh meeting at which Chancellor
110 of Exchequer[...]Australia es being orectically on veld basis and we could not
agree to proposal for[...]linked rithout assent of Commonwealth Government nor could we
agree to our gold reserve being at the mercy of America as
Cred1tor Natlon as we required them against Note Issue and Bank
deposits. After severe:l meetings end much discussion by Theor-
1,:, te both propose:Is were dropped it being felt that the 10% de-
preciation in sterling value will steadily diminish and question
of gold holding should b[...]tta A/c Gold Producers As*.
20/22. 71. New Zealand Govt. loan iFe00000 000 closed at 11 today[...]activity still prevails in gilt edged security merket with
price trending upwards. Lest Commonwealth Loan today 3 1/16
premium Commonwealth Loan 1922 to 27 quotation ZI02-7-[...]Credited Road Office £69,636-5-9 West Pustralien Meat
Lcheme 1921/22 A/c Eknterine Inglesei less cost[...]' York oirht rate on London 4.42 Montreal 4.47 Paris VT
48.00 Italy 81.55 Prtleme 228 Lisbon 4i Calcutta 1/3 1/8 Shenghai[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (483)[...]S-La-31[...]of 28th 't the request of
Bence Commercile italiana we estnblish confirmed documentPry
credit favor Simonius Vischer 4 Coy. draft on Banc,: Commerciale
Italiana London 5 monthst sight[...]draft to be accompanied
by Bill of Lading end Invoice for 650 bales Australian greasy[...]ere expires 31st
May 1922 part shipment allowed Banca Commerci-le Italian advise
this communication substitute their cable 3rd April and letter
6th April confirming similar credit direct to Beneficif,ries
please advise Beneficiaries that this credit becomes operative
only upon surrender original c'tle 3rd April ,rid against Bene-
ficiaries declaration that they consider Banco Commerci-le Ital
Jane L/C of 6th April nddresFel to them as null nnd void end tht
they will[...]d duplioFte to you on
receipt of same.
4027/4/22. 74. heferrin, to your telegram of 24th Wheat money distributed.

28/4/22. 75. Referring to our letter No.221 17th June 1920 Heed Office
have remitted El 3rit1sh Treasury Notes A 1-70-3076 2nd series
which are forgery Notes endorsed[...]28/4/22. 76. Wheat Market continues firm on sustelmed demand European
Countries with fairly active business In cargoes at value f[...]- to 2/6 per quarter higher for week. London spot remained
unaffected by fluctuation in North America option mrket since
shippers there have not lowered their price to this side. Apart
from Continental demand little warrant firmer aspect as in
addition continued heavy shipments from Australia and Prgentine
C[...]n spite of estimated de-
ficlency American Winter Wilert and no appearance any shortage[...]yield 44 million quarters equal to 4O more than final result
lest year and about 8[...]77. Referring to your letter No.180 Brwre money distributed.
Referring to your telegram o[...]ad Office EC8,806-7-7 /c
N.S.W. Pool Clan MacMillan less cost cable £110/
29/4/22. 78. Berl:), BFrclay & Coy rIvise that wheat buyers still taking
excep[...]tion as to their
poEiLion. We learn 30ME buyers stPtwill not accept any further
policies same Company. Please cable fullest information avail-[...]able to enabl us to re;ly authcritctively to any dissatisfied

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (484)[...]S-La-31

1/5/22. 79. Sugnr price Jaw-- white 17/- Java drown 15/- June shipment
Cubs 8 96 per cent pel 12/2 AmoricFn granuleted 19/3 my
shipment Belgian granulated 18/3 October November December ship-
ment all per cwt f.o.b. In view of reduction to[...]2/5/22. 81. Referring to your telegram of 2nd Metropolitan End Ipswich
meter Supply &. SewerEge Board BrisbEne following ere details
Interest on[...]April
47 dFys et 3 £45F-11/- less commission £124-2/-. Credited
Heed Office £[...]-10/-
40‘5/22. 92, Confidential. N.S.W. Government re rranging to underwrite
today logi[...]1111 be adverted Friday. Nivic.on tnformed us privately he does
not expect loan to go off. Recent New Zeeland lon though over
.,ubscribc,d twi IEnov- 5/8 c31.,:-.!runt ComTonwealth 2 V8 premium
Western Australia 21 premium.
3/5/22. 83. Credited Head Office £11,000[...]ers Assn,, Ltd. Referring
to your telezrem of 2nd 907 Auetreltep Banks quoting 4% one year[...]td. 5 one or two yevrs Bank of
Australasia also quotes 4 two years. Nntional Bank of In[...]Chartered Bank of India AustrElie & China Mercantile Bank of India

Ltd 4% o[...]y T.T rate on London 92.90
Prague 228 Lisbon 4 5/16 Calcutta 1/5 7/32 Shanghai 3/4 C[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (485)[...]S-La-31

20/4/2. 900. National Provincial Bank are reversing debits to our
account for bills which have been extended but it Is not
apparent that they r-re adjusti[...]o date of reversal. Ae think they should allow debits to
stand to avoid necessity of adjustment of interest we to retain
interest[...]itional work and trouble Involved. National Provincial Bank
must be fully aware of our views from correspondence. Kindly
see them and arrange that all extensions will he dedt with[...]and
18th May include Bank of Queensland's proportion with National
Bank of A/alais the sum of £500000 to the debit of this

22/4/22. 902. On 24th A[...]South Viles
£200,000 end credit special account in their name. For interest
purposes treat[...]stralian Wheat Board £250,000
end distribute as follows credit Head Office £19,000 Pay[...]stralia Ltd. £270000
Bank of Australasia. £30,000 Queensland National Bank Ltd. £1,000
National Bank of Aisia £49,000 A. bank Ltd. £33,000
Commercial of Australia £27,000 Australian Bank of Commerce
£1,000 Royal Bank of Australia[...]£30,000.

411126/4/22. 904. We are informed Bence Commerciple Italian° have confirmed
wool credit £18,000 in favor of ilidmonius Vischer through your
Office please cable.

28/4/22. 905. Please declare insurance at 3d per cent over new notes[...]6. Purche one 240 direct current Mil'ionaire Calculator
and forward as soon as possib[...]ebit Herd Office £2.320 000 and
distribute as follows - pay Bank of N.L.. £66,000 Commercial

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (486)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LOND[...]nk of
Australia 05,000 Bank of Australasia £25,000 Queensland
National Bank Ltd. £1000 National[...]£4,000 E.S., A. Bank Ltd. £31,000 Commercial Bank of Australia
Ltd. £15,000 Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd. £120000 Royal
Bank of Austr[...]elegram of
4th April No.36 please advise how amount £1536-3/- arrived et
quoting rate and term end advise similar particulars future
transactions account Metropolitan & Ipswich Viater Supply &
Sewerage Board. Referr[...]other Banks doing in London.
2/5 903. Metropolitan & Ipswich Water Supply & Sewerage Board[...]that amount from 4th April to 4th May. Advise us particulars
of interest.

4102/5/22. 909. Referring to your telegram No.73 Manager at Adelaide
states Wheat Pool advise Insurance effected by Insurance Pool
comprising 58 Companies includine, Coopt.iretive Company sharing
equal liability. By agreement in case defeult or non payment
of claim by any Company the other subscribing Companies agree
to met same proportionately. Policy issued on each shipment
by four Companies only. Total issued by CooporoAve insur-
nnce Compan[...]surance Pool consider
present arrangements satisfactory quotation ends.
3/5/22. 910. Confiden[...]bling Trethowan as follows begins - Solicitors advise and
Sir Denison taller insists it is absolutely necessary that all
sales[...]joint London selling Agents to cable immediately confirmation
of all sales not yet confirmed by them and that cables of
offers and cables[...]rself or any rson or Agency
other than joint London selling kents. Any offers of pur[...]ing Agents to
cable Committee-end of message. They gave him a full letter
of[...]uld do so except A
through the recognised selling Agents who of course we look to[...]esponsibility. They do nbt know exactly what he is doing
except that he advises he has sold several cargoes at satis-
factory prices but there is nothing to show where any respon-
sibi7ity lies in respect to the sales or the cargoes.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (487)[...]S-La-31

De' Cir o

Brisbane Account M. Frederick 711.11imn Thomson[...]ect ymyment of
of the 17th karch last rfilritivo to rya innorr
3.216 to No,33u0 Fret[...]been written off.
and have to advise that the amount ha3 now[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (488)[...]S-La-31


No. 310.[...]11:-Pr Sir/

Since last writliv you we have received your[...]s. 921O incluciv , eftd havf-, forwarded sme to
thE Governor for his periaij.
A4177Y3POLITAN[...]with co, y of letttr received
from Drisbane 4.ran91.- 0 from which yru iil,note thL,t, th[...],d for 12 months from the lot Octo;:tor laot.
(- 71,c1 receive y.ur Avic[...]we may rely• to the 3oard,

Au.tra116,0 fcilities off re d by the aank.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (489)[...]S-La-31

We are ho , eful •8f keejn,-, a fair -ct-o.:,ortin of Aneys
remittc-d in connection with emirantsl .and shall be glad to o€

advised the present osition ani hat[...]orts in Astributirw folders, iving

of facilities offered by this 13ark.

