TRADESMEN (UK) LTD - company is dissolved. This is historic information. (2024)

Company Overview

About Tradesmen (uk) Ltd

TRADESMEN (UK) LTD was founded on 2015-01-06 and had its registered office in Hounslow. The company was dissolved on the 2016-06-21 and is no longer trading or active.

Key Data

Company Name
Legal Registered Office

Filing Information

Company Number09376161
Date formed2015-01-06
Origin CountryUnited Kingdom
TypePrivate Limited Company
Lastest accounts
Date Dissolved2016-06-21
Type of accountsNO ACCOUNTS FILED
Last Datalog update: 2017-01-26 04:21:57
Primary Source:Companies House

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If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help.
Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us.

Company Officers of TRADESMEN (UK) LTD

Current Directors

Officer Role Date Appointed



Related Directorships

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role StatusIncorporation dateCompany Status
KIRPAL BAL INVESTEC ENTERPRISES LTDDirector 2018-02-09 CURRENT 2018-02-09 Active - Proposal to Strike off
KIRPAL BAL HAK ENTERPRISES LTDDirector 2014-05-14 CURRENT 2013-10-30 Dissolved 2016-11-15
KIRPAL BAL JSD BREWERY LIMITEDDirector 2013-10-21 CURRENT 2013-10-21 Dissolved 2015-06-09
KIRPAL BAL JSD ENTERPRISES LIMITEDDirector 2013-01-23 CURRENT 2003-04-25 Dissolved 2017-05-22

More director information

Corporation Filing History

Companies House Filing History

This is a record of the public documents (corporate filing) lodged from Companies House where the company has filed annual returns and other statutory filing documents. Examples of documents filed include: change of registered office, accounts filing, director/officer appointments & resignations, changes in share capital, shareholder members lists etc.

DateDocument TypeDocument Description


Legal Notices

No legal notices or events such as winding-up orders or proposals to strike-off have been issued

Fines / Sanctions

No fines or sanctions have been issued against TRADESMEN (UK) LTD


Mortgages / Charges

Total # Mortgages/Charges 0
Mortgages/Charges outstanding 0
Mortgages Partially Satisifed 0
Mortgages Satisfied/Paid 0

Details of Mortgagee Charges

TRADESMEN (UK) LTD does not have any mortgage charges so there is no mortgagee data available

Average Max

This shows the max and average number of mortgages for companies with the same SIC code of None Supplied

Intangible Assets


We have not found any records of TRADESMEN (UK) LTD registering or being granted any patents

Domain Names

We do not have the domain name information for TRADESMEN (UK) LTD


We have not found any records of TRADESMEN (UK) LTD registering or being granted any trademarks


Government Income

We have not found government income sources for TRADESMEN (UK) LTD. This could be because the transaction value was below £ 500 with local government or below £ 25,000 for central government. We have found 8,000 supplier to government that are UK companies so approx 0.2% of companies listed on Datalog supply to government.

The top companies supplying to UK government with the same SIC code (None Supplied) as TRADESMEN (UK) LTD are:


Business Rates/Property Tax

No properties were found where TRADESMEN (UK) LTD is liable for the business rates / property tax. This could be for a number of reasons.

  • The council hasnt published the data
  • We havent found or been able to process the councils data
  • The company is part of a group of companies and another company in the group is liable for business rates
  • The registered office may be a residential address which does not have a commercial designation. If the business is run from home then it won't be a commercial property and hence won't be liable for business rates.
  • Serviced offices are increasingly popular and therefore a business may not be paying business rates directly - the building owner is and this is incorporated in the office rental charge.

Government Grants / Awards

Technology Strategy Board Awards

The Technology Strategy Board has not awarded TRADESMEN (UK) LTD any grants or awards. Grants from the TSB are an indicator that the company is investing in new technologies or IPR

European Union CORDIS Awards

The European Union has not awarded TRADESMEN (UK) LTD any grants or awards.


    We could not find any group structure information

    Is this data useful to you?

    If you found the data here useful, PLEASE HELP US. We are a start-up and believe in making information freely available. Please DONATE to help.
    Alternatively by linking to us, posting on twitter, facebook and linkedin about us and generally spreading the word, you'll help us to grow. Our vision is to provide high quality data about the activities of all the companies in the world and where possible make it free to use and view. Finding and integrating data from thousands of data sources is time consuming and needs lots of effort. By simply spreading the word about us, you will help us.