For your informatian . ;enclose coy of a :rinttA

s117) issued by the P. (Si 0. Banking Corpn. Ltd. she ping ttlat
reresentative of that Bank will he on board the sni,, for

some hours ..rior to .:er:artiure, with a vio to nking buAnss.

. :ractice exists in connection with other
Possibly, a similar ,
Companies. We tha1I be-c.Tlad.ifyou vAll arrange for suitable

re?resenttion by this 3ankalpng'imilar. lines , for if the

matter is followed it should result in stiRfactory
business. in 5ny,casel it is well Lo k6eL; the Commonth

bank and its ramificaticns 1):2fcre intending settlers in[...]tING COE'RATI6N:

I not rilreLdy claimed, pies the auovementintA
3f3nk the sum of £7/10/c- arwinv on[...]-rt„ cost of cable—grLim- remitted to u
Th1 amount, covc,[...]ld
Hongkong jrnch Urin. th e first quartrof this year, advisin[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (490)[...]S-La-31


5[...]iay Comptoir National cOLs-
oompte de aris.
8/5/22 No. 912. Referring to your Lelerum of 5[...]tandnrd odel Millionaire Calculf-Aor at £185. it is probable
that ti C400,-:)00 Wheat Money will be distributed in auout a
wcekts time Will !,dvise you further. Governor leavini, for
4ie[...]On 15th May, debit WO £277,400 and
distribute as follows:-

Pay bank of N.S.W. 93,500

Commercial of Sydney 730 000
Union Bank 220 330
Bank of Wasla 201 000
Queensland National 10000
Natio[...]SI A. Bank 23,10
Commercial of itiasia 9,600
A.B.C. 20,000
Bank of Adelaide 19,400
Royal Bank of Va 1,000
This Is in addition to 1,roposed transaction £4001000 mentioned
our cable yesterday.[...]dited H/0 £58711 account Lord Forster, please .Jvise kmul
him: also £389/1/41 received from[...]so C75,112/13/-1
irvoceeds N.S.W. Wheat Isonzo, less cost cible £1/10/- a13o
£70,430/18/- proceeds Adelaide Bills for Co116ct1on 2706, 442, II[...]o your telegram of
2nd, Wetropolitan itswich Water Su2ly & S. Boll.rd internt
to 4th ,,ay at 21% Z69/15/1 less coalmission W19/2.
4/5/22 No. 85. Confidential. i43ferr[...]am of 3rd, in
view of Feneral osition deemed it desible to shoA your
message immediately on recei0, to Selling Agi.nts in con[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (491)[...]S-La-31


:5/5/22 No. 86. Wheat viarket has made little further movement
upwards this week although position remains fimm supported
by sustained demand from Continent accounting for disposal
of number of cargoes a good propo[...]as cold weather keeping consumption at fairly satisfactory
level and open 'rospect late harvests in Europe 1Nhich will
lengt[...]Argentine unless prohibition ex;ort from India is removed of
which no sign of at present and doubtful whether shipment from
India could be made until July.[...]3/3
received from Lioard of TrAe for balance due Commonwealth
Dairy Produce "col[...]ire Standard model reduced to £135, capacity 16 place
product 8 each multipliceg (?) and multiplier available
immediately Agents now advise can obtain in about 4 eks to
special order larger machine caacity 20, 10 and 10 price
£235 or Dulclex model same size as Standard but with additional
keyboard providing for accumulated total of faultilications
price about £30. Recommend standard model at £185. Please
inst[...]to your telegrbm of 2nd, Wheat Money
distributed. Credited H/0 £91,026/1: proce[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (492)[...]S-La-31

BANK o[...]2nd instant and your

adv ices re noted with 'thanks.

T1,e Secretary to the hoard advises t!*At Statement of

Receipts and Disbursements re,lativF, to th(7, loan floatd, in

London hich you. sEnt us on the 27th ',11tiro is stifictory

riu has enatlA them to put their books in order and to

sati3fy t[...]with whic he would like 1'urth'.73r Tlformaticn is thet of

interest on L:50,000 Investea for 12[...]it was expected U t. for a 12 months'

invr,stment a hither rats of ::Alt:)rtz3st .NouLd have t,ef[...](oRo .: A. S. DOJGLAS,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (493)[...]S-La-31

THE P. & 0. BANKING COliPORAT[...]at iv -, of the above bsr,k, ill be on bo ,:trd tLis

ip ior bOtte hours p io r to dispartI.Are . During hii attendnnoe on

the 'eol[...]changet for their Englith currency.
nd NOR Z LAND Tote
PaF:seng rs wishing to nvail themselves of tbi fnility

will find the Ba[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (494)[...]S-La-31

0,2[...]10th May, 1922.

The Marlarc‘r,
CommonrE51th Bank of Australia,[...]a retired Manager of thG Bank of Australsei9, who is paying a
vlsit to .the ,Cld Country.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (495)[...]S-La-31[...]Iviatil in n fo

etre ilabie to u ...mtAnd your
tixt•rlful .isot tri .414b3,,c 110 of 11
iortittri of our olAyve ref-nrred[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (496) S-La-31

ACc -[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (497)[...]S-La-31

the cat and melt' e a schedule
cf v:a%1.[...]forward thei
i;a:eirjetntq of Llabiliti and A ts C„B.4 and,C.I.B.73
3end Offic Aeounto
undry Colonial B- lintwfh s Account
:Algiis14. Brapeh Balaneeo Aecuunt o
Suspense*ccunt -. ,l[...]f Credit
As you e awari7,. it is mo t Jim wtant to nave the
u vi-1 enumerated fo wartied by the firmt mail az until we receive
'vie are unlble to clo e off the1 Balance ghaet,
F.[...]tor Gene. by fivIt 4'ter
the balartee 'late TI e it roik..y be ne e9snr to lIn[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (498)[...]S-La-31

I. ,Tot,11 Liabilities or AfIsets
2, English and Colonial ,A:.riNch Balances Cr, Before Transfer of Profi[...]ral Account.
4„ Payable include Colonial lire lar /C Outstanding aid usnsk
Account Credit, if any)
54 Coin and Otau,ns (inc ude iostag s and Aus a ian -oin
6, Austrian qotes
Moncy at Ahort Cali.
Balances du, from Other Banks and Note f Other Banks,[...]n Private and
Government Acooun
14, Dr. 4. Commonwealth Goveramen Shinning Account.[...]A/c Show one amount only),

II Fixed ')posits
16. DODO Sit intof t ke:.-, , rved
17, Postmaster[...]epartnientAocount
12, Snvinge Bank De-tositors, Balan es

23. Saving Bank Department Denosit Inter_-t Accrued
Inter vtnch Tran[...]4 The Fltrand - Lana
.9. Interest or Deceltzber on Australian P[...]to Head Office

30. it credited by Barclays Bank
31, " Lon on County Wentmin!Aer , Parr's Bank
32. " National Provincial & Union Bank of England Lt,i,

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (499)[...]S-La-31

330 Thtal e 1,*edited by Barclays Bank forlialf Year[...]National, Provincial e4 Union Bank of
a land td. for Half Year
ision -edited by Barclays Bank
London Count[...]Bank
National Provincial 17, Union Bank of ';'ngland
39. amd. 3.4 r ited by Barclays Bank for Half Year
4-C,„ London County 'iestrain„ ; Parris Bank
for[...]National* Provincial ,",c, Union Bank of[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (500)[...]S-La-31

DeP4r Slr
.[...]received f r 'Tren.surer - rtiv to

Deb,nturPs•Alch wili[...]-firn rjond,9J, but

bala. nce 'Corne t hnd, arr ~Er ngeminit

deeptch them nf'fl[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (501)[...]S-La-31

BANK op[...]atters I forgot to manticn in the letter; one
is that each of the Cori's de19ntur stock is stampd '-Sr
th-F f5ce of the In5Itrument toth on te right and left h&nd
corners, cid[...]surroJnded ty -ords "Sydney Council".
This is a speciF,.1 sel, an extret of the Council's s&;._[...]g possitle forgery.

- forgot to mention this In respect to our lest
lo&n, but I h1 Ihe -lad if your officers hero tind brod
will note same.

Referring to t-f, in- alment, I wish to inform you that
sent them_ ,o th.e LcrnK so that they mey Le kept in sle

In respect to their ?:.:3,mittance to England, I thjnk it
woul, be wsll for the L'E.nk to[...]so
that you may not te I-- ot1ered with Inore than one sbipmnt. I
will $ee the Lord Meyor to-day and ure upon him the neclity
for 7.etin 'is signature as quickly :1'3 nOSSible.[...]MON,

Ci-Y Trrisurr.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (502)[...]S-La-31

rvaii /Tdrig
vuutti[...]151,h JLy, 1,22.

to lanag6r'
LONDO N.[...]Der Sir/
Our SpeciA. Account with Nationl ,.rovincial
and nio'n[...]th copy of a 1QWt fro the
abovementioned Bank dated 4/4/22' and of oiEr - reiy of this
date, froat which ycu see[...]on bills extended i. tiii under discussion.

The Nstionel Provincial 4rid-Union Bank of
ngland;pro)oed th tIn cases livhere bills were extenU([...]ded due
et,o credit them _A:fith.- the 11t cllectd at tn13

•[...],as.,:j, the r to of *4 p.a. uitil LArid1:34
since t'tit date,

Ve tive con4stently re3isted this . prool for
the folloTin tain

1. It never contem:latpd ttit - the. pomin:JI[...]s7Ane., .return fo the
pc'rformed.4 -WeHconsider that we.sbould def4niticly[...]uon ext.',cnsion for the ntinl commission of 5/-% -n
turnover, 41lich„ of course, is 'quite inadc4ute, in
relation to the sorvices. given, ,- ‘:n4 the 'pest arrtveitieFt
is fo u.. to . etain the intprest c011ecked.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (503)[...]S-La-31

2. Adjustment8 of interest on the lins
by the Nati[...]ther, com;ii-
Cte the ..ccount 1,5"ich is AA..edy tayieriaely difficlt
of.reconcilition. ixtensions hve. been so numerous
thF;t, v6ryrett rilount of work[...]tchiln the .account to see that-Aju- otmeilt of intret
made in resect of every bill extended.

wish to make it cle7r tht_it is cluy in
Irt.Tf:21helitatJorz:;J Proyinc[...]n thoF;e c8 re6eived'nothin fo-r our secla '.services:

e -v-rId be very g1d to this.que-etipn .•
micably,c,ttiled vil,h the[...]leased if yoluil the matter viith: them. ' it fL3
oportune tlat Armita is available to confer with you,
he is (..7onvrs,
,Int with theworkin[...]ustion of interest.

Ve) ney menLion that Barclays bank Ltd.
London County est1nF3tcr& arrs•:beihk• Ltd. both treconise our
right to retin inte.r- c,st collcted on bilis extended.


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (504)[...]S-La-31
,1110W,A*0[...]nicn Be.nK of Fingind Ltd.

We beg to acknowledge r[...]amounts to be collected by us froth drawees of bilis:
excepting Colonial Sttizip duty s formeriy. We ct,n assure you that

this method is of great assistance to us in iteepinj .; and reconciling
the[...]ebit entrie6 beinz r9ci)onded
to exactly at this end, and at the same time it is, we consider,
acvantageou to yourbelVos.

The disbrep4ncies which have resulted from the altred
treatment of your entries as mentioned in your previous Letter win
remain outstanding in our book until .!:,,r1 jstment is made by you on
receipt of the advices of cred[...]ed ymint, arid whilc we
quite recognise that in such cases some allowance of interest is due
to th:: drawers if t4 bilis htive no44: 771)wotif11(1, we ct,n only
confirm our attitude 66 previously advised, namely, that any such
allowance is E.A matter between ycurselvs ,1 your custcrn for it
must be remembered that it is only in cases where you have obtained
value b[...]ftat vk tiav retained interest collected
at this end.
In cb.6es where bills nefzotieted, your cuetcyrErs, cf
course, have no claim for interest in the event of exten6ion, because[...]where bills. have not been negotiated by you but merely sent for
collection, c your custcmors h&v[...]y receive proceeds we concur in your view, as
mentioned above, tht somt allcnc6 of interet should be mtde.
Any such anownee, is however, payable by yourselves and not by us[...]Furthermore, we do nct agree ttt; your
cutomers are entitled to interest at the rate collected at this end,
but LA th 1-4A r irg for depo&it mcny in cnac[...]we take it that an allowance at the rate you calculate interest on
our account would btfr fair and reasonble.
We are very desirous of having this question of interest on
extansicn definitely zetted c muttp-A stitisft,ction, ,Thi with this

object in view are communia.ting with our Ltondon Manazfir who will, w[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (505)[...]S-La-31
ippiammem, •


15 13ishops4.,:tel[...]Deq-, Sir,
Ious_L4eciai ApcountjNc. 2 Account.)

We re in ree[...]wAich
has had our careful attention, and commen.31/1 with the next mtdi, we
shall be pLete[...]r„ ir .ou recnd to cur ,nt,rie. s
6dvised and notify us any adju6tmnt$ neceseary.[...]te you have requeeited your London iJffice to t.dvisc u
of any chanzob thet are adop[...]i (!cnc,rnin coile2tions, payniont
o' wnich is cief6rre,'4 .Ixttmat-;id, w tc. itibj tilat rc c)1. cpinion
that, intert o[...]I.& due ,hdrawers,
who, in ,Cct„ cialA tie front as, 1;:nd whom Afv ti,ve tc ra1mbura:6--
in respect thereof. it is obvious that we etAlricA, dilOW them lowr
rate th,in that[...]d. We ait. your confirmation on this point,

As requested bills on Ne[...]Yours fF.,,,ithu-iy,

per pro dationai ?rovIniai an Union Bank of Engi&nd, Limited.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (506)[...]S-Laments witti Lloydc.3[...]S'ecicd Account ndn Current Account
Ath them. As a,,visEd you by cable , in view of the ,:17,esen,
.)ositicn ofAust-ialitan fund- la London, v:E.: 411 not insi6t on

the limiting of[...]tlk„ ',ccount„
and will allow them a _Liberal mazigin.[...], 4 ,,ci
do not, desire them , oa 40 clucec simi - to the[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (507)[...]S-La-31

In view of your s:ecial dvices„ we r a red

to mak ,r.z a one Si33 in this case , -nd v.e have Ayised ristane

that they may . cou n6 presented to them by

7,r2wing ,11 y.ou by criarge no to fo[...].the coupons f,nd eJ _ihem atE.,r ,e,oard ‘-7,1multlineous-

ly tith the cou-L9

M 7 el V[...]reet, ffic,a 1 fcr tite

tit. > ing.

the markct

securities held E-ccoun,[...]balance of

Australian A/c *is at 31st Decembr as t, and we sil.11 0- lad.

if you AA. l this pre7,,ar'-dean4 1'0 -rde[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (508)[...]S-La-31


#4[...]O'r Imiethr ths jank of

British 3 Afric,ia Lt now[...]Coy. _re still ).-:e.:, 3erited,

Atlant, (Ge[...]- e

uh,'f., you v.ise ./[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (509)[...]S-La-31

CALL, S[...]14. Plese obtain test gu t_ to lacs rupees forward
AtIgust !7,,Ttemtsr.
12/5/22. 915. Purchase or our dollar acount with Irvin. National Eank[...]anf,77r Z400,000 will be cmpleted 15th My. Particulars
distributirf)n will be crIbled later. €1frrinc. to your
of 11th p[...].
12/5/22. 917. 7xchanpe r..,es on London revised from 15th int. vAll he
ellin7 T/T 25/ premium Thrnend 15/- per cent. premium thirty
d/s 5/-% premium 60 d/s 5/- % .t count Buying T/T 5/% demand[...]d/s 35/4 90 d/s 45/4 120 Vs 55/4 an
- 1*
5/22. D18, On 15th My debit Aus[...]000
Bank o Autralasia 51,000[...]54,000
Co!Timrcial l'&-nk of Au+ralia[...]40,300
Comme rcial Fanking Co.of Sydney
Union .an of Austr,laia 21,900[...]National Bk. or Alasia Ltd.[...]Dcctombr, 17th MArch,
liationsl Provincial & Uri Ean or Enc,11nd Ltd. 1712ve r,:3mite1[...]de Paria. Tc cnn-)t understand this t,r9.nection)cn you xplain?
For your confidential inform9tion[...]•
dt*Ficompte de Paris.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (510)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LONDON (c[...]ll di scount. 7el1iny T/T rate 5/4
premium. Fe turned from Melbourne yestrdlsy.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (511)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FR[...]ber 872, 7outil Afric
rate nItred ss folios as from 8th My:- Luying T/17 1% deavtnd[...]emnd up to £500 5/8ths% above £500 7/8ths% All discount.
Nn: York 'pitt rte on London 4[...]retil 4.50
Paris T/T 48.54
Ital[...]t quottiowl 15c
rupees or Au7ut ?Jid lac Rupees for September 1/ 7/8ths suject[...].Ltd. through Reuters Tele7r9m
Ltd. Melbourne - f,yrently n,[...]Heed Office £5,000 for tratvlfer to your dollar e.ccount
Irvincr Nation,A Bank[...]ice £68,745/3/5 proceeds .A.Theat
Scheme 1921/22 Account ikre received from Ceosil[...]Aqpted itIng
vAicy hich rlis chiefly Unied Kingdom since Grmny f:_nd[...]back- rd c. ndiUon inter
heat and some delay so in through rev, 1nce cold , et[...]Refetrtaq. to your telem
te1egram or lAh nd referring to[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (512)[...]S-La-31