    Need more information?

    We offer bespoke investigations into companies. If you need more information about this company we can gather more information as directed by you. This may, for example, be a forensic investigation such as tracing hidden assets. The engagement is on a time and materials basis. We charge GBP £ 500 per day + VAT. Contact us with a description of what you're looking for and we will assess whether we can help.

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    TRADESMEN (UK) LTD - company is dissolved. This is historic information. (2024)


    Can you use the name of a dissolved company UK? ›

    This means that a dissolved company name can be registered by a new or existing company. There are no legal restrictions in place to prevent the use of these names, aside from the standard company name rules and regulations set out in the Companies Act 2006 and secondary legislation.

    How to find out if a company is dissolved? ›

    You can use the Find and update company information service to access basic company information, including:
    1. the nature of business.
    2. registered office address.
    3. whether the company is live or dissolved.
    4. previous company names.

    How do I find old companies in the UK? ›

    The majority of historic business and trade records in the UK are held by local record offices. Use the Find an archive tool to find contact details of archives/repositories across the UK. This tool also includes details of some repositories abroad which hold substantial collections relating to British history.

    Which body is the legal register of limited companies in the UK? ›

    Companies House - GOV.UK.

    What happens if a limited company is dissolved? ›

    Dissolution is a process to bring about the end of an unwanted company. When a company has been dissolved, it will cease to exist as a legal entity. All trade will stop, the company's name will be removed from the Companies House register, and it will have no further filing requirements.

    Can you reinstate a dissolved company UK? ›

    You can only apply to Companies House to get your company restored (known as 'administrative restoration') if: you were a director or shareholder. it was struck off the register and dissolved by the Registrar of Companies within the last 6 years. it was trading at the time it was dissolved.

    How do I find a company that no longer exists? ›

    If you can't get hold of a company or want to confirm that they've gone out of business (also called going bankrupt or going into administration or receivership), search for their name on: the Companies House website if they're a limited company (with the letters 'Ltd' or 'Plc' after their name)

    How can I find the History of a company? ›

    In addition, check to see via a web search engine if the company has an official website. Once found, look on the company website for links referring labeled 'About' or 'History' (also check for the company's latest annual report, which also provides a concise history of the company).

    How do I know that a company was registered in the UK? ›

    The company's House search service is a reliable and quick way to access every UK-incorporated company's information. You access information such as incorporation date, business name, and location for free. You can search company information at the Companies House using these methods: Companies House WebCheck.

    Is a UK limited company a corporation in the US? ›

    If you are self-employed and own a UK limited company, this is considered a foreign corporation for US tax purposes. As it's a foreign corporation, there are informational filing forms that you have to attach to your personal US tax return.

    Who owns a limited company UK? ›

    Most limited companies are 'limited by shares'. This means they're owned by shareholders, who have certain rights. For example, directors may need shareholders to vote and agree changes to the company. Companies limited by guarantee have guarantors and a 'guaranteed amount' instead of shareholders and shares.

    What is the difference between LLC USA and Ltd UK? ›

    In an LLC, there are no shares for the owners to buy, but in an LTD, every shareholder can purchase shares to own the business. The company determines the price of shares in an LTD, whereas in the LLC, they're determined by market forces.

    Can I use a terminated LLC name? ›

    You can't use another LLC's name even if the entity is in “inactive” status on the California Secretary of State website.

    Can you use the name of a liquidated company? ›

    Maybe it was your first business and you want to try again, or you put a lot of effort into branding and don't want to lose the impact of that. Unfortunately, Section 216 of the Insolvency Act 1986, prohibits the use of limited company names post-liquidation.

    Can I use a company name that already exists UK? ›

    There are different rules for sole traders and business partnerships. Your name cannot be the same as another registered company's name. If your name is too similar to another company's name or trade mark you may have to change it if someone makes a complaint. Your name must usually end in either 'Limited' or 'Ltd'.

    Can I reuse an old company name? ›

    There are potential drawbacks when you reuse a company name, however – the rules are very strict, and it's important to be aware of the potential consequences of getting it wrong. These include personal liability for any debts of your new company, financial penalties, and even imprisonment in the most serious cases.


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    Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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    Author information

    Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

    Birthday: 2000-04-29

    Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

    Phone: +2135150832870

    Job: Regional Design Producer

    Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

    Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.