'-'47.'Lc: F0" LON[...]rm o 13th April estimatd Pro it
of 7n71ish Brnches to 30th June v„:.e,000. Shall .4-e tranF.,,er to
Hed 0ioe commision on to Common-lth Loan', r,7,cived during
half yer V5,000 1,:f,19,v 4 ng oommis,-ion :7outh utriL £7,500
7ydney City[...]e C7,000
16/5/22. Sent to Melbourne) P.rrin7 to our letter No.789 18th April[...],ns8ct the Austnilian butnmv of
Lloyds lank Ltd. on th, of comi7ion i% nd e h.11 in
,Jidition to th,, svcial ccoun4 itire open curnnt ccount 'vith
them on preciF.ely thr, c-me tyrms as with London County & - t-
min[...]re excpt for ',unsiAld
f'or which they lan.T7, th7 cu nsLnd National Bank Ltd. nd ny sr[...]Enk Ltd. with 1,600 13rnches and Agencies .,, 1-1d iepoits 74 mi17

99. LOndon[...]ount Wirrdo. Company, Boon, 7or r0,000 dollrs available by
drnft at 30 d/s on Old Colony Trust Comvny„Boston, ap!int in-
voices ConFular invocss full set on board Ladin to the
ordEr of Old Colony TruFA Coy., Bostn„ i.Tvidencing Ftipmentfrom
Aut..J.11.F. to Boston about 100[...]l7icate Ittchec.J. to
d'n9ft. Neithr this Bank nor London City iid1 m ndEank Ltd.
?,ccepts reuon.sibility thi being merely a telephic[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (513)[...]S-La-31[...]for which

we th3nk you.

we merely pssed on to you our Byrout Friends' claim

for interest, as requestel by them, but e mint add th ,;t TC

quite in acoord with your viws on thG ubj2t, At the timc. this

tr,:refer wss sent there was very considerab[...]Beyrout Brnch, which lead to a serious di ,-,;or7nistion in tht.,

office. You ai3, rest srsurd th[...]g T.T. ft)r U00, und

will FA:,73.vie you r•is soon E,s we her from. them.

I am, Dear[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (514)[...]S-La-31



CHEN T.[...]5 April, 22


Pleire find Included n list of our authorized sig-
naturos !Aid engeging our bnnk In the limits of our statutes.
The Frceding circulnrs tire[...]esent one, to
which you will refer for your relations both our brrtich offices
rnd our he'd of[...]Unr sernte lover we sent you our embtankment
trriff for Bel gium nu t:e (rnd Duchy of Lu[...]in our

We should be glad to open you currfAlt :ocount in
our books end we eht411 try our bect to give you entire arAis-
ffiction; we shall examine with the host ntt[...]Yourc very truly,
Chef de servIce du Via, So iArecteur.


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (515)[...]S-La-31

n -e[...]„jell n gRELIE
15 -7;, Dis 0/4 15 m IV-% Die 0/d 1[...]i3Jainz -011/RE
r- is Old PP- 21 Die 0/d Par[...]a % 120
. T.T 5/-1, Prem - " T T"5/-% -Prem
Buying rtte eltered 19/5/([...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (516)[...]S-La-31

Dear Sir,

Colombo on Sunday morning and leave the same day. In consequence
passengers desirous[...]mercy of
"Money Changers"
I would be glad if you would request our Colombo Agents to
approach the two Chief Hotels pnd point out to them that Austr[...]alian
Notes are negotiable at the same rate as Bank of England Notes
. It
is thought if this fact is generally known tourists will benef[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (517)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (518)[...]S-La-31

4.*[...]25th /lay 1922.

The Manager,

Dear Ear,

Etaff - Teller's Cash Discre- 22.[...]We note from your dee:Ki.:r Statements of 13/3/922,
that a surplus of £4. 1O/ occurred in teller s oath at your
office on 9th *larch ittst.
We do not akpear to /lave received the usual letter


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (519)[...]S-La-31


WHFim4, DOC"'
4.lak..) ND7MNITIES. Ith refer3ncc,' to the variow Cie.[...]gents coveriw., the absence of
dupiict - -dc-umen- . While we were die1ncJnod to[...]103$es hiot
,rmight occur by raison of theabselce of such dupiicte[...]14t:3 considered th a t the risK involved vin an
further complixt wepreeume that businost, i3 nor[...]i
CiAi AD ULLON 3AN 07 -NG'AND LiT n[...]4- a This 3ank

• Pontinuez to carry out what[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (520)[...]S-La-31[...]id 'f there were any peciaicircumtrice.
e :nave since rec,Aved you[...]ry course, and to enable the
Na0.0nal Provincial &n. to debit the account with Bill ramitted.[...]ich we stated that we woLIA .Lie that
adjuLtment3 when . ncossa-ry should be. Made tdrough, us,[...]Exchange l we

replied that wo were not sa,isfied with the explan.,:tion given by ,the[...]iirai tri& gin on the tr4nsactions.ialtiated-by this Ban,
insisting on their bi..Lncin:g• both sides of the acc[...]In va of the accumulation of funds dt the credit of. the
Au6trliw[...]nine to accept the- deposit ouxsevesj a1loin',1. them annum.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (521)[...]S-La-31

Hicdi CuMMIS,DIONFR FOE NA ZLA:„..AND. We duly rlacONed your .01,1L,
to whether it w[...]from the 'dish
Comild8sioner for New ,Lt[...]funds in
London is cauzing some or the 3anks a 4?;ood deai of apxiety; and[...]en• reported as hih as

one per c.nt disoount.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (522)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LOLDON.[...]923. Pleased to hear of completion of arrangements.
As position now materially altered since arrbn6ements pro-
posed with this and other Banks in 1919 we are now prepared[...]gin on trans-
actions the necessity to balance both sides of account row
now so urgent. We would like however that all adjustments
of account when necessary should be made with this Brnk And
not done through others simply[...]tin&
and not likely to be required for some months to come, so it
will suit us to negotiate or coll[...]r
Lloyds. Plefse obtain beat Quote one lac rupees forw-rd

No.[...]and New South Wales Pool Committees
complaining Bank's refusal join indemnities what has transpired
since my reply of 11th April.

19/5/22 No. 925. Pay to Comptoir National time sum of £5U,000 to the
debit of this Office. Referring to your telegram of 18th
instant, purchase one lac rupees for August at 1/3 25/32.

20/5/22 No. 926[...]it Australian iheat Board £250,000
and distribute as follows- Credit Head Dffice 219,000, Pa[...]ank of Australia £27,000
Baflk of Australasia Z30,000, Queensland National Bank $1,000
National Bank of Australasia £49,000, English, Scottish end
Australian Bank Ltd. £33,000. Commercial Bank of Australia £27,000
Australian Bank of Commerce Ltd. 21,000, Royal Bank of Australia
411[...]end nay Bank of New South Wales £33,500, Commercial Ban4ing Coy.
of Sydney £15,800, Union Bank of Austrvlia,2280 800. Bank of
Australasia £17,000, Queensland National Bank £300, National
Bank of IustralPsir 21,500, English, Scottish & Australian Bank
225,200, Commercial Bank of Austrplasir £16,700, Australian Bank
of Commerce, £4,600, Bank of Adelaide 239,100, Royal Bank of
Australia £800, Bank of Victoria LA.. £200,
23/5/22 No. 928. Please advise us by cable balance B.A.W.h.A. Australian
Account as at 31e. December last.
23/5/22 No. 929. Referring to your telegram 104, are buyers prejudiced
by or payment ueleyed through refusal of indemnity.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (523)[...]S-La-31

svailcIble for inveApnent-tney[...]nths
prior notice or whet other investment you could recommend,
24/5/22 o. 931. Referring to your teleg[...]y
of the rbsence of such duplicate documents.
24/5/22 o. 932, Prime Minister desires immediate aavice lates
market quotation vrrAous sugars, raso pprticulars retail t[...]in Great Britain and United States. Please advise,
24/02 No. 933. P1e'se cable imedistely the Tasmnnian Government
London balances.
26/50/22 o. 934. Referring to your telegram of 35th, we are deducting
exchange on -he;.t remittances rt this end.
2 5/22 Igo. 935. Pay to Comptoir tintional de Escompte de Paris the
sum of £50.000 to tne debit of this Office.
Metropolitan and Ipswich 6Ftter Supply end S. Board.[...]as iollows:- Bank of New South Nales $73,500, Comme rcial
Banking Company of bydney Ltd. 262,10U, Union Bank of Australia
Ltd. 219.1o0. Bank of Australasia Z17,4UO, queensland National
Bank Limited 21,2000 National Banx, of Australasia Ltd. 26.00U
English Scottish ,.. Australian Bank Ltd. £20,100, Commercial
Bank of Australia Ltd. £7,700, Australi[...]Commerce Lta.
218,000, Bank of Adelaide i15,600, oyal Bank of Australia Ltd.[...]937. Referring to VA** cable 1160 National Provincial
and Union Bank, we are not satisfied with the explanatio n given
and expect all such trans[...]When requested by heat Committee, pay High Commiss-
ioner 282,500, respecting inf[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (524)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FROM LONDO[...]account Gold 1roducerz.3'
ocIPtion niso i59,509-1-5 proceeds New :3outh W!les wht[...]t rate on London
4.45 V.ontreal 4.49 Paris T.T on Londcn 49.85 Itply 84.35
rtgue 2.32 Lisbcn 4 (›Icuttt 1/3 23/32 Elunghni 3/8 Chefoo[...]ing to our telegrm of 24th
April hnve remitted Adelntde today £2000 by T.T Jredit[...]ferring to your letter No. 180 ti.A.W.R.A. money dis-
tributed. CreAlted H/0 Z10,000 recetve[...]sn

£150,726 -5 proceds Adelaide Bills for collection 2801
£79,392-11-7 LA. heat Sce!T,e 21/22 .Acount Ath,mic C71,3,76-8-10[...]lesF, lost of cnble £76. .Raferring to your telegrem of 18th best
c7uctrItion rupees for[...]or in-
dmnity mg!lInst all cnseuences arising through abeleno of
dcctuments thl being ttic7,7, stnto the ordinP.ry Inemnity rw:!uired
by their f.lustomers, on .het market. We think r:uch indemnity too
3weeng in chnrfl3ter '.nd irpplicable, nn remaining do3ument3
cre not ml sing but r,c3 held by the[...]ave agreed.
Buying rrti:7) to 't,F,k effpct from 19th AVy T.T rte from todtly.
Rats for Amerllon ? git r irTA': by mail will tAl premium
Eastern r„nd Arricn Agent premium,

19..22 105. Whet market- continues favor firmnes6... In spite irregular
m ovement North America prices on this side - 3-1-eep upitmrd value
hoting adv[...]number of cargoes taken by
those countries Included Vi-otorin and W. at £2-18/- per[...]ut genera buying still comparatively slow. With home
crops now practically pll Waposed greft[...]ltogether srAlsfnotory owih cold weather with similar condition
moet European countries vInt to lEt„c lv-rvest which pPrtly
coounts continued ftrmnes mf!rket tJthough reports somewhat con-
flicting and re&I, eitu[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (525)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FROM[...]nkInw Corpn CslouttP account Gold Producers' “sociation.
22.5.22 107 i-iferrin to your telegram of 16th wheat money distributed.

108. (Weokly Figures)
23.5.[...]m of leth Lloyds Bank Limited will
commence transactions as from 1st June on genera lines similar
to special arrangements other English Banks. Please instruct
all Branches[...]and bills originating with Lloyds Bank Limited advised direct
pa from that date. Until spe[...]will forward r.,11 cables including T.T through this Office Rnu
relative amount will be credited by them to the special accunt.

In such obles we shall[...]oyds Bank Ltd. All their branches may
issue drafts or mail transfemspecimen signatures alreYAy in
your possession. Referring to your telegram of 23rd balance
B.A.W.R.A. Australian Account 31st[...]ble to circum-
stances it has now become so general on wheat mcirket as to be
required in n11 cr,ses. We 11,..,ve given certifics that remrtn-
ing documents hold by this Bank and also undertaking to deliver
on arrival but buyers neverth,Jecs Insisting on Indemnity and
Berry Barclay find Company in every instances have had such
indemnity furnished by their own bankers. You may b disposed
to sanction required indemnity a[...]rom
IhePt Pool. We would obtain cancellation in each case on delivery
remaining documents.
24.5.22 III Credited H/0 £55,353-6-8 a[...]. iheat City of
Norwich E28,01?-16-1 Clan ,?icTavish £272 335 - 7 less cost of cr,ble
£[...]York sight rate on London 4.45 Montretl 4.49 Ptixis
T.T 49.31 Italy 86.90 Prague 235 Lisbon 4 1/8 C!llutte, 1/3i
ShPnghni 3/7[...]17/**. J//P brown 14/ CutF: S P6% pol 12/2 Ameri:IfIn grenulFted
19/2 June shipment Delgian grnnulted 18/6 October November
Dec shipment all per cwt f.o.b. Retail price Great Britain[...]ugar 3d per lb Market in the Wee, looks firm at moment but;
position dominated by New York[...]s and price for refined looks as if higher rather than lower

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (526)[...]S-La-31

CABLES[...]be expected. Java depe
from British India and erket at present nds upon demand
refined Java but during last few days therweak espe cially for
good demand for white Java for shipment e has been fairly[...]ce more
advantageous to sellers than those obtainab
India show signs of interest it is expe le in India. Should[...]. to your telegram of 24th
Government account £255,725. 933 balance Tasmanian

25.5.22 114 Credited H/0 £1030016-1[...]Have not deducted any exchange this remi
dey kindly instruct.[...]of 24th we
could obtain through medium of several
3i% on loan LS00,000 and 3 5/8% on loan discount firm interest
410 and 11 months[...]bject to £500,000 for 12 months
mentioned but not before January againstcondition wi[...]oan. Security would be gilt-edged security of British
Echange issue of long date not equal to but nevertheless Stock
maturing British Bonds which owing to Treasury Bills nor earl[...]low
have been largely bought up by Banks and yield of Treasury Bills ,
creasing premium. Last issue price Trea discount firms at in-[...]th security in fact one stated le to them to take
3%. is read ily lending money et[...]against short dated security on rising B.A. W.R.A. invested[...]ng to your telegram of 17th
of England Ltd. state £25,000 transfer National Provincial Bank
usual course no special circumstances and to Sydney regarded f, s in
debit account with bills remitted. will enable them to
20th wheat money distributed credited Refe rrin g to your telegram
proceeds of N.S.W. Wheat per Wongegella H/0 in acco unt £62,882-12/-
26.5.22 117 Wheat Market has become quieter due
prospect lessened con[...]crop outlook.
limited demand and is only 6d per quar acted greater share of[...]n week at £3-1/-
while Argentine is about 9d et £2-19-6

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (527)[...]S-La-31

01-0. 7s 121L04121.
26.5.22 117 (Contld) option in North Amer Argentine whilst in
Chjongo• fall is spprecilable being bout 14 cents per bushel or
M[...]ftlt of no positive n.rircIty supply movement is naturn1 reaction
from. recent ctrongth[...]months until
. w crop 8vailatle.
27.5.22 118 c„tdlt,. H/0 091 7n9-13 pro[...]nble £3.

119 aeferring to your tolegrem of 22nd whefJ, mcney distributed.
Credited H/0 in ncbunt 5,1'40,[...]ht rete on London 4.45
Vontreal 4.49 Prris T.T 48.77 Italy 84.85 Pregue 231 Lisbon 4 1/18
C).acutte 1/3 23/32 ShrInghri[...]124. High Commts,AonPr for Austr$Qte for New Zealand enquires
whether transwAion would suit to pay them £250,000 Sydney for
similar amount London and on what terms. Believe they have mnde
similar enquiries other Banks Beak of New Zealand r,-, ferred them
to us.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (528)[...]S-La-31

JW•1.107[...]copy t your eriTly conveniewle...

4Laa LiANCAIS.'v/
-Lw-rmr-[...]ict?A all brnnohes regr-rding the
:.,.- rrngr:mentr, with :011s Agent, whereby, we trl:Ansc[...].sret, out. In your ces of leth

Special instructiorth have been .1.2ud to Eyziney Office[...]ough_ your Ote„ pendi4g 'the nrrivel of the .spelaission colle,ltrblr-frc,m t,
liv, viee„ but no[...]order to vold the vzaing
numlroue flu tin entries end to simpliry the reociv!Iltion of thl[...]Now thPt the exchange condition have aolin-beacme norm.i,.
tt is not .f,11t 1 17)td tht,there will be mulh demnd f[...]•
deferrd ./.4T,nt8 tut we thttik it advlaFble thfit thce new. Agent

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (529)[...]S-La-31[...]4' Ma :t 44'

should be :informed Of OUT view es rogrds retention or Intere[...]well. know
m.r1 mike th-lr"tlrifIngemehts aOftrdingly. n to-, -you l o.that they[...]F.uthorised
Offl,oere t but we -proeume-thrA je
jet ve tlready Errnged for this
to be ,done.[...]t,“.lh mail and 'uplIctes by the filt following metil.:

• Our ooaasion of on both debit and erodittrnaaction
wM s we essumei be credit0. ..4u6tterly in orer.that the[...]errRnge-
ments be unifor.m l nc e elan be- ;.leeted if youwould:lorrtn
fidvise us of the - 6rounts ri or to eaoh'hItIf-yerly ba[...]nthly
ts Is .dono
If Lloydz$ B.Pnk Limited prefer to[...]the effect, tbrt the ,Liverool Branch of our Fremnt,..e. Office to[...]A. 6prre- Co111e for £15

on them, fr whIch, !Ince been nrovided through your .0frici
ts our•aTrenee ,,zrntz. with this Aent only proviaQ
drwing on they, we stval be gl.t.d if you[...]We hnve received a ,T,up,ly of circulers issued by the
Americfln Expref, Comcvny whijh covcr tlpecime.ns of
kdbecues Pnd fnezialtle c'Ignr[...]nd!ird 8nk of South ii„,,,rtc Liite
slAply of their new .11.;A.of Officers nathrrisedt.hve els() teltt
hfl,f of their Be[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (530)[...]S-La-31


Our 6vnches htve been advised that the 3ranches of thisment mPde in the Presp conce,rning
the closing of this Bank's arancbes in Spnin at Barcelonc„ Bilbao
rnd Valenci, we desire to say, that we have advised Branches to
delete same from their records.
ANC sEG \NK[...]ween our Capital Branches nd their
Jerusalem blanch nd through th6t Office to Wifc end Jeifa Inzte[...]Our Cm - it,1 Braq,:1,6 concerned have been advis ed thct
thet nrntwement8 reciprocand they Ivve been supplied with
copies of the Authentirmting Code held by 6ydney Office.[...]D

Will you kindly advise the Beyrout Office of the Banque
de Syrie fully regardini, the metho of reimbursement in connection
with our drrwinE1,3 on that p[...]t us a copy of
commun1c(Alon received from them in which they advise that, FAthoLgt
sore drP-ffts hEve hen pdd F:[...]heir books.
ZA.n,,e our last letter, we tv,vr, received your Nos. g33[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (531)[...]S-La-31

BL/FA Miss Monzan[...]Income Tax for
information concerning payment of State
"wembprs of the st.i.ff, e she be glad if you would
in London.
advise us fully regarding the procedure[...]30th June 19a, bhAlld
is computed on salAry for year ended[...]officers for the
be includet as income to the respectiv[...]th in :London.
could advice no how this mattor is dealt[...]lese send 12:6 cony of the Income Tax Act also copiea
Pixation Dept.rtment
of the varions.returnu furnished to the[...]tax payers.
by the 3 rand. specimen :toms used by individu. 1[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (532)[...]S-La-31[...]
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (533)[...]S-La-31[...]e *robe j:',11 lazst n genrtil albJ,ters on 2nd

Juno, %hich date we have received your letters ios
938 to 956.

v•[...]the Cmmonwealth Tresury hve since Avised that the work of
the Fruit . 2[...]nienced by

terminEAing, the Association's srvice3 at the 30th ,.12fl,

the Commonwealth Government therefe•riecided to enter Into an

agreement with the Associt on for the Herformance of brie worK

nrovided the Aesciation acce,ted the rate of commission offered,
Melbourne Branch hJ8 edvised us articalars'of

yodr cables regardin the dis.nnoring of 3/Cs. 3 nd 25 for[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (534)[...]S-La-31

We are advised by t,ho Commonwealth Tresury that a
settlement has been reached in the dibpute between the Associa-

tin and i(: 3 T3 Uarris (Cllno) & General :roduce Co.,
respeclAng the sale of c a nned fruits oversE e. 71'1 e rice o[...]46J 'r.)
c':icul&tEd on all ‹thi:ments of 7enches.

TiF.OKI:" HILL[...]confirming with
the above Com..,15ny the undermentioned arrngement for the L'Ankts

charcs in connectio n T4ith the Debenture issues of- i:60j00J0;

11A i1,5)3 0 0j30 i.e. OPP

I For ,e.yment of interest as due
For :t yi[...]nds, at the ocints required to 2rcvide for the :ayments ;- :t the

CJm:any's on cost, es it usu1,[...]flOL heard frlu

r J0 h that, "IT, is 4,1111n2 to sell rlis l_arod l Jr
at or over, after current interest,
but that he is not .Ixious to quit the Sto ck oUerwiss.

HE dos not desire to[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (535)[...]S-La-31

aNTL_ / CODE.[...]e folloAng
rortations inserted in your co is of Bentley's Code, for

use beteen Sydney Off[...]t.

WYR1T - Advie and ‘-ay j. Fellaman, N. herren27 eht,
Amsterth160[...]ne usual qutixterly return
showing rticulars of the business trFifi • otied in the Svine s

- arch last.
thank Deartment•for the quarter ended c-61st 4[...]Vd to -

DecAto-ts' Beeis at the close of the
amcurtt7d to £36,63:.0 0[...]institute Lxamintions" by the Institute of Actuaries
udent_sl c:,ociety.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (536)[...]S-La-31

TJT -NATI[...]ferEnce to your cble ho. 136, in which
you advise havin credited W/O Ath the sum of L101 012/10/-[...]ble ralitthn e of 10th June,
in favor of the American Trf,ding, Coy., 7e h-ve resonded by debit-[...]The bC,,nce of t, e -.„- ,mount
is apTarently Exchanse, which should be credited to[...], to resual(, business
relations with them.

SOUTH AUSTEL1AN[...]in which we quoted a form
of guarantee which met our views, and under which mkAters now
appea[...]values we do noL 7i,h
to r, Ls° any difficulties 7hich might give the 13u3rE-:rs In -,,:ccu,c1,[...]•


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (537)[...]S-La-31

Wlsutri •[...]The iocurnentt, 'c, u mention

havT. ben sent on 1,\.) o[...]4. te , ,7 ,4 d 1 3300 co,:ies of or z,u::-..- leals'n,- -ri IL- 4c,[...]h.:, onouh tit) v: Laese Liu ietrie tz:1istibutd


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (538)[...]S-La-31[...]g to your telegr?m of 1st paper consi7ned
Melbourne. Credited Hed Office in account Z140 170/717 proceeds
of N.S.W. Whet per "Bullarenn less cot of cable FA/IV-.

1/8/22 No. 126. Be[...]r principal
purpose enquiry into proposed method py,llent for ship.ment Austral-
ian meat whic German firms supported combintion German Banks
desire purchase but for which we hav advised Cook 3c Sons Pty.
Ltd.- payment essential in London. Referrin to our letter No.[...]20 May we arrnge supply Germ a n BankR, with specimen
signature aftr Aumust for convenience of[...]127, Credited Heed Office E30,701/5/6 proceeds Brisbane
for Collection 82 to 88 less cost of[...]Corpor a tion, Colombo, c/a Gold Producers As s ociation. Credited
Heed Office in account £15[...]favourable crop news from most producing countries p a rticularly
Throne coil-pled with absence of effective demand 11011 FuroTe 117,s,
somewhat shaken speculative pwition in North Ameri where prices
in option have mov[...]still fairly general belief price
likely remain prf7., ent level for some time. On London market No. 1
Canadian h[...]ienced in which France was
represented. This induced firmer market for Argentine and reflect-
ed mod[...]o:rpn., Bombay, on account of Gold Producers' Association.

6/W22 No. 170, Weekly- Fi7ureF:-.

6/6/2? No, 171. Referrinr to your telegram of 29th heat money dis-
tributed. Credited Head Office i[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (539)[...]S-La-31


American granulated C1/-/3 July shipment filgian granulatcd Z1/-/-
Czech° Slovak granulated E1/1/- October/November/December shipment
all per cwt. f.o.b. New York sigh[...]ontreal do. 4.54
Paris T.T. do. 49,71
Italy[...]Pr-,077- W7 do. 232.00
Lisbon do. 4-1/16
Cal[...]m of 2n1 C.A.B. Campion left for Geneva today. Advise
Aylward Rural Industries Board fr-Di1 iason just heard Hartshorne[...]week has sho'yn general trnd
downward due largely to increasing offers from both North and South
America although somewhat steadier during end of the week on .7ntici
pation Berish United States Bureas report. Reports showe[...]yield winter wheat 607 million bushels a in t 584 last

month. On London spot market No[...]ss evident as buyers and business quiet o'7ins' Thitsuntd
holidays but more active rilrket look[...]n.

0/6/22 No, 1.7. At the, renuet of Banque Commerciale Debale we establish
documentary credit Form C.E. 2 to extent of £40,000 available
Sydney Bri.nbFne Melbourne favor Simonius Visch4s & Co. dr7ft at
six months' sight on Banque Commerciale Debale A stipment ool to
Genoa Insurance covered her being full extent expires 30th June
1923 Advise Beneficiaries Credited Head Office in account £10,217/7[...]Banking Cpn., Calcutta, on 11
Pccouat of Gold T?rodu.cers' Assn.
12/6/22 o. 160. Referring o your telegram of 6th, Wheat lone distributed.
Credited H/0 E10,012/10/- cover National City Bank of New York cable

remittance 10th June favor American Trading Referring to your .
telegram :f 10th saw Chftirman stated his opinic, n increase to 10/-%
would not ma[...]ed to increase to
21% he would urge rate remain at 5/-. As result of subsequent meet-
ings they are cabling Melbourne that as 10/- would not be effective[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (540)[...]S-La-31

CABLES TO LOND[...]98, ras paper
per "Lrgs Fitly" conA7ned Melbourne or Sydney.
2/6/22. 7- rrinT-7 to[...]8 0 ap-rove•Oenava and Continent-
al visit with h.T.4rmitage. Fssentinl payments German M t pur- •
ohass bE in London. Defer supplyin7 specimen 7177n.lturs Cerm9n
Lanks we are not, yet prepared to acree tr-vellers c[...]Pay to Comptoir National d'7,gcmpte de Paris the
sum of £50 0 000 to the debit of this Office.
8/6/22. 42. rhet Money on 12th June[...]Bonk of Australia, Ltd. E22,000, Bank o AustrA.asis
£19,100, Quensland National Bank Ltd. £7,700 National Lank
of klstralasia, Ltd. £7,8001 E.S.& A.Bank Ltd. £20 0 000 , Commercial
Bank of Australia, Ltd., £8 0 2000 A.[...]943. Pay to Comptot:- National 07scompte de Paris the sum of
£50,000 to tha debit of this Office.
10/6/2 2. 944. Exchange London Asociation will rropoe Mond , y's Meeting
make T/T rate on Australia 20/4 s:.,remium Chairman Victorian :3anks
nd myself[...]00 and pay
Bank of N.S.V.E33,300 0 C,ommercial Bankinj Coy. of !2ydney Ltd.
£24,300, Union Bank o AwItralia Ltd. £13,100, Lank of Austria

£100 400, Queensland National Bank Ltd. £500, National Enk of
Australasie Ltd. £2,300, F.S.4c A.Bank Ltd.C12,000, Comm-rcial Lacial ccount in
thEir naWie no interest to[...]22 94. During iialfyear we paid Gold r)ducent Aosociatin
£7,027/8/8 end Queensland Govt. £172/2/5 representingexchanzie on[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (541)[...]S-La-31


Deer c'ir,

MILLMiticala, AiL..i.S9"1491-iii.,,GE.

We thank. you for the list of rates current as from the 25th
April 1922, isbued by the Lationni Ban ic -of south 4 frica which wee sent
to us with your letter 954.

POET ADELAID8 DRAFT ON 11A OF t45C on A r,D[...]we.,kieve drawn the attention of Port Adelaide the draft
which you advise they drew oni the Bank of Scotland, in order to prevont

We thanit you for the supply 4Aos.05 clid 66, issued
by the above Agent, which have been distribute d amongst out. various


The Branch of this Agent at St. Helenv has beeti removed from our
records in t e rms of the advic$[...]etter 955 of
4til gay, we have deletod e aiume ol` tile ov4 Company from our list of
Agents and Correspondent\p at Florence.[...]PAEY/

The circulf, r letters of Messrs. Kidder Peabody e4 Compsny reverd-[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (542)[...]S-La-31

•[...]rawings under tiled.]
indicated, who have been advised to neg to them.
Letter of Credit which may be presented
Will you kindly arrange to have tenBraspecimens of the relative[...]Key of this Agent have
Your advlces regarding the Telegr[...]as and
advised. lie return herewith, theuse
end ed to be d to authenticate messages vssini
whiCh we note was int
between Chicag[...]he
advised. As we think thtt the Coloni t tracings of the signatures to
Cupital of Tcsmanis we hav e als o sen

WIATIC K.[...]We enclose herewith copy of a letter gi'r same the necessary
above Ban1t, md shall be glad if yo=p1,

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (543)[...]S-La-31


AiJri[...]continuous growth of bu6ineos between the Gret, and

i.cionles with Jugoslavia, and the other countire6 of Eastern
Europe, m[...]bry for you to have a correspondent in
Jygosi6Nia with the rellisite .rescuroes and fcilities to serve you
.e11; such a correspondent that[...]to do for you rig,ht thing at the right time.

Thil tank with its branchea and corresondent at every business[...]world
'Aide sphere of influence; and through its knowledge of forAL,;n anJ
domestic , enuition, its ample c&pital surplu s , is in ;_osition
to protect its correspondent's trace.
In viero, of this fact this instittion is ideally prerod to
.;rve you, ana we thke the[...]1arvioe,
under the conditions which we shall gladly send you an request.

Our Foreign iJepartment has been t,6tLbliEhed for the eervico
and accommothtion of our corresponder3t s , nu is g aining widespre
ttpprobtic,n as. the proper mediu of handling details sOlioh promote
close and helpful relations betwen banks.
May we be hono[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (544)[...]S-La-31[...]receipt of your letter No. 952 of 4th

ilay last and note that the amount of £1." (One pound) left

on the counter and not claimed, has been credited to Surplus

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (545)[...]S-La-31


No. 326

n • et:. a Itshin cr[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (546)[...]S-La-31[...]117nts se•ts .,:fx,:uments to. be. t.y.c.-,mt , to
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (547)[...]S-La-31

Jrn* o, the
Comrnoneiltn Lank of Autra,.ia M-41 New 7-z )-d Street, London, n[...]siht et nny tinie dthin
from this dite for invoice cost of

to be shipped to[...]terling.

Complete -et • of Bills of LAding (to, order an,
r7i. endorsed in blank)

rrrr. the said Merchandise together with re.4.9t1ve invoices and also

polio irs Insura ,d e endorsed in blank) for the full value of
the irnft,,,, ere to[...]r, Ore lit
One fu], th.)rment=s, milt be[...]fclloNinr m1.1.

( as under) that this tns Leon done and that all tzic cond[...]must accompany all drafts
r n under this

he Common wealth Link of 4 uatr6...Irt h[...]drwn under and in con-

ormity ith this Cre dit that the ehall be du[...]That complete BillE of Ladin,, and endorsed[...]n dealt

417177t, this Draft is drnn on acJun,

Credit No. dated . _„., tablish,A by the Comm,3nwea1th

Bank o Austra[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (548)[...]S-La-31[...], tt9r riceived frorr

:briane 1.±1:sdneh, relativ to the ,atove, v.ich peKr3 for

You will notice th0, the L[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (549)[...]S-La-31


LRISBANE, 13th Jun-, 1'

The Uc,v3rno,.„[...]ndon letter of 13th April IF:tst .,7,1ving particulars of
certain investment, and copy of file cf correspondence frc thrA[...]ave nen hF\nded the above bard.

Particulara of the entries referred t; you were received
since Hwe -,-rota you on February last.

The Secretary of the Lordnow tadV133 us tlmt jiv3 particulars
they rt,ceived from London are .satisfactcry and t.y have been
at:10 to pines their[...]Loit
the; folioNing matters-Nolld be fl_;:ppreciated:-

1. They note from stater- nts that r=[...]d
have been obtEdned for 12 ri6n. „.ts than for monthly invi7,Ptments

There is an entry in London Account unn e r (19,te 3rd Deccmbr
121 "lo final instalment Dr. i'20,000". They do not under-
stand the entry, but presume it is the amount reserved for
stamp duty, an[...]The ,9„Trunt 1ay.ed on 17th
Mpi.rcti. last only.

4, The board will be lndif ondon Office continus to send
monthly statements instead of cuarterly, and to enable th e
year's account to be promptly closed, they sould h glad
if London Offics would cal:de records o[...]he b,51bnce

of the account as at 3Ist December next.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (550) S-La-31

5. Entry
"13 April to 2'0 April[...]18 " 422.1f . 4"
The rate of interest is quoted at 31% whers the intere9t
credited[...](Sqd.) A.S. 1-SOGLAS/


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (551)[...]S-La-31

rt,[...]of‘the nr;

rding the Interviaw.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (552)[...]S-La-31[...]With reference to your eng.,iries regarding a
chequ,:k for 422/104. snid to have been forwarded to m in England
by your London office -I nz- ve t; state th[...]1n6 eJncernin-
Under the crcuistericea I do not consider thrA

am call[...]to confer a favor Oh aim. He declines to recogLise this view of
the case Find does not c,msIder he iz[...]Be he r belence of £29 at credit of his 54vinge Earls. Account.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (553) S-La-31


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (554)[...]S-La-31[...]Garvan (Mamter of the Note Is3ue Bot,rd) vill[...]ree months from date.
he Board is desirous of securing n AsFi8tant Note
Prihter„ and to this end I•would be lad if you ;“7iuld select
a fe4, likely a[...]with Mr. Carvan and
jintly' make a fin&I recommendation to us for approval.


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (555)[...]S-La-31

is* ow a. u* arr,lar4/". op, r,ike, aat ill* as */... OM •11.01.-[...]e csonnec 1 r,n, nd note your advice `or which we thank

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (556)[...]S-La-31


lacit_331.[...]e 1922.

The Manager,
London. England.

Dear Sir1

Staff Miss B.C./ DIGIUNSON.

We are in rece[...]. 966 of 18th
ultiwo enclosing copy of itiss Dickinson' s reeignation
from the Service, vi-Lich is accepted.[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (557)[...]S-La-31

OG/AR,[...]On 19/4/2- your Br _nch sent a ly to Melbourne, •
yxn, K.[...]hat. Branch h s refroonded to
same .!!-.3 £50, Pleqse a.vie how the difference of 4,1,113/.. is
acount_d for,[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (558)[...]S-La-31

•[...]c, c, Nos. 958 to 972.
Your No. 957, however, is missing, both from the or gin-la and
the t,e s and we shall be eaed to kn: if this number
been im-dvert nt_y missed.
'ENTLEY'S CODE: Ae shall he 31 if you will alter the men
of the unermenti.oned cy;her in your co :les of's[...]ord "elbournen h
been ex-:uned froni the abovementionE2d..messgei in order tht
the cyphE... may be used Vthen-A.iLment are effected ...frm either
Sydney ;r[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (559)[...]S-La-31[...]9
sum of '50,00.0 o the debit of this

19/6/22 No e 048. Whet IToney. On 27th Ju[...]447,500
Comnrcial Ekg. Co. of S'd. 7, 7 , 50C[...]14.101
Bank of Australala 12•700
Qudensland iational bank 700[...]1.4.200

Commerci611 LFink of Aila 5,500
Austrnlian of Commerce in °GO
Royal[...]oLTJ and underwriting terms. Gcld ?rod.ucers' Association. On
23rd june pay fo1lc4ing am[...]of V,;.A.„ Ltd.
Associated rtern block Zti. 1[...]ntero7t rae t 8i

0 No.042. Metropolitan and Ipswich Witer upp y and Sewerage[...]intert ee-
crued to thnt thto, advising particulars. On 29th Jane credit
head Office[...]ease cable conflditial report on
Fylands iltd.„ '4arrington, 34 LeEderhil Strztt, who
offer their gilarante i',1001 003 in suprcrt c,-3 to Ryinnds[...]e rope works, N e wcastle. Capital
laid up £250,000. Assets here valued At £400,000.[...]y. i'lea.3e obtain
Articles of Associat'ftn 'UarrInton Copany, f:1.rd if thy[...]to give necessary gwJrntee. I w 11
Melbournethe whole of next 'geek.

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (560)[...]S-La-31

2;.!,/6/22. Prc-ae for our account with Canadian Bank of
Commerce, Vancouver, £2,000. Advile rate.[...]iierring to y.,.,ur telegram ci 23 rd, 151, nei7otlations
for i621 500. approved.

27/6/22. No.9*5. ?lee dsclare insurance fAt 3d. per cent, ovr n
r t es totfA value £76,000 shipc)ed tod r ron Sy ney i"r-•[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (561)[...]S-La-31


13/6/22. No. 138. Credited lied Office 2169,[...]"Benreoch" 282,445/14/3 and New South Wales "Talawa" £59,323/5/
less cost cable 6E3.[...]II tt tt 4.52
Paris T/T If ti It It[...]It ,. 3.0
Lisbon n It ti ti[...]of 'Nestern Australia Wheat per "Baluchiston" less cost of cFble
Bank of England rate of discount reduced today from
4 to 3 Rei[...]re
cancelled and forwarded today to Registrar Queensland Government
stock Brisbane. Have requested Brisbane Office by cable to advise

16/6/22, No. 141. Wheat Market has remrined quiet and dull during past
week cl[...]wing report hot weather
certain of the American Wheat States, Latest savices from Chicago
however, repor[...]nui
ling prices Australian afloat being last dealt in at £2/13/- Slay at
2-11.2/9 Argentine afloat fetched ([...]ut have shown improving tendency durini
last days or two.

17/6/22. No. 142. New York sig[...]. Referrin to your telerarn. of 12th Wheat money distributed
Referring to your telegram of 1[...]Calcuute 43.2,000 and credited Gold Prcducers Association
accJunt here, Credited 11/0 £24,039/9/2. roceed d.Aainineat"aluch-
iston" j82/1/7 N.S.W. Wheat Clan Mackella

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (562)[...]S-La-31

CABLES FROM LOEDO[...]closed today for Indian Loan 122 millions issued 5 - at .06 repay-
able 1932 underwriters let with b3 percent quoted lA discount.

20/6/22. No. 146. Credited head Office[...]eeds of
hew South Wales Wheat per "Toromeo" 262,307/5/3 "Clan Mackellar"
216,175/18/8 less cost of cable 21/1[...]Credited Head Office £4,085/4/8 proceeds Brisb ne Bill8/Colled .tion
F89. New York[...]II ff II If 51.20
ti ff[...]ff It fl 232
Lisbon w If ft ti[...]ghai w
T/T is ,, 2/6i
Chefoo (China)[...]n us with second of proceeds Bills despatched by them to
foreign Banks prior to let April and outstanding that date.
7e are remitting all procecas Bills bearing old numbers. Please
instruct branches retain our remitting warrant as in such case we
must[...]transfer to your cr‘:-dit Canadian Bank of Commerce Vancouver et

23/6/22 No.[...]on 4.41, Canada 4.46
- , market this week has shown firmer tendency largely due influ-
whea ,
ence rate of exchent„e on New York but buying somewhat restricted
Merchant being less eager to enter fresh contract.[...]stern Australia
and £2/12 Victoria to Mediterranean. Yesterday £2/13/- was pa[...]afloat sold at £2/15/- ? Argentine realised 22/11/3 for May and

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (563)[...]S-La-31

who returned today saw Sir Peter Ryland3 and we are promised necess
ary particulars probably tomorrow.[...]s sight -nd
180 days sight covering sh,pment iron 262,500 on Rylrnds Australi!
£1,600,000 and who own Rylarids Bros. Ltd. Warrington transaction
s[...]2. Referring to Sydney cable 21st June we establish creuit
C.B. 2 250,000 Red Clause advances 210,000 favor Selosse other[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (564)[...]S-La-31[...]- rom

the Aust rei1 en Wheot EçFtrd , Melbourre, ¶n eh[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (565)[...]S-La-31


ktn r:' r
Ecla 1th1 Bul C[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (566)[...]S-La-31[...].

MELBOURNE, ?3rd June, J.

The SecroV„ry,[...]of 21st intant re sror r1 comcutatcn of

commission by your :4,ondo.1 Office In[...]1.bruary, 1fl22.

The Sta tement of Accounts for that period shcrs producta
(7n corrAmisAon t on t, igure should b[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (567)[...]S-La-31


Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (568)[...]S-La-31[...]MEL:BOURNE, 21st June,

The Seer:„,tary,[...]j: SSACTI i .18. A fq

:his should be Cs.682. 6. 7d.„ being an ov[...]

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (569)S-La-31
Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (570) S-La-31




Secretary's Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (01/11/1921 to 30/06/1922). Reserve Bank of Australia Unreserved, accessed 13/01/2025,,

Secretary&#039;s Department - London Letters - To London (Indexed) November 1921 - June 1922 (2025)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.